Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Monday Night KTFA CC Highlights 11-2-15 "Time is Up"  Part 1 

Notes by FrostyTheSnowman:


*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

PLAYBACK NUMBER: (641) 715-3639 PIN: 156996#


FRANK:   Yesterday was our 8th anniversary … November 1st was my first post on the internet on a forum regarding the IQD.
The media is normally NOT friendly … but now it is.

As you’ve seen, the CBI articles are indicating they will delete the 3 zeros --- (kinda sounds like the KTFA conference call for the last 3 months. Praise God!)

Wall Street Journal article … a Russian plane went down … (has nothing to do with the monetary reform) … very sad. Please pray for them.

We (my Teams and I) study six different newspapers from around the world.

We also need to pray for our President. Article … “Slow Motion Implosion of ObamaCare” <<< I have friends that have passed away due to the repercussions from ObamaCare.

Wall Street Journal article … “Emerging Markets Reward Bold” … what? Can you imagine that L-O-N-G—L-I-N-E? Investors will be rewarded “boldly” very soon.

Where is the oil report for the 2nd and 3rd quarter for Iraq? Humm. That info is on a public website. That is HUGE!!!! Everyone knows what’s going on … and NO ONE wants to get paid at 1166. You don’t see them cashing in on their contracts yet do you? LOL As soon as they change the value of their currency … they will get paid BOLDLY!!!!

Meanwhile … the US government says … “Hey, we’ve got a budget!”

The WSJ says that the Victims Fund was robbed to support the budget. LOL – that’s insane. Obama signs the budget … that’s not possible … we limp along from month-to-month … at an artificial rate.

So is Iraq ready to do their budget?

Milk does a body [Abadi] real good!

The budget deal is done! Look at the articles … article after article. How is this possible?

Is something going on behind the scenes?

What about Hillary? About 8 years ago she bought a mountain of dinars (IMO).

Obama tried to tick-off Hillary and Mr. Clinton by having Joe Biden toy with the idea of running for President.

All of the sudden … Hillary has a “lucky-streak” going on. Hillary is untouchable. The WSJ says calls it the “Myth of Hillary” due to her “big-money”

Do you think you elect Presidents? I told you 8 years ago … it’s a deal … a plan … elections are secured by “electoral votes.”

Donald Trump … (really?) … he is like people on a Friday night who get drunk and called their boss and say they aren’t coming into work on Monday. Then Monday, when they sober-up, they report to work on Monday.

We are in a cyber-war right now with the ones we are in bed with. China is encouraging their citizens to make babies because they need a middle-class.

Obama is going to Qatar … watch what happens next week.

Indonesia met with Obama last week … and their currency increased in value after the meeting. Humm.

When the USA builds something … (like what we’ve built in Iraq) … the world will follow. This is the “next” future. There is a tremendous change coming to this planet.

ISIS came about quickly … and will be removed quickly.

This is what has won the citizens over to come into the banks.

You all send me so many texts … and I’m going to read one … I’m not pointing the finger at anyone … but this has to stop.

What we are about to give you is good information. Many have asked about this … so I’m going to address it.

Frank, I got this email from so-in-so … but I don’t have any faith in this … hopefully it’s a firecracker with no fuse in it … here is what the message said >>>“10/31/15 … 1:06 Baghdad RV’d their currency today … at a one-to-one rate … (blah, blah, blah) … and the text message goes on and on … “

LOOK … I treat this very professionally … please STOP sending me garbage from other guru’s or other people!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to invite you to a new “qualified” Iraq – where laws have been amended … security in place … to Iraq’s international fair. This fair is done every year … and is a call to arm Iraq “internationally.”

Iraq is poised to show their growth to the world. The world await the monetary reform. The price of oil is not a concern … Iraq’s oil will be used to hurt Iraq’s enemy.

This year … VERY LOUDLY … the IMF … the father of the world’s rate … gave their appointed Central Bank Governor permission … that was granted (IMO) by seven.

Seven is NOT a total … or a thing. Seven is a goal of power.

When Christine LeGarde showed you a video about “7” … (which she did at a meeting with some of the most powerful families in the world) … that was in March.

Please count with me … March 13th until October … times up. This month of November is going to be very eye opening … full of goodies just like a Piñata.

Three articles told you … the CBI is in the process of lifting the 3 zeros.

I told my staff of a particular date. November is going to be pretty fun. In November … time is up.

How many articles did WalkingStick put up yesterday? The media sure is friendly lately.
Dr. Shabibi tried back in July to raise the value … but there just wasn’t enough SECURITY … so he turned to the laws … (because that’s what the IMF told him to do).

Dr. Shabibi was told to get the baby-banks ready for the lower denoms.

Shortly thereafter … ISIS was gone … credit given to coalition forces (like China) that want to make international moolaa like everyone else.

Iran is still doing things it shouldn’t be doing … but we have no choice.

If we see #2 this month (the lower denoms) … on the date that I shared with my staff … I have no choice then to move #3 and #4 into December of this year.

I am EXPECTING to see the lower denoms this month … if not … then things may move into the 1st quarter of 2016.

Five cities were conquered in Iraq in the last few weeks. They had Baby-Banks – that came back for Dr. Shabibi. They have their systems up and running.

We have a goal … a goal of power.

Remember what we taught you? It costs millions per month for Iraq to keep their currency at 1166. There is a NEGATIVE factor each month in running the country at that rate. Each month they continue to lose month.

Loans saved them each month. Their budget (and ours) was saved with artificial loans and money … that we’ve a habitual pattern of doing since we got off the gold standard.

ADRS … (Abadi, Dr. Shabibi and Sastani) – got the green-light back in March. Iraq is not going into bankruptcy.

Time has run out!!!

Link to Part 2

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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