Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Monday Night KTFA CC Highlights 11-2-15 "Time is Up" Part 2

Part 2

Since July ADRS has set the foundation … the media becomes friendly (just like we said they would) … and the lower denoms are being prepared to be put in place – and not in the American bases. I don’t know why other “guru’s” lie to you.

Iraq and the USA are inches from its budgets … and the inch worm is glowing family.

How do we know that TIME has run out? Countries are visiting DC … and their currencies are going up in value.

Remember I showed you the China currency last week? China is printing a new 100 note. Many other countries prepare their currencies too.

IMO – Dr. Shabibi will take the green-light given to him by the IMF and move forward.
Seven asked 1 question … in 2016, does Iraq want to go bankrupt … or lift the 3 zeros and join the rest of the world?

We American’s fear the Federal Reserve … but Iraq doesn’t.

The monetary reform is Iraq’s ship to control or to sink. The Federal Reserve knows this … but the FEDS sure know how to apply pressure. They gave them 7 … but TIMES UP!

That’s why 2.5 months ago … (on a blue couch) … wink, wink … we told them to “get the Frank out of the way!” They could take the credit … we just wanted the security for Dr. Shabibi.

So gasoline in some areas is $1.89? Not a concern. Supply and demand. Now that there is a budget … there is “true math.” Can we see it?

People have called me that Maliki was in the newspaper

The DAWA continues to cause trouble … telling us that Maliki can and can’t do things. They tell us that Abadi has no support. (They just need to shut-up) – this just may be the month that they get M.

For those who were with us on Team Chat … and you saw the “keyword” … time is up

The GOI is poised by amendments … not one law was passed … nor will they be printed … they were printed years ago … nor will they explain them to you.

In essence, the CBI has the laws it’s needs … just like the IMF said.

So Iraq wants a 5 Trillion loan? Not at 1166. Now more loans to Iraq. They used to give loan when the BIS and WorldBank was trying to be nice. No more.

They [CBI] has worked through July, August and September without a vacation.

There is a power transfer from Abadi to Dr. Shabibi. The laws gave power to bring sweet security to Iraq … to Dr. Shabibi.

I don’t want to see the monetary reform until I see that Maliki is gone. I know for sure Obama will be gone next year. Dr. Shabibi wanted to make sure that all of the enemies were gone. Dr. Shabibi is a good man – not like the others.

Tell me something parliament … do we need a Vice President? Yes, … no?

Oh … that was Maliki’s idea? Abadi told parliament to chill … they are following orders. In regards to the VP … yes, they need one … and NO it will NOT be Maliki! The constitution says they need one – so let’s get to work.

Hey … seven … we made a lot of guarantees to “open the doors for investments” – well … not at 1166. The media continues to squirt good news … and soon it will gush-out good news.

In the last 24-48 hours we’ve seen several articles that state they are going to delete the 3 zeros.

SECURITY and LAWS … gosh … I wish I would have said that last year. (LOL)

Because TIME is UP … the media is friendly towards Abadi and news of a “market economy” – … give that real, deep, deep thought.

IMO - Abadi is now shifting things to a market economy … the only way to do that is to tell these “investors” in back-rooms that they are about to raise the value of their currency. This is HUGE!!!

Time is up and they ca
n’t afford to walk into next year … bankrupt.

They can’t go bankrupt … that would be a LOP … and that is not the goal of Iraq nor the United States.

Post by WalkingStick … “the policy of the monetary reform is moving from a defense to an attack.” This is fascinating keywords.

There are many of them. You can’t have one without the other. They must be AGGRESSIVE and not PASSIVE in the monetary reform! Hoorah! Because time has run out.

They also said … “Baghdad is secure” … they said that yesterday. We were expecting that – because that’s the only way you’re going to get the lower denoms into November of 2015. It is welcome with open arms!

Many of these articles are NOT being translated correctly. If I feel it’s important, I’ll talk to you about it. I just don’t have time for a lot of misinformation.

Apparently there was an article that came out that said they are going to replace the current currency with a new currency. THAT IS INCORRECT! That information is old. What it should have said was … “the REPRICING the dinars”

What is being whispered is about in Iraq among the citizens is the lifting of the 3 zeros.

IMO – what has happened to the amendment of the laws … Abadi is testing the reforms of Iraq with these laws right now. That is rather powerful.

City after city is coming online. Basra wants their “portion” now! Excuse me Basra – “shut-up!” Why would they complain if there was no budget. .  LOL

Now here’s a little about Maliki …

So … where is Maliki?

The people of Iraq have been waiting for decades for money … they are EXPECTING it.

Maliki is in the hospital. I kid you not. LOL

Look for Sky Press Media to report it tomorrow.

The DAWA party says that he has a “boo-boo” … and he’ll be in the hospital.

Once they remove Maliki … they will remove ALL of the cockroaches.

1 Peter 4:8 - "And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins"

I don’t know how to do anything else.

I love you, and I hope that tonight was enriching.

Be wise with your investment, otherwise you’ll lose it.

CC ended in prayer.

KTFA family ... we are very close. .

KTFA Monday Night Conference Call

Approx. 161 minutes long

The first part is Business Promo and the second part is Dinar/Iraq Intel

PLAYBACK # : 641.715.3639     PIN: 156996#

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