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Thursday, November 5, 2015

KTFA Wednesday Night CC Notes 11-04-15  Part 1 of 2

KTFA Wednesday Night CC Notes 11-04-2015  Part 1 of 2

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Wednesday Night CC Notes 11-04-2015
Family last night if you were with us, Aggiedad gave you some information, basically one point, then I came in and gave you a few more ideas and I asked you to be with us tonight because I wanted to talk with you a little more than normal, maybe an hour.
I’ve been doing this for about 5 weeks now. I should call it “What’s in the News”…..I bring you a variety of newspapers to show you that the media is becoming more friendly to our study of the Iraqi currency….what IMO is closer to the truth.
One newspaper reported a Russian jet being shot down, if so let us pray for the families of those in that airplane.
Last year we told you that the price of oil was purposely brought down….when it should be going up.
We told you it was a form of pressure…pressure for what was to come in March of this year….the reason why the powers to be made some moves to put pressure on Iraq but they didn’t work….because in March, those powers told the IMF, who gives the central banks permission to do things with their currency….
they gave the CBI permission to change their currency rate….finally….two years prior they had lifted Chapter 7 sanctions….they were ready…..pressure was put on them by reducing the price of oil…
but this didn’t bother them too much because they are one of the most richest countries on the planet….the richness is material…these material assets are what back their currency….

you see they could come out at $20 to $1 and they won’t be affected…..well they would be affected mathematically….but yes they could do that…..yes in March they got permission…..

but this year…the same thing….Abadi and Shabibi are one with the Holy Man Sistani…..right around the first of August things started…..we went into Iraq as the International Coalition started to kick butt…..everyone ran, even Maliki….Obama ran….a powerful statement.
I’m going to prove this to you tonight….where is the President of the US…..where is he?
So this year there is harmony, there is agreement, there is SECURITY….that is allowing everyone to work in the direction they need…for schools, roadways, airports, monetary reform systems, education, infrastructure reforms….because they had to get laws done and they did…..
they use tactics today against their former oil enemies….people like Saudi Arabia, even OPEC….who in the past wouldn’t help Iraq….but Iraq can do whatever they want when they lift their currency….they do this to hurt their oil competition… is called supply and demand….
yes prices will go up…..the WSJ says that gasoline could be even cheaper…..of course because we have to cut out the competition….the ones who want to take the prettiest girl, Iraq, to the prom…many have been lining up to kiss her….they know what she is about to become….she is so powerful.
I’ll talk a bit more on this if I don’t run out of time.
WSJ…. (wall street journal) the US cuts Iraq’s cash on Iran…that is true…but they told you they did it because of ISIS….that is ancient news….that is enough of what is in the news right….now there are key words you need to pay attention to.
WSJ from today….we made deals with Iran, Russia, China….who is missing…Vietnam….the WSJ says today, China lowers its EXPECTATION….yes because Iraq is EXPECTING something soon….so no more USD into Iraq…..
this started though back in August, very important to know that…..told this to you yesterday but will be telling the newbies today… teams back in the first week of August I started to communicate with them in August on the bottom of my posts in white….you can’t see this unless you highlight it…..
we started to go to banks during the first week of August to take out $10k USD in cash…..we could do this right now….but in early August it started to take 1-3 days to get that much money out…
then they started to give us the run around about the middle of August and we tried to confirm why they could not give it to us…..we smelled something….we smelled the MR… is alive…..kickstarted now….
they were going to do this in March…but they didn’t do it because of lack of stability….then by July again Shabibi says no…look at security….so they didn’t do it…….look to early October….the Unity Card…..the amendments of the laws….removal of terrorism….the removal of bad cabinet members….they did it all,
now we are in November which will show a plethora of information….
what they said yesterday we confirmed that three months ago….their intent was to remove the US by 1/1/2016… took us about a month and four banks to get $10k….now yes the USD was stopped back in August not yesterday….it is back in Iraq…the USD….flowing at a new dimension and speed….
we brought the USD to Iraq in 2003…then supplied like a billion USD each month to run their government….up until the next week when they vote on their first budget…just like the US has it’s first budget….not coincidences….but markers…this is how you study currency and reforms.
We shoved the USD down their throats for over 10 years it was to entrap them……if my wife were in a room of 20 and 30 year olds…I’m not going into the other room…but will sit next to her proudly…..just as with the US….sitting down next to their girl…..taking care of her….no one else has done this….
yes we backed ourselves into a corner….we trained ISIS and that created a wild whirlwind…..yes the USD is back today though….a completely different venue…different way….NOW….through a different way channeled for a different purpose not to pay your bills but for us to make money.
They stopped sending USD in August was not to deal with ISIS….it was because the Iraqi’s horded the USD….it did have to do with ISIS yes…and also the CBI auctions….
Maliki set up many networks within the GOI and the CBI that was so deep and complex that took many three initial groups to help understand what he had done…..this was stopped once it was understood….
his goons were every where…..they had no choice because they were under the domain of an evil tyrant….hypnotized to do evil for him….first to the GOI then to the CBI… the snap of his finger he made things happen….the Toyota trucks is but one example…..the mafia has nothing on Maliki….he is in a underclass of his own.
I have much to say….so hang in with me. 
You should be reading about 3 and 4.
I made a mistake yesterday saying that Reuters was hired by CBI…but that was wrong….the USA hired Ernst and Young to monitor what was going on in the CBI to prevent Maliki from channeling money to so many parts of the world.
Dr. Shabibi and Abadi got to work just after July when we came back…an omninous force….akin to the Japanese army…..they take ninja to the nth degree…..they are powerful….they can remove ¾’s of the worlds population… Sept you see so many things being accomplished by Abadi and Shabibi.
Yesterday Abadi said we are 100% secure here in our country… was his attitude towards reporters yesterday…they are on the offensive….not the defense.
On Oct 3, Jack Lew met with the IMF about how much was being channeled….they cut the head off the snake, Maliki….but the snake can still bite….

Maliki’s corruption and people are now gone….

DAWA party gone or worthless….

Maliki’s money gone…

the goons, the people are all gone….

they are being replaced….but now the spider webs…the snake’s head is still causing troubles though….money is still going to places in the world where it does not belong….but it is coming to an end…..the investigations are happening….a large network….spider webs into may countries…cyber warfare.
One of these days on a long walk on a beach in Hawaii I will answer questions.

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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