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Thursday, November 5, 2015

KTFA Wednesday Night CC Notes 11-04-15  Part 2 of 2

KTFA Wednesday Night CC Notes 11-04-2015  Part 2 of 2

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***
When Lew met with the IMF they said the CBI said their auctions were in trouble…they needed to cut three clearing houses….the arteries that lead to the veins… soon as they cut these the flow of money to Maliki started to crumble….so right around Sept articles were saying auctions were very slow and low in volume….because of this action…..all verifiable facts.
The USD at that time was not going into other ME countries so they would grow up and use their own currency….it is working.
We still have quite a bit at the CBI…..Shabibi is talking more now….it means that Maliki is closer to be being gone….before Shabibi wouldn’t talk about Maliki….but recently he has.
Iraq stops the USD and many other foreign currencies to remove corruption both about DAASH…but also about Maliki and his Iranian brothers.
For 2 years things went to ** in Iraq after Obama took us out….he did not care for American citizens….think of Obamacare….then this…..this network that was sending money to other parts of the world….these places were parasites to Iraq….only feeding from Iraq never giving back…..thanks to Maliki….thanks to Obama because he didn’t care…..sort of like what Kuwait did when Saddam invaded….but we did help 10 years later…..buddies can become parasites and parasites can become buddies….as we’ve witnessed.
As far as Maliki…..someone found where Maliki is in the hospital….let’s be serious about him now….Maliki truly IMO may end of dying from diabetes……as much as we the US want him gone….we can’t afford to touch him…..we were embarrassed by putting in Saddam then hanging him….and now again….we can’t touch Maliki so that Iraq can get rid of him….
will he make it to a noose….will his health hold out…..he doesn’t eat good….so each month he needs medical treatment….a pattern at the end of the month where he runs to a hospital….maybe because of need for medical treatment….or because he has found a spider hole….
Saddam and many of his people hid….google camel spider to see what caves they can build…this is what Saddam hid in….Maliki has created his own spider hole with hospitals when they want to interrogate him….he feigns some illness and ends up in a hospital…..he is an amazing son of a gun…..he is a survivor….they are going to get him…but it WON’T be US….Iraq will get him.
I think we need to see the removal of the USD in Iraq….the removal of Maliki before we see the raising of the currency rate.
On the subject of Chalabi….he died of a heart attack at 71, yes he had issues before….yes he had files on Maliki corruption….he was the originator of these files…..but he was a bad guy too…way back when…..but it turns out he was also the guy who told the US where there were weapons of mass destruction….
turning his back against Saddam…..he became a friend of the US…..England PM agreed they could invade….and a month later we were there.
IMO….Chalabi was poisoned because he was the first to turn against the bad guys….we pray for his family….the autopsy will tell the truth because the media is now friendly.
At the same time Putin says….i don’t care of Assad stays or goes….because he knows Assad faces the rebels that fight him. One minute we are kissing the next minute we are fighting. Putin knows his army is not good…that ISIS could kick butt in his country….so he joins our coalition of forces….just like WWII.
Putin will not be a problem though….they should be watched but not a problem….because we own the swimming pool.
Seven months after the green light….here we are. In August we saw it difficult to get USD in Iraq….we knew the MR was back on track…..the USD is gone from all the ME countries….depegged from many…but this is good….going going gone…..November is a month of great EXPECTATIONS… is not the Great Gatsby.
So yesterday I gave something to Randy, to give you to and he did a wonderful job….let me review….
Abadi went to the masques on Sunday evening….he said I want to wish the VALUED citizens of Iraq a full life of SECURITY, STABILITY, PROSPERITY, without EXCEPTION on this Eid…..four key words that were talked about on team chat….words we’ve talked about for months…except for EXCEPTION…..
this man is on the launching pad of entering the international world with his government, with the CBI, the army, their assets, with everything…..I can’t confirm this….but an article came out today….a report about the Iraq’s prosperity index…..

Iraq improves in prosperity index…..a report from the GOI…probably from Abadi…..when have you ever heard of these combinations of keywords in a masque environment….let us confirm this more.
Now he must tell the international world. They only tell us what they want us to know….I’m excited for this news. Teams are guarding information they will not share right now….this is awesome.
Commander in Chief Abadi will become the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces… article today….post 98…..the consensus of the political blogs together to vote on the budget, the oil and gas law together….but for what reason…..this is all together in the budget for next year…..why….to arm army….
they have 100% security…now funds to pay the army into next year….the info is coming so fast, it is difficult to keep up with on a daily basis…..the main reason for the budget is to arm the army….no wonder they want to call Abadi CofC of the Armed Forces….this is good.
There are many changes in Iraq….SECURITY, STABILITY, but no PROSPERITY at 1166….but Abadi gave a private message to the citizens….the same as LaGarde gave to more than seven.
The USD is back in Iraq, not to pay their bills….but to make money.
Delta wants to you to know…..he says Frank yesterday, around 7 am he was watching Fox news talking about UST pulling the USD out of Iraq….what I want to tell you Frank is…..I wrote it down…..I wanted to make sure what this man said….former secretary of state….
he says this is something we’ve been trying to accomplish…taking the USD out of Iraq so the Iraqi citizens stop using it…..there are many foreign markets that want to help them grow economically….give his guy a cookie….who said that.
Something else back in August started to happen…..the Soup Guy on Cramer…..right after July….toward the end of August….can we have 5 trillion dollars…..the IMF says no…that is when the loans began to stop….same time the USD stopped….everyone was noticing the pretty girl sitting next to us.
They met Sept 1 deadlines….I’m impressed….so who knows by December….do you know why they wanted the 5 trillion dollars…to make loans to the Iraqi citizens…..'

I think they will be ready by December to make their own loans to the citizens because of a rate change….you can multiply the 000’s into lower denoms which will give them much liquidity…..yes I think this could happen….
they have done so many things….Parliament was getting 77 billion per month to pay the ministers….so Abadi during the past three months and took the salaries down to 8 billion per month….

the ministers complained…..but he told them who to complain to….the USA…but no one complained to them….we controlled the USD, then took it away…now replaced it in a different way…..
we now see Abadi moving in good directions…..replacing 77 billion with 8 billion….almost a 1 to 1….who noticed that…..yesterday I said 1 to 1….then controlled free float for a year then to rise to around 4.05 to 4.20….but what do I know.
I will start to finish, and offer more for tomorrow….the USA is doing all of this….we started doing this last summer…..USD pulled NOW because of timing…wink wink….we are the ones in charge….we pull out the USD….to get peanuts at 1166…..
America is not that stupid….planned far in advance….10 years…..everyone thought that Iraq was committing suicide…but we control their progress….we controlled it in March….we controlled it in July….security was needed….we told Obama….get the ** out of the way…. boy I hope you heard that….
the moment we saw security…..everything fell into place…..22 countries with 590 companies did not walk into a war torn country where they feared for their lives….they walked into the FUTURE….where 1166 has nothing to do with their future.
The distribution to the banks of Iraq that are necessary for the monetary reform are in order, there will be 5 trillion that will be done with these banks….they are the target for November…we are very close.
Last Monday….I said….IMO… Obama go to the Middle East….I said maybe watch Mrs. O…..go to Qatar for humanitarian reasons….two days later you know what was seen…..’
now I tell you….I get a report of other websites…it is almost as they take word for word….treated without respect at other sites…even asking…what is an aggiedad….
IMO…..tomorrow on the 5th…..the IMF will have a meeting with Iraq about this loan….we can do it now because our USD is being channeled for different purposes….they will meet in Amman Jordon…..Mrs. O is in Qatar….I want you to know IMO….Mrs. O is not in Qatar….she is in Amman Jordon….how ironic….what does this mean….this is where I ask you….”where is your President right now?”…..Can Iraq be weaned off our money. 
Another book was written today. Cool about Paul Ryan….he wasn’t even voted in….and you think you will vote in your President next year.
Last thing in honor of Canadian brother, Alan…Moneytalk1…..he wants me to tell you something…..’
if you are looking at Livestream this makes sense… right hand is open…my left hand is open…both are reaching out to one another to hold on to each other…..the last Apollo space craft mission to meet up with a Russian space craft…..when the door was opened between the two…a hand was seen from both sides reaching to the other….an illustration to show you that the USD is reaching out to the IQD to reach a 1 to 1 relationship….
if you are student of the currency…..look at March the USD was at its all time high…then the IMF gave Shabibi the green light…again in July….no security…then Oct….November now….all this information will pour forth….now that Obama has signed a budget the USD is again climbing….
no one notices…..too busy with work…..the USD closed today over 98…..our economy sucks….we aren’t at 98….but we are…..but the IQD at 1166 has a lower buy/see rate of 1120 on XE….is the IQD then reaching towards the USD…yes justinanddeb you are right.
Still so much to tell you. Here is another article….the first lady gets a warm welcome from the US troops in Qatar at the air force base…but IMO…she is in Amman Jordon….where there is a powerful meeting between Iraq and the IMF to seed all the banks to provide loans to the citizens….IMO it should be Mr. President.
Dismissed with a prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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