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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thursday Mnt Goat Post - "It’s All About Preventing Terrorism" Part 1 of 2

(Thank you George for sending this to Dinar Recaps.)

UU6828 – "It’s All About Preventing Terrorism" by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

It is November already and winter is not far and I can see snow already in the higher peaks of the Alps. Our family now looks forward to the holiday season. It won’t be long before ski season is upon us and the winter tourism.

Many don’t know that we too in Germany celebrate a day of Thanksgiving. Many say there is no Thanksgiving in Germany like Americans celebrate, but Germany does have Erntedankfest. This is a traditional celebration after the harvest in the autumn. We all give thanks to the Lord for the good harvest.

If you truly look at the roots of each country’s celebrations you do find similarities. Sure Germans do not have the pilgrims on Plymouth rock landing, eating diner with the Indians  and all that stuff. But both countries are about giving thanks for their abundance. Both have roots about the past harvest and being able to survive yet another winter because only God allows it through the food of the harvest.
So in reality it is all very similar. Both are about giving thanks for the many blessings of the past and present. In Germany, if you are listening to older generation, they talk much about the days of WWII and how blessed that Germany is over that period and to have survived with abundance and such a robust economy.

But this abundance we celebrate this Thanksgiving did not all just happen. We must all remember that. This is a lesson that terrorist too should learn from the developed countries,  instead of fighting and killing us.  True wealth and abundance does not come from stealing and raping a country, any country. This kind of wealth is temporary as in history we have seen this proven over and over again.  Abundance instead comes from the hard work and labor of citizens and the flow of money in a democratic society governed for the people by the people. Sure there will always be the very wealthy and they will always be the entrepreneurs of society providing the capital for investments thus having more power and control than most want. But a true democracy lets them survive as long as they are under control through a series of enforced laws and check and balances. Everyone must be accountable for their actions. 

So to me during this Thanksgiving season this is what I am to celebrate most - the societies of developed and free countries and all the abundance  that our hard labors brings. It can be a very nice world if we simply learn to share, govern ourselves and raise our families. It is not all about high technology or power or even gaining enormous wealth. It is to me all about just celebrating life with family and friends one day at a time. If these new terrorist truely want an " Islamic State" then  build one with honestly and hard work like the rest of us.

Many of you dinarians read about the terrorism and ask - How can these people be so brutal and heartless?

To answer this question you only need to look at yourselves and look deep to how you approach this investment intel. Someday you will see too how you have been brainwashed so easily by these so called intel “gurus” for your thinking of the truth in this dinar holder investment. So are these young people taken in by these terrorist. I do not believe for one second that anyone (mentally stable) in their hearts truly wants to kill another human being out of self defense (and even then with regrets).

Many truly have been told what they do is good and will reward them. Simply put they are brainwashed.

(Dinar Recaps Note: We apologize for posting the below parts.  It is from Mnt Goat, and NOT Dinar Recaps and is not our opinion.)

This is just  like many of you dinarians who believing in all this RV nonsense each week. It is so different. Is there not some brainwashing being done? What is the reason? Is brainwashing and the tactics being used on you to make you believe an RV is so eminent any different? In fact they are the same. Believe me I know. 

You too like these young people in these terrorist organizations have been told certain things so many times over and over and over again that you believe them now as fact. The perfect example is this ridiculous GCR stuff. Do I need to elaborate on this stupid GCR stuff?  Maybe I will soon do an entire news letter dedicated to the GCR foolishness.  I have explained it all out to you many times, yet as brainwashed people, you always react your ignorant brainwashed ideas of  the truth as good little sheep will do in following their  “guru”.  It is very sad to see.   

Yes – these “gurus”  give you tiny threads of truth to make the intel credible and you gobble it up like candy. They talk sweet to you and giggle and laugh so nice on the calls. But the real truth is many of you are just as venerable like these young terrorist and that you hate so much. You too give in to this brainwashing.

You have been told over and over again that this intel you are getting is rubbish and to ignore it, but like these young people joining terrorist organizations, you think perhaps it will be sweeter on the other side. Then each week the disappointment comes, week after week after week. Yet you preserver again thinking perhaps the next week will be different. After all you think the RV must happen sometime, doesn’t it?

Then the brainwashing begins again that week for another weekend of hopium. Like terrorist you follow blindly hoping for the next fix of hopium candy. It is very sad to see. We see the hurt and pain too. I get hundreds of emails and questions. The same stuff over and over again. Seems very few learn.

Many of you lost reserves too over this nonsense. Think of why you truly went out and purchased these reserves. Was it because you heard on a conference call it was going to RV very soon. Then you thought to yourself surely it will RV before my reserves are paid in full. I can afford the first couple payments.

The other scenario too is now that many of the reserves were never backed by actual currency they do not exist and you may never recover your actual currency to be able to exchange it later. You simply lost thousands of hard earned money. WHY, WHY WHY! – BRAINWASHING that’s how. Simply put the person being brainwashed does not know they are being brainwashed for it they new then surely they would not be brainwashed and act differently.

The bottom line is this – if it seems to good to be true – it usually isn’t.

I read these forums. I see people post these utterly stupid rumors and then call them just rumors but post them anyhow. Why? Why bother? They are just rumors. You yourself just admitted it.

Do you post them because you think others might think perhaps there might be some truth in them? You hope for an opinion? Do you do this because you are not in fact sure of the truth? Don’t you know any better by now? Are you really that stupid? Do you need  an opinion? What about your own opinion?

Oh – but do you see now the brainwashing, how it even effects your sense of judgment and ability to reason. In reality you can’t even now decide between reality and fiction.

So why even pass on these rumors? What’s the point? Do you want to begin yet another flurry of confusion and wasted conversation over something that someone just made up out of thin air and posted it. I can tell you whole heartedly that the some person is also reading all the senseless chatter over this rumor and laughing like crazy at you fools that do it.   

Instead you should tell yourself you can’t be bothered reading these rumors. Instead spend your time reading truthful articles. You either can’t read or can’t be bothered since it makes too much sense and you can’t get your fix of hopium over the truth. Am I correct?

So next time instead of spreading these foolish rumors instead ignore them, don’t continue to post them like spreading viruses. Better spend your time reading the articles and un-brainwashing yourself back to reality. Someday I can welcome you back to reality!

So this past week there was much news again. Yet more news of the long awaited laws dealing with implementing the Abadi reforms.   I have talked about these laws and why they were important prior to any RV. Now we have a few of them remaining and we find a deadline of Dec 1st to complete. 

The HUGE news, the hot off the press news now is all about doing something with the Iraqi currency. This is all good and what we need to be hearing. We need to hear it because we all should know by now they NEED to get off the post war, UN sanctioned, provisional currency and go international. Iraq needs to get fully out of Chapter VII sanctions and article 8 provisions shutting down their currency from the international trading is the only thing left. This the tricky part about sorting through all this intel. Does it lead us to this objective or is it just Iraq trying to keep their heads above water.
So what is the hesitation? Why won’t they do it?  We all know the answer to these questions as I have explained it a zillion times already to you.

It is all about TERRORISM in Iraq. In the past the concern was more about the Iranian influence and funding of the Qud militia groups in Iraq. This all was just recently exposed as many the did not truly know the extent of this funding and just how much corruption in Iraq has squandered Iraq wealth. We all know this wealth could have rebuild the entire war torn country twice over already, yet it remains still mostly in ruins.

Now with the Syrian conflict and the new threat of ISIS and DAASH this funding of terrorism has moved to yet a new level. It is now outside the boarders of Iraq. It is more dangerous than ever. With this spreading of terrorism they can not afford to have Iraqi’s currency used as a funding agent,  not for ISIS, DAASH or for Iranian Qud militias. This is now the main focal point, the object of what to do with the Iraq currency.  It is a dilemma – damned if they do and damned if they don’t. So let me explain.

Damned if they do – allowing the continue money laundering to fund terrorism will only expand terrorism throughout the middle east and maybe someday too back into Iraq, if they could ever even get rid of it.

Damded if they don’t – simply put, we all should know by now that going international with the IQD is the planned end result of all these Abadi reforms and Reconciliation / Unity reforms. But is doing so they must situate laws in place but more importantly implement and enforce these laws to actually PREVENT the funding to these terrorist groups or else they will only encourage more of the same funding going on in the past and still prevails. The passing of laws are one thing but they need to fulfill their purpose –that of PREVENTION and it needs to be LONG TERM PERMANENT solutions not temporary. 

So we now see all this recent flurry of articles coming out about what to do with their currency and how it is being used for this terrorist funding.  Pay attention to these articles!

 Remember when we see article on the same topic two or more times in close proximity it is very, very  important and they are contemplating on doing something soon. Sometimes it not so much about the details of the article but the number of the articles themselves addressing the same issue. So what is the issue then? That is the important part to listen to. That is what we should be tracking. This is true intel…lol…lol…

What the end result with the IQD is inevitable but will they go international and re-price sooner than later. This  is our million dollar question (literally a million dollar question…lol….lol….)

Today’s News

Today is Thursday November 5th  and still no RV. Are you surprised? There is once again nonsense talk of an RV this weekend. You shouldn’t be surprised that this will not occur if you have been reading my news letters.

So many of you gullible people will once again be watching and waiting over this coming weekend for what? An  RV? Really?  Why?   

Folks all I can say to all of you crazy people who truly believe in these idiots who are telling you the IQD is going to RV anytime prior to late December/early January timeframe are nuts and you are listening to misinformation and the wrong people. They have been saying this to you now for over 4 years and still you fall for this crap each time. When will you learn? 

Please stay off this RV roller coaster. Stay way from this stuff and anyone and any conference call that gets you on it. It is your choice.

On with today’s wonderful news and reality. ​

​Link to PART 2

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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