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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wed. News and Opinions From Frank26 and KTFA Members 11-4-15


Aggiedad77:  A quick update here.....PROSPERITY....remember one of the four keywords. (See article below)

Well from the CC last night....I would say this article could play right into PM Abadi's hand and relate to his message to the Iraqi citizens on Sunday evening.......sort of a "TA-DA" kind of moment of confirmation I would tend to think.....good for Iraq.....good for PM

Abadi......good for the MR.....good for us too....IMO.   Aloha   Randy

Walkingstick:   Iraq Improves in Prosperity Index 

November 3, 2015 in Iraq Industry & Trade News   By John Lee.

Iraq has risen five places in this year’s Legatum Institute Prosperity Index, ranking in 123rd place out of the 142 countries measured.
  The index ranks countries in eight categories including economic success, opportunity, health, and personal freedom.

Norway finishes highest on the annual Prosperity Index for the seventh year in a row, with Switzerland ranking 2nd in the Index for the third year in a row, while Denmark has risen from fourth to third since last year.

The least prosperous country is the Central African Republic, which came just below Afghanistan and Haiti.

Nathan Gamester, Director of the Prosperity Index at the Legatum Institute, said:

“The Prosperity Index tells us that human progress goes beyond economics. Norway and other countries at the top of the Index provide opportunity and freedom to their citizens, access to quality healthcare and education, and provide safe environments for people to flourish in.

“By contrast those countries or regions of the world where people feel unsafe, where they are forced to flee from their homes, and where the education and healthcare systems are failing do not provide prosperity to their citizens. Sadly this year the Prosperity Index reveals that the world is becoming an increasingly dangerous place.

“A dramatic decline in Safety & Security in Africa and the Middle East threatens to undermine prosperity across the world. Many European countries are still struggling to grapple with unemployment. The Prosperity Index shows that the world is becoming more prosperous, but ominous developments suggest that this cannot be taken for granted.”

(Source: Legatum Institute)


Aggiedad77:   This comes from a member of the State of Law......( see article below)  so does that make it questionable as a source......maybe to some extent....but they do speak of some truth.....within the budget lies the oil and gas law.....the salaries of the army.....the laws of the infrastructure......the budget is a complicated process full of nooks and crannies for these things to lie....just as with the US much hidden from sight until the proper time.....remember too....unspoken here but mentioned last week and I think worthy of mention to watch for......the Kurds were supposed to be in town again this week to talk about oil and gas and the budget.....when do they arrive and for what audience.   Aloha   Randy


Frank26:   As I shared last night on DESSERT: (See Article Below)

A is now becoming The Commander in Chief of the ARMED FORCES......... This is a big step......... For many things in Iraq and ......... Internationally.

KTFA   Frank........HEY M .......... HOW'S YOUR SPIDER HOLE TODAY ….lol…….NURSE !!!


Deputy: waste policy and hostility Profile disrupt the country's economy disable laws

Economy and tenders since 04.11.2015 at 12:00 (GMT Baghdad)
Special scales News

It revealed the MP for the coalition of state law, Nahla Olhbabi, Wednesday, the personal animosity between the political blocs and the most prominent symbols reason to disable important economic laws, noting that the fiscal deficit is caused by too disabled to vote on laws and make the basic goal of self-interest to them.

She's Olhbabi / scales News /, that "the disabled to vote on important laws Hospb winning the fiscal deficit, which put the country in an economic crisis," indicating that "all the political blocs are working to achieve Troubleshooter on the expense of public interest."

She added, "The absence of political consensus between the blocks is the cause of the crises experienced by the country, it encourages corruption and the loss of money," but pointed out that "the consensus of the political blocs together to vote on the budget and the oil and gas law and the law of the infrastructure and arming the army."

"Iraq has suffered from a bad economy as a result of waste and disable the laws of infrastructure, oil and gas policies, as well as dependence on oil as the sole source of financing" .anthy 29 / W 23 Link

JR1353:  Another TA-DA moment for F26 !!!!

This 'link' shows the Sky Press article, Frank said we'd see, about Maliki being in the hospital .. ..

Nuri al-Maliki exposure to illness  : Political landscape section Published on: 02/11/2015 - 18:07

BAGHDAD / Sky Press: An informed political source, on Monday, the secretary general of the Dawa Party, Nouri al-Maliki exposure to illness was taken to a private hospital in Baghdad.

The source for "Sky Press," that "the secretary-general of the Dawa Party, Nouri al-Maliki exposure to illness on the impact of the disposal of a leading figure in the party Hassan Sinead, things are not of his powers."

He Almsdralve on condition of anonymity, he said that "al-Maliki's condition is stable and perhaps more responsive to treatment with the show in the coming hours."
Sinead is one of the leading members of the Dawa Party and a coalition of state law, and those close to the former prime minister Nuri al-Maliki, was the head of the security and defense committee in the previous parliamentary session. Link


Frank26:   You wrote Sky Press in Your notes from us to You.

Then You went to investigate.

MANY said to me ......... Oh No FRANK26 ........ That article was from May.

This one is from FEBUARY.

You did not prove them wrong ............ Gratefully You proved me correct because M goes to the hospital monthly not for diabetes but for ............ Sanctuary.

Munchos Appreciados ........    BTW ........... TA DA FREAKEN DA !!!

Wait till You see what else I tell will tell You tonight about M ........ The Monkey....... And THREE NEW FILES.   KTFA   Frank

Frank26:   Last night on DESSERT I explained that ISIS IS NOT ........... The only nor main reason why we STOPPED the UDS into Iraq. (See Article Below) 

SAID: There are THREE REASONS and then SAID ............ BUT the USD is NOW flowing back into Iraq and explained why to how !!!

Willing I am .............. to tell You MUCH MORE tonight as DESSERT post Your Business CC.

KTFA    Frank


Walkingstick:  Central: News infusion of funds from our account in the US Federal halt unfounded

November 4, 2015

Denied the Iraqi Central Bank, on Wednesday, reports that indicated to stop pumping money to him from his accounts in US Federal.

The bank said in a statement seen by the agency, "our economy," the news. "The news reported by some newspapers and news sites on the stop pumping money from his accounts to him by the US Federal baseless"

The bank said that "the US Federal continuously conducting all events of accounts being the only one responsible for it."

The Allowal Street Journal reported on Tuesday that the Federal Central Bank and the US Treasury cut off the flow of American cash to the Iraqi Central Bank this summer account, because of fears of money in Iranian banks or in the hands of Daash, to resume transfers only after the approval of Iraqi officials to impose strict controls on the dollar coin distribution. Link


Aggiedad77:  Just a word of caution here not mix their proceedings up with any other thoughts....(see article below)  they need to nominate and elect a new "President" to the Finance Committee within Parliament......Chalabi was head of that committee and his sudden death on Tuesday creates this vacancy to be filled.....pray the Finance Committee listens to PM Abadi and his COM members as they seek to make no changes to this budget....especially as this committee tried unceremoniously to do last year....may their work be swift and efficient.   Aloha    Randy


Walkingstick:   Parliament receives the new budget year officially

Second Deputy Speaker of the Parliament announced the arrival of 2016 budget to the House of Representatives

officially., Said Aram Sheikh in a statement to the Iraqi position, he was "officially reached next year's budget to parliament yesterday," stressing that "the Presidency going to turn it into a parliamentary finance committee to start Balemczuarat and start details The project submitted by the prime minister.

"entrust Deputy Chairman and Rapporteur of the Finance Committee conduct of business of the Committee after the death of Chalabi,

the parliamentary finance committee tasked Deputy Chairman of the Committee Ahmed electrodes and Rapporteur Ahmed Haj Rashid conduct its work after the death of its president, Ahmad Chalabi.

She said committee member Majda al-Tamimi" The parliamentary committee continuing work in the discussion of important laws and projects, including the draft general budget of the federal Iraqi state law was agreed that the Deputy Chairman of the Committee and scheduled to conduct the work within the Commission until a new president after the death of Chairman of the Committee MP Ahmad Chalabi.

"She had been told of the Presidium of Parliament so that is in the coming period to choose the new president, according to the distribution of the chairmanships of the standing committees of the parliamentary blocs mechanism according to the elections.

The local media quoted leaks on the nomination committee member MP from the Bloc citizen Faleh applicable to head the Finance Committee instead for Ahmad Chalabi, who died Tuesday morning after a bout attack.

2015-11 - 04

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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