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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wealthwatch Late Night  Chat 11-3-15

​Post From Chat Room  11-3-15
Wealthwatch Late Night  Chat 11-3-15

kk1: Any thoughts on this post : terbo56: As of right now, Maliki is trying his best to derail Abadi's efforts to rid Iraq of corruption and scandal, by demanding he step down as prime minister, because Abadi was a bit hasty in his efforts to push his law and anticorruption measures through parliament-

And only because Maliki knows he and his henchmen are guilty as charged, and this is Maliki's way of trying to achieve prime ministership,so he won't be taken to the gallows-
He seems to think he will achieve amnesty, and always proved himself to be invincible to others accusations, about his wrong doings, murder, crimes against humanity, and his will to destroy Iraq, and it's people, let alone the billions of dollars he absconded with, and bought people to help carry out his agenda-
I hope Abadi turns this around to his favor, because IF he doesn't, we're right back to where we started, in 2006, and we will be screwed- I am really beginning to wonder if Iraq ever planned on revaluing its currency-

Everyone I listen to says it is a big scam, and that we'll never see an increase in what we have as dinar holders, and I am beginning to think so myself- Is there anyone else out there that thinks we will EVER see an RV/RD/RI? I would like to hear your assessments on this, and honest answers-Anyone? Thankyou!!
BOBBY: kk1...... would you like a comment?
kk1: of course kk1: The pats he stated on Maliki, could and maybe very true
BOBBY: kk1..... no doubt the struggles between Abadi and Maliki
BOBBY: I am curious myself of Abadi s reach
BOBBY: i do believe he is trying to change thins for the better
kk1: Oh he is, but will Maliki and his goons stop it
TxBrand: many King have tried to conquer Iraq,,, no one has been able to so far... I don't expect them to become democratic ... time will tell... someone will always be trying to take over Maliki try to oust Abdi just normal for them
BOBBY: I also dont believe Maliki is done causing problems
kk1: Ok ones question, then why is Maliki still in the PM's house and not gone
BOBBY: kk1...... that is what i have been wondering for the last year...... the million dollar question
kk1: "its only a matter of time before Maliki is gone", and thats been said how long?
TxBrand: ‹@kk1› they don't think like we do... the president moves out of the white house thing doesn't work over there...I don't think Abadi wanted the house Maliki is n... jmho
BOBBY: exactly. ........ some things are just beyond reason
TxBrand: Abadi has told him to get out...but he hasn't
kk1: and Maliki STILL controls the news
BOBBY: TxBrand.... its amazing
kk1: I was kitting a HUGE kick out of at the beginning of the year all the goones out there saying IRaq has to RV or they will implode by thus date then that date
BOBBY: I believe Maliki is a big portion of the problems, but not the only one
Lauren305: MUST READ-- Abadi: Attempts of those who lost their privileges will not succeed to stop REFORMS Shafaq News / Prime Minister , Haider al-Abadi confirmed on Tuesday moving forward in the implementation of the reforms adopted by the government to modify the performance of the work to improve the living , economic and service conditions and the elimination of financial and administrative corruption rampant in the state institutions and departments.
Abadi said in a statement, that “We affirm our determination and our resolve to continue the reforms and the fight corruption and corruptors and not to retreat from them that despite the challenges and obstacles.”
He pointed out that ” attempts of those who lost their privileges will not succeed to stop the reforms or turn the clock back and reverse what we’ve done, the will of the citizens is more powerful from them to establish justice in Iraq.”
 The Presidency has denied in its regular session held on Monday that they may have given powers of the legislative council to the executive and judiciary authority in the country, calling on all authorities to comply with their work as stipulated by the Constitution, and this is interpreted by some MPs to withdraw the authorization granted by the Council of to Abadi in the implementation of reforms packages.
However, the MP of the National Alliance , Abbas al-Bayati told Shafer News, yesterday, that the parliament did not withdraw its authorization for the reforms package to the government that Prime Minister , Haider al-Abadi has adopted , but does not allow the latter to move in reforms that need legislations and supervision on them. LINK; Oops, you've encountered an error
It appears the page you were looking for doesn't exist. Sorry about that. BAD LINK
Lauren305: Abadi said in a statement, that “We affirm our determination and our resolve to continue the reforms and the fight corruption and corruptors and not to retreat from them that despite the challenges and obstacles.”
Lauren305: attempts of those who lost their privileges will not succeed to stop the reforms or turn the clock back and reverse what we’ve done, the will of the citizens is more powerful from them to establish justice in Iraq.”
Lauren305: the MP of the National Alliance , Abbas al-Bayati told Shafer News, yesterday, that the parliament did not withdraw its authorization for the reforms package to the government that Prime Minister , Haider al-Abadi has adopted
BOBBY: Lauren305...... thanks for the post
Lauren305: ‹@BOBBY› yw.... some good stuff out there today
chattels: al - Bayati is a " Maliki man "
chattels: " .............., but does not allow the latter to move in reforms that need legislations and supervision on them."
TxBrand: IF this is true... wonder what going back to their dinar means -------> Willoninny: Hey family, my lecturer is from Iran, and I found this out yesterday. When I asked him where he was from, I got excited and asked him about Iran and Iraq revaluing their Dinar.
He told me he talks with them there everyday and confirmed that they will be going back to their dinar. He didn't know about the other countries revaluing, but he was able to confirm the immenent RV of Iraq's currency
chattels: allowance of reforms that are ENABLED by legislation and SUPERVISED by whom ?
chattels: ‹@TxBrand› LIke wondering why Snow White's stepmother ( Grimm Bros. fairy tales ) was so wicked ?
TxBrand: lol    TxBrand: ok ok
chattels: ‹@TxBrand› :)
chattels: Natik Abbas Hasan al-Bayati is an Iraqi Shiite Turkmen politician and a member of the Iraqi National Assembly. He is a member of the State of Law Coalition.
chattels: Increasingly of late SLC members have been referred to as National Alliance
chattels: But Abadi's resolve is impressive. Perhaps he will be the " great reformer " in the history of reformers in Iraq.
Donnie: ‹@TxBrand› RV with the current Dinar currency or a new currency?
forestnr4: The low value of the dinar has fallen year savings linked to lower chances of «float» Dollar Baghdad, Mohammed Hadi No proposal "floating dollar" stand up to the vagaries of the market economy;
in light of the decrease of the local currency's value against a difficult and declining public savings level, offset by higher imported goods prices, and therefore "chronic increase" occur in the general inflation levels, in spite of assurances economists that "float" may provide financial liquidity, but not for long,
because the survival of the Iraqi economy's dependence on import, and the exchange control doors were still weak by the government.
Former officials at the Central Bank shows that one of the terms of the flotation presupposes the existence of a private sector next to the Central Bank is asking the dollar to the market as well, but in Iraq the central Van is the only body that pump the dollar for the domestic market, which creates "confusion" in the marketplace work.
The officials pointed out that the idea of ​​flotation, require "do not specify a specific dollar amount to put into the market." It talks about media leaks that the government will be forced to float the dollar, in the case failed to implement the new salary ladder; where he sees Supporters of this proposal is that it will be the key to resolving the financial crisis that hit the country.
It is said that there are three ways, it deals with the central banks of hard currency; the first is made up of "limiting factor" to be adopted by the CBI, which includes a fixed exchange rate to the dollar, and inject dollars into the market to maintain the stability of this price.
forestnr4: The second method is called "float", and thumb the market is controlled exchange rate, while the third method includes a "floating orbit", or unrestricted determine the specific price of the dollar, and another represents a maximum him, to let the currency float between these two prices.
And see world oil prices since the middle of last year continuous decline, because of the use by some countries to increase Marodha against the lack of demand for it, what caused a severe financial crisis in Iraq, which is known for raw Bria economy.
The new prime minister Haider al-Abadi, last week, his warnings of the financial situation in the country as a result of the current financial crisis caused by the decline in oil prices and the war against al "Daash" that drain big money from the budget.
In the opinion on behalf of Jamil Anton, an economist, said in an interview to the correspondent of "the world", said the adoption of "floating dollar" in the current situation which is going through the country, rather than "limiting factor" in place by the Central Bank, "will solve the problem of lack of financial liquidity of which the government is currently experiencing, "persisting but that" will not last long ", because it would cause economic problems cast a shadow over all the activities of the market, which suffered a deterioration in infrastructure.
Explains Anton, he was at the forefront of these problems, "the depreciation of the dinar against other currencies, as well as the decline in the value of citizens' savings, compared with a rise of imported goods and prices of goods", which leads to a result, "a large and chronic increase in inflation."
forestnr4: Anton adds that the survival of the Iraqi economy dependent on imports, not production, makes the currency was floated in any way "is not true", it also "There is no government control on the doors of exchange; it is still corrupt deals swallow up the bulk of the budgets."
So confirms Anton, who is close to sources of government decision-making, that "the adoption of the flotation process is not on the government table now," calling on government bodies responsible and the central bank to expand economic revenue base, to get out of the financial crisis experienced by Iraq.
For his part, Dr. Ahmed Abrihi, financial expert and former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, in connection with "the world" yesterday that the talk of some politicians for floating dollar "wrong and illogical", because of "the lack of side responsible for pumping dollars into the local market only The central bank, while that one of the terms of the flotation provides for a private sector next to the central bank to throw dollar market also, as exists in South Korea and the United States and Indonesia. "
Shows Abrihi that "float currency requires the presence of freedom in the presentation of currency equivalent to freedom of demand, meaning you do not specify a certain amount to put the dollar in the market," explaining that "the hard currency that feed the market comes through the export of oil operations, ie through the central bank, where there is no private productive sector, is able to insert a hard currency into the country ", and thus this" makes officials on monetary policy in Iraq do not support the idea of ​​floating the dollar, they create confusion in the market and a clear action ".
The Haitham al-Jubouri, a member of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives suggested in a statement to "the world", the adoption of "unrestricted flotation" in the auction currency instead of "limiting factor" that determines a fixed exchange rate to the dollar price, trying to keep it to fill the market need of hard currency, referr
forestnr4: The Council said the Central Bank member Majid picture in connection with "the world" that the bank is trying to maintain the stability of exchange rates, pointing out that the monetary policy and instructions "according to the economic conditions experienced by the country changed."
He says that the picture of the bank cash reserves fell to $ 60 billion due to lower crude prices, but he assured that this decline does not threaten the collapse of the local currency, "being a fill 160 percent of the money supply of the Iraqi dinar."
forestnr4:   LINK
forestnr4: ‹@chattels› GE..... :smile: quiet in here so I thought this would bring in some reading material.

Doug_W: My Granddaughters Christmas list:
Doug_W: Dear Mema thank you for the card you gave me for Halloween I love it I think you so much. But on a second note here is my Christmas list.
I would like a A collectors Barbie doll, a new music box, p.j's, a new jacket please, and a if papa gets me anything I would like something that involves coins like a hole box of coins.
And anything else's you guys might want to get me for Christmas. I love you guys so very much hope to see you soon and if you can't get me anything for Christmas I really do understand I love you guys and remember that Christmas is about love and caring and giving to those I love you have a good night hope that your Halloween was spooktakeular live you guys so very much have a good night.
Doug_W: she is 11 yrs old
BOBBY: Doug W..... morning....... my youngest is the same age
BOBBY: cant believe how he has grown
Doug_W: its an amazing transformation Eh?
BOBBY: Doug W. ....... yes it is..... i missed alot working on the road
Doug_W: me too bobby

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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