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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Wealthwatch Thursday Chat 11-5-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  11-5-15
Wealthwatch Thursday Chat 11-5-15  Part 2 of 2
chattels: said committee member Majda al-Tamimi of the Iraqi National News Agency / nina / "The parliamentary committee continuing its work in the debate important laws and projects, including the draft general budget of the Federal Law of the Iraqi state was agreed that the Deputy Chairman of the Committee and scheduled to conduct the work within the Commission until a new president after the death of Chairman of the Committee MP Ahmad Chalabi.
"She had been told of the Presidium of the parliament so that occurs during the period the next selection of the new president, according to the distribution of the chairmanships of the standing committees of the parliamentary blocs mechanism according to the elections.
The local media quoted leaks on the nomination committee member MP from the Bloc citizen Faleh applicable to head the Finance Committee instead for Ahmad Chalabi, who died Tuesday morning of a heart attack.   chattels:
chattels: " ........ the nomination committee member MP from the Bloc citizen Faleh ..........."
chattels: "The parliamentary committee continuing its work in the debate important laws and projects, including the draft general budget of the Federal Law of the Iraqi state was agreed that the Deputy Chairman of the Committee and scheduled to conduct the work within the Commission until a new president .........."
Doug_W: Fantasy is a nice place to VISIT but not live "C"
chattels: Iranian, US experts discuss ties at annual Erbil forum
chattels: “The real answer to the question of the impact of the Iran nuclear deal is, we don’t know,”
chattels: “Is the Iran deal going to be transactional or transformational ? ......."
chattels: Parts of the debate sparked heated comments from both sides. When Miryousefi said that the “United States has always been a part of the problem and not the solution” and called it an “imperialist” power, Pollack responded that if Iran insists on calling the US imperialist, then Washington will respond by labeling it “a sponsor of terrorism.”   chattels:
Doug_W: "C" exactly what does "imperialist" mean please?
TxBrand: The policy extending a nation's authority by territorial gain, or by the establishment of economic and political dominance over other nations == a person that believes in imperialism = “imperialist”
TxBrand: other nations = take over of other nations
TxBrand: you didn't specify who you were asking -----------> Doug_W: "C" exactly what does "imperialist" mean please?   TxBrand: I guess C was chattels ?
Doug_W: "C" is Chattels
chattels: ‹@Doug_W› Colonial expansion in the 19th century - early 20 th century " coined " the term " imperialism ", e.g., the British Empire and others
TxBrand: lol
Doug_W: ty both
chattels: ‹@TxBrand› good / better definition than mine
chattels: Iraqi Shiite politician Ahmed Chalabi’s death this week came as he was working on several cases proving high-level corruption in the Iraqi government, a parliamentary committee said.
TxBrand: we are NOT though ... we don't invade till after they invade us
Doug_W: its an excuse Tx
TxBrand: ty
TxBrand: ‹@Doug_W› what is an excuse ?
Doug_W: bbiab gotta go do some light howing in teh veggie garden
Doug_W: saying we are Imperialist
chattels: “Chalabi had many significant files about corruption and those files were proving the involvement of Iraqi political parties and Iraqi corrupt leaders,” Zamili said.
TxBrand: oh ok   TxBrand: later
Doug_W: gives their govt an excuse to "hate" us
chattels: There have been unsubstantiated reports in the Iraqi media that Chalabi was poisoned or strangled to death.
TxBrand: ‹@chattels› ugh
TxBrand: people over there are very hard to handle... they want their was or no way... they  want their was or no way... they have NO zero humility ,,,they never heard all for one and one for all
TxBrand: its amazing the difference in culture ... and will always be
TxBrand: they can not live alone side others with different beliefs
TxBrand: they had a crowd this week ---in Iran yelling death to America
*SCZIN11: WikiLeaks: America decided to liquidate its customer number 708, "Ahmed Chalabi" since January last
*SCZIN11: BAGHDAD - Iraq Press - November 5 / November: in the midst of the confusion is clear and large and accompanied by very concerned of the repercussions of the death, the Iraqi National Congress leader, Ahmad Chalabi, the mysterious and the insistence of his family, which brought in a doctor American and another Britain to uncover the circumstances of his death amid recriminations conditions to assassinate him,
I picked networking sites Unconfirmed reports suggest, that "WikiLeaks re-publication of a secret document has already published on its website last January 2015 had been leaked from the US Central Intelligence Agency CIA" according to the plan.
The document states, according to sources, who picked up the news on, "The client mentioned the sequence 708 has become a threat to the agendas of the CIA, where he worked in the last period agendas conflict with American interests and which is now talking about the efforts of intelligence to end a client's task No. 708," as described ", by discussing at the time to the development of relations between Chalabi and his visits to Iran and repeated to them. "
*SCZIN11: The leader of the former Dawa Party, Izzat Shahbandar, revealed in a television interview, that "the parties affected by exposing corruption files are accused of in the first place whether Chalabi died assassination," he said,
"Chalabi told me before he died that he had a large corrupted files did not assisted in a detectable with that I have not seen those who were concerned, and that he has many corrupted files belonging to several parties and was waiting programmed before the announcement.
 " It is said that the official spokesman for the party of former Conference and arm Chalabi right over many years and henchman, Entifadh Qanbar, he had said earlier that "Chalabi, head of the gang and not a political time," adding, that "Chalabi was teaching operations robbery and kidnapping carried out by the his bodyguards and he - any Chalabi - became the last of a paper burned when the Americans no longer acceptable. " Ended O.h   *SCZIN11:
TxBrand: gezzzzzzzz
TxBrand: Through a complicated banking fraud in Iraq, millions of American tax payer dollars are reportedly being funneled to ISIS.
chattels: If Hakim Zamili is in charge of the investigation into the death of Chalabi then it is arguably like " putting the fox in charge of the hen house ". One observer of Iraq thinks Zamili is a killer himself from the " purge " days.
TxBrand: well that's why they don't want to give up the dollar.. very plain now ---make a lot of since now
chattels: Some history on State of Law coalition MP Izzat al-Shahbandar, who used to be close to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Before that, Shabandar was an MP in the rival Iraqiya coalition. He then switched to the prime minister’s coalition, but lost in the last parliamentary elections. When Maliki became prime minister, he gave his parliamentary seat to Shahbandar. Read more: 

chattels: POSTED August 19, 2013

chattels: Entifadh Qanbar is an interesting character as well.
 chattels: The Ministry of Electricity recover / 21 / million dollars from a British company
chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / The Ministry of Trade, with a ministerial committee on the reform of the ration card, a draft set an electronic food card, to reduce the time and reduce the incidence of fraud and corruption witnessed by the ration card.
 chattels: Baghdad-based spokesman for the US-led Operation Inherent Resolve last week praised Iraqi efforts toward the recapture of ISIS-held Ramadi, while declining to say when the provincial capital would be liberated. “This is a tough fight. There's a lot of obstacles. There's a determined, dug-in enemy,” Colonel Steven Warren told reporters.

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