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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Wealthwatch Thursday Chat 11-5-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room  11-5-15
Wealthwatch Thursday Chat 11-5-15  Part 1 of 2
chattels: Jubouri calls for the formation of a committee of the three presidencies to end the dispute between Baghdad and the region :: 2015/11/5 10:18 •
chattels: said al-Jubouri," even after the expiration of the waiting period granted to the reform we read the government's measures painful for the Iraqi elite, where the pay scale targeted The new university professors quality and elites job salaries,
which is based State to experience a reduction, which exacerbated the situation and confused the scene, and even tossed horror in the hearts of the Iraqi elite desperate to fix the situation while the government did not find what you are shrinking, but the employees' salaries and benefits for university professors.
chattels: " ....... after the expiration of the waiting period granted to the reform ........... "
chattels: "On the economic side stressed Prime Parliament according to the statement "the need for Iraq to radical and not remedial economic solutions, to be able to besiege economic collapse," adding that "Such solutions give us the opportunity to restore the development of the Iraqi economy by thinking about alternatives to oil, which is lower prices a real threat to the future of Iraq."
 "The difficult economic situation has led a shadow over the form and the type of reforms that we want its completion, which made ​​the reconstructive process of reform rather than development, one of the most important reasons for reluctance," while he asked,
"Why is the government not working to support and operate large factories in the country's private sector and the granting of greater investment opportunity, has recently passed laws that support this trend " ??? .
 chattels: "The difficult economic situation has led a shadow over the form and the type of reforms that we want its completion,......... "
chattels: In the national reconciliation file, President al-Jubouri said that "this file was during the last period progresses step and back down again and inches shyly," pointing out that "it beyond that to be the subject of political overzealous and controversy and auctions, accusations and questioning intentions, which indicates to the supposed inability of the Iraqi political elite to make progress in this file, which has remained for years the object of publicity and advertising. ""
The government has not been able to offer a concrete step in any of reconciliation files, on top of a general amnesty law that awaits him thousands of detainees and their families, pointing out that many of these innocent people has caused the slowdown in the judicial bureaucratic procedures.
"With regard to the relationship between Baghdad and the region Speaker of Parliament explained that these political differences have caused great Ba_kalat, pointing out that" the continuation of this Altjavi will affect the future political system and the unity of Iraq.
chattels: " The government has not been able to offer a concrete step in any of reconciliation files, on top of a general amnesty law that awaits him thousands of detainees and their families, ........"
 chattels: "He expressed his belief that the escalation of the conflict and deal With those differences in the media will expand the gap and perhaps topple the origin of this relationship,
while stressing that the export of oil and financial receivables file of the most important files that must be accelerated and initiative dissolution, called for a solution to those files through a committee formed by the three presidencies acceleration of the dismantling of the crisis and forwarded to the courts to decide instead of political engagement Maha.
chattels: " ........ called for a solution to those files through a committee formed by the three presidencies acceleration of the dismantling of the crisis and forwarded to the courts to decide instead of political engagement ........."    chattels:
chattels: Asadi: the crowd's budget in 2016 Latvian less than we need :: 2015/11/5 11:13 • [Baghdad-where] A spokesman for the popular crowd MP Ahmad al-Asadi said the crowd in the state budget for the 2016 budget are insufficient and Latvian requirements of our troops. "
 Asadi, said at a news conference attended by the correspondent of the agency all of Iraq [where] that "our Marah that the crowd in the budget that has been converted from the Council of Ministers to the House of Representatives appropriations are weak and Latvian less than we need,"
 chattels: " A spokesman for the popular crowd MP Ahmad al-Asadi said the crowd in the state budget for the 2016 budget are insufficient ........... "
chattels: President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani Barzani: Region will no longer be under the control of Baghdad's oil and are ready to understanding them
chattels: Courtesy of Butfldrm
chattels: ........."to reach an agreement with Baghdad over the trust between the parties transplant," .......
chattels: The issue of trust relates to whom will disburse the proceeds from the sale of oil. Under the 2015 budget the KRG allowed Baghdad to collect the proceeds and claim that they were not properly paid although production did not meet the agreed upon quota(s). Baghdad does not trust the KRG to account for all oil.
chattels: Add the issue of payment to the KRG for the Peshmarga and we have a recipe for an impasse.
chattels: popular crowd: very close to the center of Ramadi and edited in days :: 2015/11/5 11:20 • [Baghdad-where]
chattels: Last week the projection was thirty days before liberation. It is likely that imminent liberation is an exaggeration for purposes of morale or budget propaganda, but we shall see.
chattels: Search Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi with former Deputy Prime Minister Bahaa al-Araji need to find a case of political consensus to complete paragraphs reform.
chattels: " the meeting dealt with the stages of achievement in the reform packages and the need to find a state of Compatibility political and collaboration of the various actors components in the political arena in order to proceed with the completion of the rest of the paragraphs of the reform packages and Tedeidha form in which it is in the public interest and contributes to confront current threats and challenges, especially on the economic front.
chattels: " ......... the need to find a state of Compatibility political and collaboration of the various actors components in the political arena in order to proceed with the completion of the rest of the paragraphs of the reform packages ........."
chattels: " the two sides reviewed during the meeting the importance of working to establish the principles of national reconciliation, social and political levels and the need to overcome the mistakes of the past to ensure the non-recurrence of causes that led to their falling through rationalization permanent and continuous assessment for government action in general.
chattels: " ........ working to establish the principles of national reconciliation ......."
chattels: " .......... they reviewed the most important current political developments and field developments in the Iraqi arena, especially the performing of victories at the hands of the sons of the armed forces and the heroes of the popular crowd and volunteers from the sons of the tribes in the provinces of Salaheddin, Anbar, necessary to sustain the battle momentum and keeping the earth manner that contributes to the liberalization and purge the rest of the regions and cities of Iraq from the grip of Daash terrorist gangs and ways. "
 chattels: " ......... to sustain the battle momentum and keeping the earth manner that contributes to the liberalization and purge the rest of the regions and cities of Iraq from the grip of Daash terrorist gangs and ways. "
chattels: "Ebadi criticized the process of withdrawal of authorization from the House of Representatives during his interventions in the meeting and expressed his dissatisfaction about this trend by saying that he did not violate the Constitution in all its reforms, as in the dismissal of the Vice-President of the Republic, noting that he had sent their dismissal to the law of Parliament ".chattels:
chattels: Interesting point by Abadi in that there was a Parliamentary " endorsement " of the dismissal of the VP's. What more is required under the Iraqi Constitution ? There have been lots of opinions stated. We need to hear from the judiciary sooner rather than later, eh ?
chattels: Kurds ready to resume talks with Baghdad government
chattels: However, Talabani pointed out that the make up of the delegation has not yet been confirmed. In light of the previous failed agreements between Erbil and Baghdad, Talabani stressed that both sides must seek an implementable agreement which guarantees success. chattels:
chattels: " .............. an implementable agreement which guarantees success."
chattels: Zebari discuss with the resources to achieve the tax authority officials to compensate for the drop in oil revenues
Doug_W: "C" how can that work when the average person can not even buy teh necessities?
Doug_W: WHAT are they gonna tax?
chattels: ‹@Doug_W› Good question friend
Doug_W: wish I understood Arabs mindset 
chattels: Market price repeats at 1,220 today
chattels: Solution parliamentary bloc criticized the delay in action in the treatment of displaced Abadi file
 chattels: "Tens of families have gone out of Anbar province, across the bridge Bzabz response to the appeal of the security forces, which called yesterday Folks out in order to avoid casualties in military operations, and the prime minister Haider al-Abadi had ordered, yesterday, crossing open for humanitarian cases Bzabz toward Baghdad and the introduction of goods and foodstuffs towards Anbar.
chattels: " ....... the appeal of the security forces, which called yesterday Folks out in order to avoid casualties in military operations, ........ "
chattels: People are evacuating Ramadi at the request of security forces as the battle for Ramadi moves to a conclusion.
chattels: Fleeing toward Baghdad.
chattels: In need of food and supplies.
chattels: ‹@Doug_W› Maybe they can tax them as they flee, eh ?

Comments may be made  aat the end of Part 2  Thank You

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