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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Wealthwatch Sunday AM Chat 11-1-15   Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  11-1-15
Wealthwatch Sunday AM Chat 11-1-15   Part 2 of 2
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 6m6 minutes ago #Iraq oil ministry announcement of halt to Ceyhan exports because of conflict w/ KRG is dramatic since it will affect disputed Kirkuk oil.
 chattels: " ...... said ministry spokesman Assem Jihad, said in a statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where], a copy of "oil exports from the port of Ceyhan finally stopped as a result of lack of the Kurdistan Regional Government's commitment to the agreement of oil, and its failure to deliver oil to the Federal Government and the export of the Federal Treasury account "
 chattels: the European Union and the Member States' embassies in Iraq confirmed, support the sovereignty of Iraq, calling on the Kurdistan Regional Government to consult with Baghdad over oil and the budget for 2016.
According to a statement of the EU, received by all of Iraq [where], a copy of "the EU mission to Iraq and the embassies of member states expressed the Iraqi government's desire to take into account the evolution of the political, economic and social situation in the Kurdistan region," stressing "support the European Union the sovereignty of Iraqi territory and to call for dialogue and calm expressed by the Iraqi government on the political crisis in the region.
chattels: " ....... calling on the Kurdistan Regional Government to consult with Baghdad over oil and the budget for 2016. "
chattels: The stage is being set for the oil and gas talks between Baghdad and the KRG. Baghdad is " laying down the gauntlet " it appears. The message is that it will not continue to allow the KRG to export directly and outside of the GOI accounting process. The " EU ", historically a strong supporter of the KRG is saying to Erbil, " Make an agreement " and " we support a unified Iraq ".    chattels: IMO.
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 10h10 hours ago #Iraq PM Abadi sounding fairly defiant & unmoved by recent criticism from his own Daawa party in this letter to them …
chattels: Abadi's letter is his " the Reply to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi letter addressed to the leadership of his party's response to the letter, which already received them, on its position on the reforms and his actions as prime minister and accused him of exclusivity decisions and lack of consultation with them " which was delayed by the rain event in Iraq a couple of days ago.
chattels: There is no translation of the letter in the Burtha news article - we have only Visser's interpretation. He of course speaks / reads Arabic.
chattels: " Iraq PM Abadi sounding fairly defiant & unmoved by recent criticism from his own Daawa party in this letter to them "
chattels: Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, stressed the necessity of activating the national reconciliation file. Jubouri said, according to a statement his office received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, through his presence, on Sunday, a tribal conference, held by the Committee on Parliamentary clans,
in the presence of the President and members of the Committee and a number of members of parliament and director of tribal affairs of the Council of Ministers, and a group of elders and notables of the tribes, the "bridges clans solid contributed the maximum home to end the cohesion of the country and save it from the quagmire of blood and sedition",
 calling for activating the national reconciliation file according to the process of contributing to harmony between the components of society measures.  chattels:
chattels: " ...... the necessity of activating the national reconciliation file."
Sassy: Chattels everything we have been waiting for the last many years is being talked about again. I have hope again
chattels: The Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, said Jan Kubis has been very active and vocal today.
chattels: ‹@Sassy› I am glad of your optimism. This perpetual skeptic wants activation / implementation above planning / rhetoric :)
Sassy: Chattels weigh stations starting to open up provinces looks promising too
chattels: the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, the Iraqi capital Baghdad, said a military secured 100%, were the dimensions of terrorism by long distances.
He said al-Abadi during his speech today at the start of the activities of the Baghdad International Fair edition 42, that "the Baghdad peace that defies war and terrorism to show the world it is the cradle of civilization and the rise of new, despite the difficulties and challenges.
Today, we are fighting terrorism and backwardness, however, and in the other we build our country, and this civilization that provided to the world a lot, and we are determined to re-laurels, "adding that" the challenges we face are many today, but this industrial and commercial demonstration to prove in this country great potential and enormous potential of the most important human potential Iraqi and capabilities that can advancement again.
Sassy: Chattels I know we all do
chattels: ‹@Sassy› say more please ?  chattels: about weigh stations and provinces ?
Sassy: Chattels I see small steps taking place and love Abadi being defiant
Sassy: Chattels there is an article out this morning saying 35 weigh stationss opening up and i believe 50 more to open. Tarriffs maybe
chattels: ‹@Sassy› interesting
Sassy: Chattels on silly ipad or I could bring it in
Sassy: Chhattels byes
Sassy: Chattels also read where they are going to start charging 25 dollars for entering Iraq. Pilgramage starting. Could be quite a profit
Sassy: Tourism charge is what I got from it
chattels: the security committee of Anbar province confirmed that this month will see the complete liberation of the city of Ramadi and the surrounding areas of Daash terrorist gangs. The committee member said Faleh al-Issawi, told all of Iraq [where], that "gray and surrounding areas will see the full liberation of the terrorist Daash gangs during the current month."
Sassy: Chattels well that is encouraging
chattels: ‹@Sassy› I did read the pilgramige charge article
chattels: ‹@Sassy› I think so
Sassy: Chattels what do you think about that?
chattels: ‹@Sassy› Iraq has to have better control of it's borders.
Sassy: Chattels they are trying to make a buck anyway they can
chattels: ‹@Sassy› Surprised that the religious authorities did not object.
chattels: Perhaps an indication of the real support of Sistani, eh ?
Sassy: Chattels give them time. I do not know how they can do that with the poverty level
Sassy: Chattels He does have Sistanis backing so far
chattels: Sistani has not fully embraced the salary ladder reforms though - called for a review
Sassy: Chattels no one would be against it if they would raise the e of their currency
Sassy: value geesh
chattels: I doubt that " they " are able to alone increase the value of their currency.
chattels: the parliamentary finance committee called on the Cabinet to adhere to the legal time limit for the submission of the budget for the year 2016 to the House of Representatives.
According to a statement of Hannah received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, that "based on [Section 6 / paragraph 7 of the financial management of the State of Law No. 95 of 2004, which stipulates [The Council of Ministers shall submit the federal budget to the state House of Representatives in the tenth From October month of each year].
 "Committee" cabinet and called for compliance with legal time limit and provide the federal budget for the year 2016 to the House to do its part in the discussion and voting on them.
chattels: Where is the budget ?
chattels: Waiting upon the Kurds to arrive in Baghdad ?
chattels: "The head of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri announced in the parliament session on Saturday that the financial budget for 2016 did not reach the House of Representatives so far and what has been declared by by some of the shame of Representatives on health." decided the House of Representatives yesterday extension of the current legislative dismissed him to a month.
The Council of Ministers has approved in its meeting on the 13 of last month's draft 2016 budget law a total value of 106 trillion dinars and a deficit of about 23 trillion Danar.
chattels: " "The head of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri announced in the parliament session on Saturday that the financial budget for 2016 did not reach the House of Representatives so far ............ "
chattels: Contrary to what " ** " has said.
chattels: Market price back up to 1,215 today  chattels:
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Multiple groups of Islamic State, or ISIS, fighters have surrendered to Peshmerga forces in recent days at varios points along the Gwer-Makhmour front some 60 km southwest of Erbil. “Since Saturday night, at least 19 ISIS militants have surrendered to Peshmerga forces in two phases.
Eight of them surrendered on Saturday and 11 of them surrendered on Sunday at dawn,” said Qadir Qadir, a senior Peshmerga officer on the Gwer front, told Rudaw on Sunday. “One of those who surrendered claims to be a senior police officer,” Qadir added Officials on Gwer front estimate that this year at least 100 ISIS militants have surrendered to Peshmerga forces.
“Those who have submitted themselves to the Peshmerga will be questioned and transferred to the Ministry of Peshmerga," Qadir said On Monday, a Peshmerga official said nine ISIS militants also surrendered on the Gwer-Makhmour front. chattels:
Doug_W: Big R little v = Rv
chattels: " The progress is speeding up as per my previous e-mail and tells us that something is in the wind!! " Foxxxx
chattels: Something is " in the wind " alright. :)
Doug_W: sniff sniff YUP "C" I smell it
chattels: ‹@Doug_W› :)
Dianne777: ‹@chattels› r we almost there ?
chattels: And I am a french model. :)
Dianne777: i c :(
chattels: ‹@Dianne777› There is good news I think, but ..................
Dianne777: ‹@chattels› i know time will tell
chattels: Let's see whether and what becomes of the oil and gas discussions and the budget - hopefully this week
Dianne777: ‹@Dianne777› ok darlin, now i will get back to my scheduled program, work!!! come on rv!
chattels: If Ramadi is taken this month, then there is Fallujah, Hawija and Mosul left.
chattels: ‹@Dianne777› :)
chattels: The Anbar province rural countryside and the Syrian border area may be another story as well.
chattels: Oil Minister: senior Kurdish delegation to visit Baghdad soon to discuss the province's budget :: 2015/10/31 14:20 • Oil Minister: senior Kurdish delegation to visit Baghdad soon to discuss the province's budget [Dhi Qar-where] detect and Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi,
on a recent visit of the delegation from the Kurdistan region to visit the capital, Baghdad. Abdul-Mahdi said in a news conference after a meeting of the deliberative provinces over oil management contract Dhi Qar province, said that "high-level delegation from the region will visit Baghdad in the next few days to discuss the oil agreement and the region's share in the budget of 2016" followed .. chattels: "high-level delegation from the region will visit Baghdad in the next few days to discuss the oil agreement and the region's share in the budget of 2016" chattels:
chattels: Perhaps the delivery of the budget is awaiting the arrival of the Kurdish delegation ................. we shall see, eh ?
MzDiva: ‹@chattels› its worth the wait
Dianne777: i had this dream last night that refugees came to my door in the middle of the night and said give me your guns and your dinar!!! I woke up sweating
MzDiva: ‹@Dianne777› awwww you poor thing i bet that was scary
Dianne777: ‹@MzDiva›  lol you have no idea Dianne777: and on halloween!!!! lol 

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