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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Wealthwatch Sunday AM Chat 11-1-15   Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room  10-31-15
Wealthwatch Sunday AM Chat 11-1-15   Part 1 of 2
chattels: raise the House of Representatives, its regular, day after tomorrow, Saturday to Monday after the vote on the two bills and read another four with the extension of his work one month.
According to a statement that "the House of Representatives voted usual Directors held today under the chairmanship of Salim al-President of the Council and in the presence of 251 deputies, the laws and the extension of the first term Legislative one month, while finished reading the four bills.
At the beginning of the meeting President al-Jubouri announced that the session today is the end of the legislative term The first of the second legislative year, based on the Constitution and the rules of procedure of the Council, referring to the validity of the President of the Republic Aorias Minister Aorias House of Representatives proposal to extend the legislative term of one month.
chattels: He said the President of the House of Representatives that the financial budget for 2016 did not reach the House of Representatives so far and what has been the statement by the by some deputies from the truth, confirming the existence of basic laws Council will spend Pthariaha even if they are within the laws that have been withdrawn by the government.

Then the Council voted overwhelmingly to extend the current legislative term-month and one for the completion of draft laws and the tasks entrusted to the Council.
chattels: security forces killed on Saturday, the leader Aldaasha [Abu Musab] and a number of his companions in Ramadi. A security source told all of Iraq [where] that "security forces killed the leader of the terrorist gangs Daash [Abu Musab] and a number of his companions in the northern axis north of Ramadi in Anbar province," . chattels:
chattels: 2016 budget penalize non-committed from the paragraphs of the budget Our economy / Baghdad Parliamentary Finance Committee, confirmed Saturday that next year's budget include solutions to the financial crisis between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, indicating that the 2016 budget punitive clauses on the non-committed.
 He said the parliamentary finance committee member Abdul Qader Mohammed said in a statement seen by the agency of our economy news that "next year's budget include clauses governing the relationship between the federal government and the government of the Kurdistan region of Iraq," pointing out that "the budget also includes paragraphs punitive government, which will not commit paragraphs budget." .

 The MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, "These paragraphs are the best solutions in the federal budget for the 2016 law to resolve the financial problem between Baghdad and Erbil," adding that "next year will see the application of these paragraphs are effectively regulating the work of the budget."
chattels:  LINK

chattels: Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi declared the need for huge amounts of money and great for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Baiji refinery oil north of Tikrit -okan city produces about 300 000 barrels per day -After edited nearly two weeks of terrorist Daash gangs before "revealing at the same time." for the assignment of a study project of establishing Oil Company of Dhi Qar to the Cabinet for discussion and approval. " 

chattels: It is costing money to be rid of DAESH and we see the costs of rehabilitation at Baiiji which will be the story in every area liberated, IMO
chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / revealed the US Department of Defense / Pentagon /, that the cost of operations of the United States against al Daash terrorist amounted to / 4.75 / billion dollars. He said the Pentagon in a press statement "that this value covers the costs since the start of operations in the eighth of August 2014 until the fifteenth of October current. "and" that the average daily spending to the cost of operations of the concerned / 11 / million dollars.
chattels: " ......... the costs since the start of operations in the eighth of August 2014 until the fifteenth of October current."
chattels: And still most middle eastern people believe that the USA created and supports DAESH according to Kirk Sowell
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticensisRisk Oct 27
chattels: Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi, said on Saturday that the United States did not put pressure on Iraq's refusal to cooperate with Russia. The minister said in a statement to the newspaper Bahraini days transferred his website [Facebook] that "the Iraqi army has made ​​a lot of field victories, pointing out that" the Iraqi army's morale is much better than it was in the past.
"He declined Obeidi charges to PDF crowd that he exercised what it says is the newspaper "sectarian killings" in Iraq, saying "this is not accurate, the crowd popular cooperate with Iraqi security forces when we need it is always present. chattels:
chattels: Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi is a member of parliament's Sunni Arab Itihad al-Quwa al-Wataniyah ...
chattels: The National Coalition (Arabic: Al-Wataniya‎, Arabic: is a political coalition in Iraq.
chattels: Leader of the party is Ayad Allawi.
Doug_W: gonna say trick or treat
waldowould: Jeeze wish I had 11 mil to spend waldowould: Guess all is quiet on the eastern front
*SCZIN11: Abadi want to switch to an open economy and an end to the last depositions
*SCZIN11: Said Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Sunday, seeking the Iraqi government to shift the open economy and an end to the last depositions about the dependence on oil as a resource economist and a single, and pointed out that Iraq was adopted throughout the 40 years of oil as a resource and a single, stressed that investment and support the Iraqi industry is a step mission to create jobs and improve the situatio
*SCZIN11: Of the Iraqi economy  *SCZIN11:
*SCZIN11: Member of Parliament calling for the entry of an international body to oversee the "new" oil agreement between the federal government and the Kurdistan region
*SCZIN11: MP for the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Abdul Ghani Yahya, last Thursday, the need for an international point of entry to be honorable to the "new" oil agreement scheduled to be completed in Baghdad between the federal government and the Kurdistan region.
Yahya said, "It is necessary that the conclusion of a new oil agreement between the federal government and the Kurdistan region," stressing "the need for there to be an international point of a third party, be honorable and monitoring of the agreement would be signed by the parties in Baghdad."
Yahya added, that "the previous agreement between the two parties failed to achieve its objectives, and must sign a new agreement on the parties to ensure their rights." And called on the Office of the Presidency of the Kurdistan region, on Wednesday (October 28, 2015) to oil deal "clear" between the province and the center, and as pointed out that the current agreement which "lack", confirmed the visit near the Kurdish delegation to Baghdad.
The Council of Ministers decided, in (2 December 2014), to approve the oil agreement between Baghdad and the Kurdistan region which provides for the delivery of the region no less than 250 thousand barrels of oil per day to Baghdad for the purpose of export, after reaching the Kurdish delegation headed by Nechirvan Barzani, with Iraqi government an agreement on the region's share in the budget and export of oil. 
SWSD: wish they had a time stamp option to put next to the person's chat post, so you could see when they said it.
chattels: The Iraqi Council of Ministers, Tuesday 2 December 2014, decided to approve the oil agreement between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, which provides for delivery of the Kurdistan region of at least 250 000 barrels of oil a day to the federal government for the purpose of export.
The prime minister said in a statement seen by "direction Press" that "the Council of Ministers decided in its meeting held today, approved the agreement between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, which was attended by the Prime Minister of the Federal Haider al-Abadi and head of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani."
She added that "the agreement stipulates that the Iraqi oil belongs to all Iraqis and the Kurdistan region to hand over at least 250 000 barrels of oil a day to the federal government for the purpose of export." She noted that "the agreement includes the export of 300 000 barrels per day by the federal government of the province of Kirkuk fields through the oil pipeline in the province of Kurdistan line."
chattels: So, the December 2014 agreement actually a total of 550,000 barrels.
 chattels: This is the barrel production incorporated into the 2015 budget.
chattels: " .......... called on the Office of the Presidency of the Kurdistan region, on Wednesday (October 28, 2015) to oil deal "clear" between the province and the center, and as pointed out that the current agreement which "lack", confirmed the visit near the Kurdish delegation to Baghdad."
chattels: There is no " new " agreement as yet, IMO.
chattels: This Kurdish MP is " calling " for an oil agreement to be " clear ", that the current agreement ( December, 2014 ) lacks clarity ( " clear " ) and that the visit of the Kurdish delegation is " near ".
*SCZIN11: Deputy for the law calls for the federal government not to deal with the Kurdistan government because it lacks legitimacy
*SCZIN11: MP for the rule of law Mohammed Chihod, Sunday, that the government of Kurdistan unconstitutional, while the federal government demanded not to deal with it. Said Chihod in a press release, "the agency Sama Baghdad news" that "has received the Kurdistan government lacks legitimacy because of Kurdistan's ruling family, which acquired the power and monopolized illegally and therefore the royal family in the region to respect the will of its partners in the region and get off at the desire of the Kurdish people who called for change." .
He added that "the United States and the international community, which calls for democracy not to deal with the ruling family of Kurdistan being a dictatorship and monopoly of power and even ousted partners in ways that are illegal or unconstitutional," noting that "dealing with them is a violation of constitutionally in the presence of a federal federal system pluralistic".
And he demanded "the federal government not to deal with the Kurdistan presidency and his government because they Vakedan legitimacy, especially as the next stage requires the resolution of the political situation in the region, first, on the grounds that there belongings between the Government province and the federal government can not be achieved, but to deal with the presidency and the government illegitimate, particularly the budget."
He noted that "the ruling family in Kurdistan hit the worst example in the federal system and in all countries of the world but has been acting as an independent strike laws show the weaver, and did not feel that they are part of Iraq, but only when they are demanding their entitlements Federal Otherwise, they are far from the central government." . 
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region- Iraq's Minister of Finance Hoshiyar Zebari told the Reuters news agency on Wednesday that restarting the oil-sharing agreement between Baghdad and Erbil was vital for the 2016 national budget, expressing hope that a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) would help reach an agreement.
"If we can get the KRG-Baghdad oil [agreement] reinstated again and both sides to implement it in good faith, I think we can succeed this year," Zebari said in an interview for the Reuters Middle East Investment Summit.

chattels: The stalled oil agreement has been a burden on the finances of both Baghdad and Erbil. The deal stated that the KRG would transfer up to 550,00 barrels per day to Iraq's state oil company in exchange for 17 percent of the overall Iraqi budget.  chattels:
chattels: MP for the rule of law Mohammed Chihod is a Maliki " hatchet man ", IMO. Typical posturing by the SLC. Pay no attention to him, IMO.
chattels: Note this statement from the Zebari article :
chattels: " ......... Zebari praised the government's effort to rein in spending and said only 60 percent of the 2015 budget would be spent by year's end. "We've really imposed very stringent controls over all the ministries and the government departments in order to overcome this crisis."
chattels: " ........ only 60 percent of the 2015 budget would be spent by year's end. "
chattels: Of course almost 20 % of it arguably should have been disbursed to the KRG.
chattels: Probably a good time to remind all of my decided Kurdish sympathies :)
chattels: Imminent arrival of a Kurdish delegation to Baghdad to an agreement on oil and gas law (HCL) Abdul-Mahdi announces high oil production in the south and the imminent arrival of a Kurdish delegation to Baghdad to an agreement on oil and gas law 2015/10/31 15:12
chattels: “concluded Abdul Mahdi Speaking addressing the crisis, the oil and gas law, saying that “the failure to approve oil and gas law has led to major problems and not with the Kurdistan only, but with other provinces to the absence of legal cover, which is mainly based upon the absence of this law, we are forced to contract every year with the province about the budget agreement public, “referring to the imminent arrival of a senior Kurdish delegation to agree on the 2016 budget, which we hope will be a more detailed and accurate.”
chattels: “referring to the imminent arrival of a senior Kurdish delegation to agree on the 2016 budget, which we hope will be a more detailed and accurate.”
chattels: Interesting that Mahdi uses the phrase " oil and gas law " as opposed to " agreement ". Perhaps he envisions a more permanent understanding rather than the December, 2014 agreement which was incorporated into the 2015 budget for that year only.
chattels: It does appear that Mahdi recognizes the need for more clarity and detail any new agreement / law on the oil and gas.    chattels: in any *
chattels: It is always dangerous to attach to much significance or meaning to the " Arablish translations ", eh ?
TxBrand: Civil war erupts in Sweden as irate Swedes burn nine Muslim refugee centers to the ground Read more at
The Swedes have had it with the Muslim invasion currently underway in their country. Nine refugee centers have been burnt to the ground to get the message across – NO MORE MUSLIMS!
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 2h2 hours ago #Iraq oil ministry says it will stop exporting through Turkey's Ceyhan port because KRG violates oil agreement …

Comments may be made at the end of part 2  Thank You 

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