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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Wealthwatch Monday Chat 11-16-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  11-16-15
New With Links & Discussion

Wealthwatch Monday Chat 11-16-15 Part 2 of 2
TxBrand: ‹@MichelleL› all I know... is they caught someone teach radical theorys in the Mosque here..
TxBrand: so they are teaching it the US
BOBBY: no doubt they are
MichelleL: I know Tx - We have to vigillantly seek out those who have no love for this country and get rid of them. I just don't want mass hysteria harming innocents, not even muslim innocents
BOBBY: I am in the sticks of Tn...... seeing evidence of it in this area
MichelleL: ‹@BOBBY› I would imagine its a good place for it - do you have private "militias" there too? 

TxBrand: ‹@BOBBY› I cant find them on ebay
 MichelleL: in my mind at least lol
BOBBY: TxBrand..... type in 50,000 dinar note, how i found them
MichelleL: -  LINK
MichelleL: thats the one
BOBBY: MichelleL. ... the promise keepers are out here, and alot of smaller units
TxBrand: are you sure its not -----> 50,000 CROATIAN DINARA
MichelleL: holy doo doo, they want 193 bucks for that~
MichelleL: its bidded up to that already! what a riot - maybe for a collector's piece
TxBrand: dang -------> $193.27
MichelleL: but i'm not a collector, just a storage utility
BOBBY: Txbrand..... this situation is gonna get worse in my opinion
MichelleL: Up for auction is 2 Iraqi Dinar 50,000 notes for collectors of foreign currency. These were just issued by the Central Bank of Iraq and are impossible to find anywhere. Get yours here first. Buyer will receive 2 X 50,000 Dinar notes.
MichelleL: ok, so at least thats 2 of them but what an insane price
TxBrand: it is for 2 though
MichelleL: lol bread and butter
BOBBY: Dealers are taking orders now on them
MichelleL: if as they claim, each will be 100 bucks, thats about right - howevva, we haven't seen it happen as of this point in time
MichelleL: what dealers Bobby, they still exist? lol
TxBrand: so they are about double in price
BOBBY: MichelleL...... there still around......
MichelleL: ‹@TxBrand› you need more dinar? lol
TxBrand: ‹@MichelleL› not now
MichelleL: I know of more than a few who are willing to sell some
TxBrand: after house ..yes
MichelleL: lol   I never want to see an additional dinar come in the door of this house, only dollars please please please
TxBrand: I want to get back to what I had... then no more
MichelleL: any word on the house? any action?
MichelleL: oh, you sold some?
TxBrand: yeah for down payment for house
MichelleL: wow you must've had a bunch...
TxBrand: just got an email... but same old stuff waiting
MichelleL: at least you kept enough so that if a miracle were to occur, you'd still be holding, I hope
TxBrand: yeah I kept 2/3 s
BOBBY: TxBrand... smart move ......
MichelleL: thats good! I don't want to buy any more 
MichelleL: smarter when it happens lol we will all be geniuses then, now our kids call us idiots
TxBrand: had to get out of this house
TxBrand: ‹@MichelleL› my kids bought lol
MichelleL: I understand.
BOBBY: I will buy more....... just not gonna be gouged on the price
TxBrand: not much
MichelleL: lol Tx - ours got gifted, brother got gifted - no friends were told since they were all in monetary struggles
TxBrand: so they don't call me an idiot lol
MichelleL: I'm never buying another iraqi dinar
MichelleL: lol Tx
Stash: I bought some rial. 500,000 for 45.00
MichelleL: I bought because of you Stash lol - but only 250k for 30 bucks or so
TxBrand: I was going to go do something ... forgot what it was  lol
MichelleL: Don't remember where I put them though
TxBrand: lol
BOBBY: lol
MichelleL: lol Tx did it have to do with dinner?
Stash: Lol
TxBrand: no
MichelleL: ok 
MichelleL: I saved 32 bucks this week, while spending around 420 and its only monday :( lol
MichelleL: so I have big bucks for more currency lol
TxBrand: lol
 chattels: It includes tomorrow's meeting agenda, according to a statement of the Council received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, "vote on the draft Martyrs Foundation Law, and read the report and discuss the draft general budget of the Federal Republic of Iraq for fiscal year 2016".
TxBrand: Huckabee to Paul Ryan: Stop the ‘Importation’ of Refugees, or Resign
Sassy: Arizona came out to say no more refugees yay
MichelleL: cat has a sister who lives there too, but he was the little girl's cat, born before she was - when they were first married
MichelleL: great, it keeps growing
MichelleL: ‹@TxBrand› does Paul Ryan have any power in that regard, or is it just a political thing with huckabee?
 TxBrand: ‹@MichelleL› I don't know... they only hold the purse string from what I understand... not sure how they would do it
MichelleL: ‹@TxBrand› not sure either
 TxBrand: guess he could bring up an emergency vote and send it to the senate
 TxBrand: not sure
MichelleL: seems no one has been successful at telling o to stop doing what he wants to do.
TxBrand: comment: Well, for starters, Governor LePage could be calling on Bruce Poliquin to defund all of the federal programs for Syrian resettlements, and the impeachment of Obama.
TxBrand: another comment : CALL UP THE MILITIAMEN!!  hahah Militia .. never heard militiamen
MichelleL: lol seems we all better bring in some mre's and water - maybe some extra propane for the grill
MichelleL: lol call in the militia, you're right, they are plural already
MichelleL: oy she doesn't want to put the cat down :( she's going to home hospice him - but she also has small kids who are going to see this cat die if she does that, feel so bad for her
MichelleL: later friends
chattels: If you want to read an excellent commentary / insight upon the current state of the reforms and political posturing in Iraq then read the following : Iraq Premier Abadi’s Precarious Situation, Interview With Brandeis’ Harith al-Qarawee
chattels: " .......... Abadi’s political future will largely rely on the way he will handle the mounting economic pressure and the probable social discontent. There is not much he can do by himself, except in trying to read the political scene rightly and insist on a clear reform agenda that can be supported by the Shi’a clerical establishment and civil society. "
chattels: " There is not much he can do by himself, ............"
chattels: " There is not much he can do by himself, ............"
chattels: " There is not much he can do by himself, ............"
chattels: How often has this site made the foregoing observation ?
 chattels: " ....... Abadi’s good days seem to be over. The protesters’ expectations were greater than his ability to deliver. This is not only Abadi’s problem; it is also the protesters’. Abadi needed momentum to make more drastic changes.
 He needed to keep having what can be claimed as a ‘popular mandate’ to continue his reforms and embarrass reluctant parties. But when the protests lost their momentum, the ‘exceptional’ mandate given to Abadi by parliament was withdrawn."
chattels: Abadi would prefer to maintain the formal existence of SOL to the end of his current term and work from within the Shi’a alliance. He might become closer to the Sadrists and Fadhila (ISCI usually prefer to be a free rider in such a context).
This will give him just enough leverage to face the 50-60 MPs block that is still loyal to Maliki. But in order to strengthen his position further, he will need to improve his relations with the Sunnis and Kurds. This means controlling the Hashd and finding a clear formula to integrate Sunni fighters in the military structure.
zidziljian: I do not see how the gurus say this is close
chattels: " ............. just enough leverage to face the 50-60 MPs block that is still loyal to Maliki. "
chattels: That would be the same Mr. Maliki who is " gone, done or toast " according to one delusional pundit.
zidziljian: :)
chattels: " As a result of the complications entailed in any major change in the existing coalitions, my guess is that Abadi will not make big ventures. He will move tactically to the degree that he can retain his position and embody the minimum consensus within the Shi’a alliance. "
chattels: Quoting Harith al-Qarawee, a fellow at the Crown Center for Middle East Studies at Brandeis University.
zidziljian: LOL   zidziljian: nice
 chattels: " While it was useful to see the word ‘reform’ entering Iraqi political discourse, it is still unclear the extent to which Iraq’s dysfunctional state can be reformed without having to create further political tensions. Some of Abadi’s decisions, especially the sacking of Vice-Presidents, were not implemented and seemed to be unconstitutional."
zidziljian: I think he will get some kind of immunity if they ever get around to charging him
chattels: " .........., it is still unclear the extent to which Iraq’s dysfunctional state can be reformed ......."
chattels: "Some of Abadi’s decisions, especially the sacking of Vice-Presidents, were not implemented and seemed to be unconstitutional."
 chattels: " ....... were not implemented and seemed to be unconstitutional."
chattels: " ....... were not implemented and seemed to be unconstitutional.
chattels: " ....... were not implemented and seemed to be unconstitutional.
chattels: Of course " XXXX" is saying that all of the reforms are DONE.
chattels: euters, BaghdadMonday, 16 November 2015 Iraq’s acting trade minister replaced nine officials at the country’s powerful grain board in a bid to push through anti-corruption reforms ordered by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, a statement said on Monday.
The ministry did not name the department and silo managers or accuse them of graft, but said the changes were made “to appoint competent professionals ... and exclude elements that were not able to succeed in their past responsibilities.” The grain board is responsible for procuring grain internationally and from Iraqi farmers, making it one of the world’s biggest importers of wheat and rice.
Any disarray there would raise concerns over the country’s ability to secure strategic commodities. The move comes two weeks after the minister sacked the head of the grain board and several other officials over graft allegations. A month ago, authorities issued an arrest warrant for then Trade Minister Milas Mohamed Abdul Kareem following a corruption investigation.
The sweeps also focus attention on Abadi’s attempts to push through reforms announced in August after nationwide protests erupted over corruption, poor electricity and water services and unemployment.
 TxBrand: 16 governors now ...refusing Syrians
chattels: The source said, according to a report published by al-Sabah official newspaper that "The prime minister instructed the Acting Governor of CBI , Ali Al-Alaq to open an immediate investigation into the disappearance of 10 billion dollars from the CBI reserves of $ 67 billion reducing to $ 58 billion without giving reasons at a time when the Iraqi financial market and dollar exchange rates are witnessing stability at that time. "
chattels: Is Alaq investigating such a disappearance akin to the fox being in charge of the hen house ? 
TxBrand: Rocket Launcher Found’ In French Police Raid
TxBrand: After the ISIS terrorist attacks in Paris which resulted in at least 129 people dead, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is now on high alert after learning that an Army Depot in Massachusetts was robbed over the weekend.
chattels: The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating the break-in and says the weapons have been entered into a national database. Occuring 24 hours after the Paris terrorist attacks, which also used assault rifles, there was understandable worry terrorists might be involved, but the FBI says there is no evidence of a nexus to terrorism.
“There is no indication that these missing weapons are connected to any kind of terrorism threat whatsoever. Nevertheless, every effort will be made to recover these weapons immediately,” FBI spokesperson Kristen Setera told The Daily Beast in a statement.
BOBBY: Chattels. ...... did they give a descripition of the weapons in question?
BOBBY: Chattels. ...... nevermind..... found it
chattels: A " you should read it " article, IMO : Iraq Premier Abadi’s Precarious Situation, Interview With Brandeis’ Harith al-Qarawee
BOBBY: Chattels. ..... very good post
chattels: How ISIS Picks Its Suicide Bombers
OOTW: Chalabi files reveal transfers and money laundering for the benefit of the guidance Bank

chattels: Iran trying to mediate between Kurds & Hashd over Tuz Kharmato conflict
BOBBY: France,NATO and article 5

BOBBY: Downed Russian plane was bombed.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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