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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Wealthwatch Monday Chat 11-16-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room  11-16-15
New With Links & Discussion

Wealthwatch Monday Chat 11-16-15  Part 1 of 2
MichelleL: 150 raids on terrorists in france and belgium overnight
TxBrand: trailblazersblog.dallasne...
 TxBrand: refugeeresettlementwatch....
TxBrand: Michigan and Texas will not accept Syrian refugees
Dianne777: this is a mess, is anyone still hopeful this will still happen (rv)?
lonegunman: TxBrand. This is the only thing that the Michigan Governor has done that is good and we certainly don't need anymore Middle Eastern immigrants here in Dearborn
 TxBrand: 3-Star General: Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated All Levels of US Govt To Install Sharia Law
TxBrand: The French Interior Minister said that more Mosques will have to be shut down in the wake of the awful terror strike. Read more:
Abraham: Let's get it right Kap! A condition of the loan is that the IMF sets the monetary policy for Iraq! Why? Because of the level of funding being provided to Iraq.
The IMF is a business that provides a service like any other business. So they choose what control they want in relation to political stability and debt to assets ratio.
Abraham: its not that Iraq requested, it's a condition of the loan.
TxBrand: so does that mean they are forcing them to set the rate of their currency or is the IMF...or am I all wet with both questions lol
Abraham: What control and security
Abraham: They advise but somewhere in the loan agreement is the rate that it has to be in order to obtain the loan
TxBrand: ic ty
TxBrand: sounds good
Abraham: Sorry for the "What control and security" . I meant that in the loan agreement are monthly targets that Iraq has to meet
Abraham: IMF also provides a service to help developing countries restructure their economy
Abraham: ‹@TxBrand› I first mentioned this is where Iraq will find themselves years ago. But the Gurus did not want to accept it. I was told by some that it was a joke
Abraham: ‹@TxBrand› it is a good place for us because our investment is better protected
Abraham: The IMF will also help Iraq recover the funds stolen as they have a relationship with most all Countries and can apply some pressure if needed
Abraham: Verification by the IMF that there was
Abraham: /is corruption is a powerful asset to Iraq
Abraham: I can see clearly this relationship
TxBrand: ‹@Abraham›  :grin: cool
Abraham: Having verification.
TxBrand: ‹@Abraham› are we close... how long can they hold out without this loan ?
Abraham: By an International Agency of such statue is powerful for many reason, the International Court in The Hague
Abraham: ‹@TxBrand› we are now in a far better position.
TxBrand: Are you saying something has been to Hague ?
Abraham: No. May have, what I am saying is the IMF will be in a position to the best of my knowledge and belief be able to verify the corruption to the International when Makaki is tried
Abraham: International Court *
TxBrand: Yes I know about Hague
Abraham: The connections the IMF have with Fovernments, Banks and various Agencies they can obtain information quickly on movement of funds
Abraham: Having the IMF taking charges takes a lot of weight off Abadi. Makes it not political meaning Abadi vs Malaki and that is a good thing
Abraham: That's why I speak of verification
Abraham: Takes the personal out of it because people the various religious sects etc need not see it as political
Abraham: The truth is there was corruption and it a serious issues and not a tribal issue
Abraham: It's just that Abadi is the Sent One to clean it all up  :smile:
Doug_W: Sent One ???
Abraham: ‹@Doug_W› you would not understand that
Abraham: ‹@Doug_W› that is my term you can choose your own
Doug_W: term 4 ?
MichelleL: show me some life and i'll stick around - no life and i'm retiring to where there's a place to put my feet up lol
MichelleL: joke is when they do some kind of hit here, we're supposed to be all lovey dovey and nationalistic instead of supremely angry and p.o'd at how they were allowed in
TxBrand: how many states have said no ?
TxBrand: last time I heard 10
MichelleL: I only got up to 4
MichelleL: we already have them here, we don't need to import extras
Doug_W: FL says NO
MichelleL: Fl, LA, TX, MI, where else?
TxBrand: m pretty sure I saw 10
Doug_W: we already have 100 of them as of today
Doug_W: Gov says NO more
MichelleL: Louisiana...
 TxBrand: this says 7
 MichelleL: I'd like to see a couple of "liberal states" say no... tell them the refugees will generate more hot air ;)
TxBrand: Michigan and Alabama were the first states in the country to refuse relocating Syrian refugees on Sunday, and they have now been joined by Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Indiana, Illinois, Massachusetts, Ohio, Arizona, North Carolina, Florida, Wisconsin, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Georgia, Maine, Kansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and South Carolina, some of which say more information is needed before accepting more refugees.
MichelleL: wow MAssachusetts?
TxBrand: that 21
MichelleL: thats the most liberal of the bunch thusfar
 TxBrand: they need more info.
TxBrand: say more information is needed before accepting more refugees
TxBrand: not sure if they are saying no
MichelleL: seems some idiot released more guantanemo bay detainees this week...
TxBrand: yeah ...he is insane... or he is standing with the Muslims
chattels: At the end of the day I doubt that the states can legally refuse or prevent such immigration.
MichelleL: I know muslims who don't like this either - no it isn't all of them, but still it creates a fear of all of them
Stash: He thinks he is so smart. He is a nut
MichelleL: where is States' sovereignty?
chattels: Immigration laws, rules and regulations is the purview and jurisdiction of Federal law.
Stash: Dont mess with Texas you nut.
MichelleL: a new jersey mall charging 50 bucks for kids to sit on santa's lap - do you believe it?
TxBrand: comment : The Feds can NOT force the states to take in the Syrian Refugees.
chattels: ‹@MichelleL› Much of the sovereignty of states was resolved in 1865.
MichelleL: ‹@chattels› while they can't stop the federal laws, why does that mean they have to house and care for and locate the refuges?
MichelleL: ‹@chattels› I'm slow, but i'll catch up lol
 MichelleL: Besides the risk, think of the financial burden
Stash: I wish Texas would secede
MichelleL: me too, we can mint our own sawbucks lol
chattels: There are lots of unfunded federal mandates, but, no, I am unaware of any financial obligation to the states in this area.
MichelleL: bodega
TxBrand: yes but you cant no get into each ones mind and figure out who is radical and who is not
MichelleL: however, anyone notice France wants to close all the mosques
TxBrand: you have so go by what religion they are 
MichelleL: I would say the man who kills his daughters for having american friends and going to a dance may be someone I'd fear
chattels: Prof. Nabil al-Janabi, Mehdi *: Effects of the issuance of the Iraqi Central Bank to the category of the fifty thousand dinars - and personal point of view

MichelleL: I sincerely believe its not the same religion - extremists are dangerous...
TxBrand: ‹@MichelleL› yes and I would favor closing them too... that is were this ideology comes from the choran <--- spell
 chattels: " .......... , Our economy is going ability of the Almighty, only the good Lord knows how to walk the Iraqi economy because it is led by ignorant all that means this sense of the word,............. "
chattels: " And I believe that the issuance of the fifty thousand dinars category will increase the velocity of money circulation, which have a positive impact on moving the stagnant water (hoarder cash) in the case of the Central Bank of Iraq and set the filtering auction currency."
chattels: Courtesy of DinarAlert
MichelleL: thanks Chattels
TxBrand: ‹@MichelleL› not sure what you mean ? it come from the choran doesn’t matter if its radical or not
MichelleL: Old testament has everyone smoting everyone else - doesn't represent our attitudes towards the Christian Judaeo ethic at all
TxBrand: that's because Christains go by the new convenient ..the NEW Testament
 MichelleL: It does say to sell your coats for swords... point I'm trying to make is it all started out with a more extreme attitude and more suited to the times in which people were living and the dangers they faced
MichelleL: Luke 22.36
BOBBY: Funny thing...... Mtgoat said the 50,000 notes would not be available here, there on ebay and dealers are taking orders
MichelleL: you have to defend yourself, but that doesn't mean you need to go out and burn down their mosques
MichelleL: ISIS has killed more muslims than christians for what its worth
MichelleL: ‹@BOBBY› ‹@BOBBY› ‹@BOBBY› lol are you surprised
BOBBY: MichelleL. ..... i am more surprised when they get it right lol
MichelleL: lol
TxBrand: ‹@BOBBY› really ? wow
MichelleL: TxBrand, thanks - I enjoyed that

Comments may be made at  the end of Part 2  Thank You

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