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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Wealthwatch Late Night Butifldrm Chat 11-9-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  11-9-15
Wealthwatch Late Night Butifldrm Chat 11-9-15  Part 2 of 2

kk1: ‹@chattels› yes he retired from the cbi which is the bis, which is the federal reserve

Butifldrm: Oh Lord
Donnie: lol  Donnie: on that note - GN all
kk1: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
chattels: So, he worked for a central bank ?
Butifldrm: ‹@kk1› I'm speechless
kk1: ‹@chattels› that is the central bank
kk1: ‹@chattels›
chattels: all central banks are one ?

Butifldrm: The CBI is the Central Bank but are u sure your Dad worked for the CBI
kk1: after so many years in it they are all still left in the dark on what happens when it comes to currency values until its done, by the high ups
kk1: ‹@Butifldrm› are you joking
Butifldrm: ‹@chattels› evidently not or Iraq would be in a much better place
kk1: no not in IRAQ, in chicago
kk1: they are all under the powers of the BIS
Donnie: that link doesn't show Chicago
Butifldrm: ‹@kk1› honey truly from reading the news the CBI has been under the control the past few years by a corrupt few
Butifldrm: I'm hoping it was not your Dad. Lol
kk1: ‹@Donnie› United States Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta - Federal Reserve Bank of Boston -  Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago  - Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland -  Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas - Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City - Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - Federal Reserve Bank of New York - Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia-Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond - Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco - Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis
Donnie: Shabbibi is ur dad?
kk1: ‹@Donnie›are you trying to start a problem
Donnie: duh - I know the federal Reserve banks - that link you posted didn't show them that's all
Butifldrm: ‹@Donnie› lmao
kk1: scroll down to U
kk1: ‹@Donnie›    htm
chattels: certainly all central banks have similar functions, but ....................
kk1: ‹@chattels› BUT IN AN UNDERSTATEMENT, espcially when it comes to iraq
Butifldrm: ‹@kk1› seriously I have one question. Why did you get involved with this investment?
kk1: i did over 10 years ago, because of my dad
kk1: cause when they lost thier value, after what it was, he said buy some and then forget it about it
Butifldrm: Ok that's good he must have had some faith in Iraq
kk1: ‹@Butifldrm› why you dont
Butifldrm: I still do
Donnie: ‹@kk1› is it time to remember the Dinar yet or should we still keep forgetting about  it for a few more years?
kk1: ‹@Butifldrm› i will say it is tough at some
Donnie: another words is it about to change in value?
Butifldrm: I believe if and when their is a reset all economies currencies will be valued on their resources
kk1: ‹@Butifldrm› its getting harder to know what to believe anymore
Donnie: ‹@Butifldrm› that's the plan anyways...
kk1: ‹@Butifldrm› but thats politics in general lol
chattels: ‹@kk1› are you new to dinar sites / chatrooms ?
Butifldrm: ‹@Donnie› I believe so
kk1: ooooh god no i was a fresher back in okies room way back when
kk1: that before i quit
Butifldrm: Lol
kk1: okie, hammer all the nutballs
Butifldrm: Truly I just look at all aspects of this investment
Butifldrm: ‹@kk1› have you had time to look at the reset thread?
kk1: ‹@Butifldrm› whats that
Donnie: IMO once China is added to the SDR's then things will start rolling along with other countries
chattels: ‹@kk1› ‹@kk1› What brings you to this site / chatroom ?
Butifldrm: ‹@Donnie› absolutely
kk1: ‹@chattels› less nonsence and more breakdown on news
kk1: ‹@Butifldrm› oooh that one, yes, but thanks
kk1: ‹@chattels› i take the news now with a 50/50 grain of salt, BUT its best to hear all sides instead of just, were there, were close, its gonna happen asprin liquor needs
Butifldrm: ‹@Donnie› did you see the video from Putin and the elite I posted today?
Donnie: ‹@Butifldrm› no - Got link?
kk1: it one think to agree to disagree, its another to only see and hear the best
kk1: cause iraq is aways away from the best   kk1: BUT growing fast
Butifldrm: It's on this page
Donnie: ‹@Butifldrm› TYVM
Butifldrm: ‹@kk1› IMO we have to see the Judiciary go after the corrupt. We have to see the money stolen come back to Iraq. Iraq is experiencing a sovereign debt crisis like most oil producing countries tight now
Butifldrm: Right
nobody: Did you see this?
nobody: Insiders say, close from political circles, that the Council of Ministers may ask the Central Bank "soon" to leave the currency auction and resorting to "float the dollar"; because according to sources provides state what it called "significant returns Dinareh", to feed the state treasury, the dollar exchange rate.
Butifldrm: With a B- credit rating no one will by their bonds
kk1: ‹@Butifldrm› i gave up a while ago figuring out what it will REALLY take till i get to go buy my magnum pi Ferrari
nobody: She close to the decision-making sources in an interview to the correspondent of "the world", said the government may ask the central bank will soon stop selling the dollar through auction public .. gradually, in preparation for the floating exchange rate entirely, "adding that" the aim is to allow the dollar to rise to the extent that generate returns Dinareh more on the public treasury, to face the consequences of failure in the implementation of a new ladder of salaries.
nobody:  LINK
Butifldrm: ‹@nobody› all I can say is WOW
nobody: IDK if that good or bad but interesting
chattels: " But the appearance of Mohammed Saleh Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister, between "the world" that such a decision does not need a government directive, it is from the central bank the power, directly responsible for monetary policy in the country. "
Butifldrm: ‹@nobody› very interesting
Butifldrm: The Imf for years has been begging Iraq to diversify its economy so they could unpeg from the dollar. I'm not so sure under the present circumstances this is the time
Butifldrm: Did y'all see this
Butifldrm: Baghdad — the balance of news 1 USD = 1119.0000 IQD 1 IQD = 0.0009 dollars 1 euro = 1201.4482 IQD 1 IQD = 0.0008 EUR 1 GBP = 1682.9092 IQD 1 IQD = 0.0006 pounds 1 CAD = 841.2142 IQD 1 IQD = 0.0012 CAD 1 AUD = 787.6399 IQD 1 IQD = 0.0013 Australian dollar 1 JPY = 9.0938 IQD 1 IQD = 0.1100 Japanese yen
Butifldrm: Notice IQD 1119 to the dollar
Butifldrm:  LINK 
chattels: ‹@Butifldrm› What is the significance of the foregoing to you or us ?
Butifldrm: Well who's telling the truth
Butifldrm: Mawszin or the CBI
Butifldrm: It's just another piece of the puzzle
Butifldrm: We just have to research and watch
chattels: Either way the market for our dinar is unchanged, correct ?
Butifldrm: Yes
Butifldrm: I truly think the change in value is connected to the increase in value of the dollar
chattels: ‹@Butifldrm› Wish that we had the " box cover " for that puzzle, eh ?
Butifldrm: Since The IQD is pegged to the dollar
chattels: All of the news that captures our attention, individually or collectively, may mean nothing, eh ?
Butifldrm: Oh it means something. We just have to pick the pieces of truth and place them in the puzxle
Butifldrm: There's a little bit of truth in all we read
Butifldrm: Ok love y'all night night
chattels: ‹@Butifldrm› interesting visit from the " son of cbi ", eh ?

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