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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Wealthwatch Late Night Butifldrm Chat 11-9-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room  11-9-15
Wealthwatch Late Night Butifldrm Chat 11-9-15  Part 1 of 2
Butifldrm: Hi Bobby How are you this evening
Butifldrm: Hi chattels   I am just droppin in to see how you all are doing?
Butifldrm: Lot's of interesting news today   and the past few days
Butifldrm: chattels, did u see where they are droppin pamphlets over Anbar province today?
Butifldrm: I believe because iraq finally got their F16'
Butifldrm: I know I have been in this investment for a long time, but a few years ago it was a big deal when Iraq could finally control it's own air space
Butifldrm: From what I'm reading, ISIS has taken some pretty food blows today
Butifldrm: yet they executed 70 social media gurus in Mosul
BOBBY: Butifldrm. ...... just amazing
chattels: ‹@Butifldrm› I saw / read about the drop
chattels: did something similar in Mosul a while back
Butifldrm: I know I read that then too
chattels: March 18, 2015 BAGHDAD — Iraqi planes dropped hundreds of thousands of leaflets over Mosul overnight Wednesday urging civilians to collaborate against the Islamic State ahead of a military push, the Defense Ministry said.
Butifldrm: truly I think they want to keep Isis on their toes
Butifldrm: I know
Butifldrm: I a m wondering if they think when they drop those leaflets at different times, that ISIS could be caught off guard? Like a false flag
Butifldrm: in other words like the boy that cried wolf
chattels: There is progress for sure, but " booby trap " removal slows everything down post DAESH departure
Butifldrm: I wonder how many Sunni's will take head
Butifldrm: yes for sure
Butifldrm: ‹@chattels› did you read the article about Iraq wantin to raise the vvalue of the Dinar to the Dollar yesterday
chattels: DAESH is a resilient and resourceful opposition.
Butifldrm: yes they are and they have plenty of money
chattels: ‹@Butifldrm› ‹@Butifldrm› I read the article, but not so clear about the content or import thereof
Butifldrm: I think that article is partly true and false
chattels: most all the economic articles are " voo doo " to me
kk1: ‹@Butifldrm› partly true and false has been how iraq news has been for many many years
Butifldrm: I believe Shabibi in 2012 had a plan to raise the value of the Dinar to a dollar...
chattels: many articles are unclear even when I have read a better translation and I know what they are trying to say
chattels: or think I know :)
Butifldrm: I can't find the link anymore but it was in the 2013 SIGIR repot
kk1: or they WANT us to think
Butifldrm: sorry 2012   Butifldrm: typo
chattels: I am not of the school that subscribes to a grand plan by Iraq to deceive dinarians
kk1: but they do about war and how bad things are it seems
chattels: I am of the school that ascribes greater reality to the security news than perhaps others
chattels: But i readily concede that none of us can really know
Butifldrm: ‹@chattels› I am only revealing my history  with this invesment
Butifldrm: I can only tell you I read the report for myself as many of us did
chattels: ‹@Butifldrm› understood
kk1: If it was so bad, why have we NEVER EVER EVER EVER seen an attack or a BIG attempt to go after the political meetings over there
chattels: ‹@Butifldrm› I have abandoned any idea of persuading people of my view and any notion of pontification
Butifldrm: ‹@chattels› all Iraq has today is totally different situation
chattels: ‹@kk1› Security,in my observation, varies greatly from province to province in Iraq
Butifldrm: ‹@kk1› what politial meeting?
 kk1: or so the news likes to state to draw in readers
Butifldrm: ‹@chattels› yes, of course this is a sectarian war
kk1: ‹@Butifldrm› political meetings is all we read
Butifldrm: ‹@kk1› yes, the politics is the main business in Iraq
Butifldrm: Evidently is't big business
kk1: yes, so i dont buy into that daesh is the reason why for no rv
Butifldrm: 85 percent of the people get a government check
Butifldrm: ‹@kk1› daash is just one of the reasons
kk1: war in that 3d world will be there forever   kk1: its all they know
Butifldrm: and truly a corruption and a power vacuum created isis in Iraq
kk1: and this float garbage is even more funny, go internationally live at 1166....lmao
Butifldrm: the price of oil is the big problem now in all oil producin economies
Butifldrm: Since the slow down in  china
Butifldrm: China is and was the rowth factor for the world  Butifldrm: including Iraq
Butifldrm: ‹@kk1› the float factor is not garbage
Butifldrm: the IMF has been telling Iraq for years to float their currency
Butifldrm: you need to read this
kk1: ‹@Butifldrm› YES IT IS, going live at 1166, internationally will be no profit for us for so so so many years
Butifldrm: you need to read
kk1: it goes live at 1166 internationally, you can forget about it
Butifldrm: read all of these articles  Butifldrm: you will understand
kk1: ‹@Butifldrm› dont have to my father retired from the cbi 
kk1: if it goes internationally live at 1166, say goodbye to this investment
kk1: it would be WORLD HISTORY if with in 2 to 4 years it goes up to 1.00
kk1: you go do your research on the currency history
Butifldrm: if it were to go live at 1166 at this date and time, the rate would go down like the Red Baron under the present circumstances
Butifldrm: yet, we have an issue with the price of oil and value of the dollar
Butifldrm: today I read that Eypt which is in article VIII is wither ffoing to have to devalue it's currency or raise interest rates because of the increase in the value of the dollar
Butifldrm: see athe problem here within lies that the dollar is killing these oil rich and emerging economies
Butifldrm: ‹@kk1› research on what currency?
kk1: find me ONE that went from 1166 to over a 1.00 in under 5 or 10 years  -  you wont
kk1: currencies are NOT like the stock market
Butifldrm: ‹@kk1› I know that.  Butifldrm: Believe me I have studied
Butifldrm: Now what if their was some sort of reset
kk1: your talking
chattels: ‹@kk1› Your father worked for the Central Bank of Iraq ?
Butifldrm: I do believe we may see that
kk1: how and at what rate push....who knows
Butifldrm: Evidently
chattels: ‹@kk1› " my father retired from the cbi "   chattels: ???
Butifldrm: ‹@kk1› do think their might be a possibility that the dollar may not hold the reserve currency status?
kk1: ‹@chattels›

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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