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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wealthwatch Late Evening Chat 11-10-15 Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  11-10-15
Wealthwatch Late Evening Chat 11-10-15 Part 2 of 2
chattels: Finance Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, announced that the government will be issued next year, 2016 bonds worth seven trillion Iraqi dinars to fill the budget deficit will be five of them raised in the domestic market and the rest in the international market.   chattels:
Abraham: All subject to the IMF approval
BOBBY: the community could use more articles along those lines
Abraham: Way different playing field now  :smile:
chattels: Iraqi MOD: Ramadi is surrounded and will soon be liberated By Rudaw
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Iraqi Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi claimed Tuesday that Iraqi joint forces have made massive advances from all directions around the Islamic State-held city of Ramadi in Anbar province, and the provincial capital would soon be liberated from the extremist group.
“Iraqi joint forces including the army, security forces, Hashd al-Shaabi and tribal militias in coordination with the US-led coalition have completely surrounded Ramadi, especially on the western side of the city," said Obeidi in a written statement released Tuesday.
The statement also said that after the Ramadi military campaign has ended operations to liberate other territories held by ISIS in Anbar province are expected to begin.
chattels: " ......... the US-led coalition have completely surrounded Ramadi, especially on the western side of the city,"
chattels: If the city is surrounded then what special relevance if there to one side or the other :)
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Kirkuk governor Dr. Najmadeen Karim met Tuesday in Washington DC with high-profile American Senator John McCain, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and called for more attacks against the Islamic State.
chattels: grab taken from a propaganda video by ISIS militants in Iraq. ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — A high Russian official said Tuesday that some 80,000 militants are fighting for the Islamic State, out of which 30,000 are in Iraq and 50,000 in Syria with some 7,000 nationals of former Soviet states fighting for ISIS, the Russian state-controlled TASS news agency reported.
"According to reports, militants now control around 40 percent of Iraqi territory and 50 percent of Syrian territory," TASS quoted Yevgeny Sysoyev, the deputy head of the Russian Federal Security (FSB), the successor agency to the KGB, as saying at a security conference in the Russian city of Sochi Tuesday.
chattels: The foregoing is likely inaccurate, at least as to Iraqi territory occupied by DAESH
chattels: Other reports place the % at about 25 and down from a high of 1/3
chattels: / nina / student president of independent parliamentary bloc honest frankincense "the House of Representatives and the ministers to agree on a reduction of the share of the Kurdistan region of the state budget for 2016 of 17% to the actual quota of 12.8%."
chattels: Basra / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / threatened MP from the Sadrist movement Mazen Mezni, to "protest and civil disobedience" in protest at what he called overtaking on the financial and administrative rights of Basra,. And demanded in a statement to the Iraqi News / Nina / National Agency of the Federal Government sprayed money accumulated Petro dollars and give priority to the local government in the oil and gas file management;
chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed that the real debates new general budget of the Commission has not started yet.
 The vice president of the Committee Ahmad electrodes Iraqi News / Nina / National Agency that "the draft of the budget bill reached the corridors of Parliament a few days ago, but the parliamentary committee has yet to meet to study them. "
 chattels: Basra / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / Chairman of the Board morning Albzona demanded the return of petro funds Dlaor for the past three years, amounting to 11 trillion dinars to the province of Basra, stressing rejection reduce the amounts of petro dollars proposed financial allocation to Basra in the budget of 2016.
chattels: Let the " budget games " begin. Early maneuvering and we have not even heard from the Kurds yet.    chattels: Budget News Thread 
Abraham: I personally do not support the float theory since it delays the development of Iraq. Because much of the infra structure has to be rebuilt. Iraq is an importer and has to develop other industries that will improve its Balance Of Payments position.
Abraham: A float will only suppress their development and makinging them more prone to terrorist factions.
Abraham: The key is the development of their middle class. Therefore a transformation of their productive sectors must take place soonest
Abraham: Thereby creating opportunities for all
 Abraham: Investment in Education and Training is also important in order to meet the demand of their productive sectors
Abraham: Also it needs to be understand that much time has been wasted which has been extremely costly to Iraq. So there is a timing issue. Had Iraq not been plaque with the various issues they would have had a good head start on Iran. But pride blinds us.
Abraham: Meaning, leaders are to be Servant Leaders - to serve the people. Too often leaders are Self Serving.
Abraham: Jesus modeled Servant Leadership. Judas was Self Serving.
Donnie: Please read The Gospel of Judas for an eye opener.... If you dare....  :shocked: Donnie: :)
Abraham: ‹@Donnie› Don't need too!

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