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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wealthwatch Late Evening Chat 11-10-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room  11-10-15
Wealthwatch Late Evening Chat 11-10-15  Part 1 of 2
Abraham: I think with the new IMF agreement it will help dispose of Malaki
Abraham: Since they will now be privy to all financial and monetary transactions
Abraham: It should strengthen the Government's case against Malaki
 chattels: An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission led by Christian Josz visited Amman from November 1–10, 2015 to discuss a Staff-Monitored Program (SMP) with the Iraqi authorities. At the end of the visit, Mr. Josz issued the following statement:
chattels: “Iraq continues to face a number of challenges. Key among those is the ongoing armed conflict with ISIS, which continues to strain the country’s resources and results in new waves of internally displaced people, reaching over 4 million in June 2015. The other key challenge is the fall in oil prices, causing a large external shock to the balance of payments and the budget revenue, which depends predominantly on oil export receipts.
Abraham: Because a third party (international) can verify what financial transactions were made
chattels: “The SMP will be submitted to IMF management for its consideration by the beginning of next year. It will allow the Iraqi authorities to build a track record for a possible Fund financing arrangement.
chattels: Read more @
chattels: “ Iraq continues to face a number of challenges. Key among those is the ongoing armed conflict with ISIS, .........."
chattels: More exaggeration I suppose.
chattels: The pundits continue to minimize Iraq' problems as it does not fit their narrative of an " any day / every day " increase in the value of the IQD.
Abraham: ISIS is a monetary drain on Iraq. So they have to free themselves of them.
chattels: Iraq's *
Abraham: Not only a security problem, but ALSO a monetary drain on their finances
chattels: I opined recently that there are four steps / phases to the " normalization " of Iraq.
chattels: 1) Defeat and oust the militant forces; and,
chattels: 2) Removal of the " booby traps "; and,
chattels: 3) maintenance of the liberated areas; and,
chattels: 4) Resettlement of the IDP's
chattels: There is really a fifth which is rebuild the infrastructure in the liberated areas.
chattels: Add to all of the foregoing the need for a "national reconciliation " plan and implementation thereof
BOBBY: cant argue with the reality of that list
chattels: part of any national reconciliation for Iraq is to finally address Article 140 issues
chattels: If you have not read the interview with Najmaldin Karim, Governor of Kirkuk ( only five people have ) then you really should.
chattels: His name sometimes translates a " Nemecterin Cream " in the " Arablish "
404 We're sorry but the URL you're trying to reach doesn't exist!
chattels: a physician, he was working in the ER in Washington, D.C. when Reagan was shot.
OOTW: interesting Chattels
chattels: interesting irrelevant fact, but he has some acqaintance with American politics
OOTW: link to GOP debate
chattels: the international coalition, announced that Daash terrorist gangs lost more than 800 km in Iraq.
chattels: coalition spokesman Colonel Stephen Warren forces, that "Daash lose in decline because of the progress the Iraqi security forces in fighting and made ​​progress in Ramadi and al-Baghdadi and western Anbar and Baiji and along the front line of the Peshmerga and since this summer."
He pointed out that "Daash lost more than 800 km In Baiji square in the length of the front line, in addition to progress in Ramadi over the past two weeks
chattels: called for a parliamentary committee on Tuesday the economy, the government, the salaries of state employees to the dollar exchange rate.
Jawad al-Bolani told all of Iraq [where] that "the economic and investment commission submitted a request in this regard has been introduced in the first reading of the budget law,"
noting that "75 deputies endorsed the demand for and received a great support to him." He added that the "conversion of employees' salaries to the dollar It will put an end to the dominance of some of the auction sale of the currency, "noting that" the auction of the currency industry, trade and production failure. "
BOBBY: Chattels. .... interesting point in that article about long term / short term plan
chattels: ....... " conversion of employees' salaries to the dollar " ...........
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› all of it was very insightful and informative I thought
BOBBY: Chattels. ...... a very insightful read
chattels: Karim has a reputation for being his own man and not a vassal to Baghdad or Erbil

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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