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Friday, November 6, 2015

Wealthwatch Friday Morning Chat 11-6-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  11-6-15
Wealthwatch Friday Morning Chat 11-6-15  Part 2 of 2
chattels: ‹@Doug_W› There is good progress militarily, but some ways to go according to the news that I read and assign credibility to.
chattels: What if anything has such to do with our liquidity event, well you know where I stand as opposed to others. That is " plowed ground ". :)
chattels: i will no longer conduct myself in the chat with argumentation on that subject. Apparently each if us has chosen a path and no amount of chatting is going to alter such.
Donnie: even so - i feel you should still post news links even if there is no discussion.
Donnie: many like to read the links
Doug_W: there are those that live to "agitate" others
Donnie: or use the links to read the articles
chattels: ‹@Donnie› I will try to balance information against argumentation.
Donnie: choose to just post and not respond to argumentative remarks from others
chattels: A source in the Prime Minister, the President of the Republic deputies and ministers were dismissed, and they do not exercise any governmental status.
The source said, "The Deputy Prime Minister and Vice-President of the Republic has been dismissed and stop their salaries since last August, and pulled them official offices do not engage in any governmental status in the Iraqi state since dismissed until now not retreat from it," he said, adding that "any claim otherwise It is contrary to reality. "
chattels: He stressed, "were actually all three presidencies to reduce the salaries since the issuance of the reduction decision two months ago and pulled thousands protections of them were provided huge amounts of money of the Iraqi state because of it."
The source pointed out that "the reforms ongoing irreversible," pointing "No attempts to withdraw the mandate nor the corrupt obstacles can stop the march of reform "
Donnie: LOL WOW
Donnie: "No attempts to withdraw the mandate nor the corrupt obstacles can stop the march of reform ".
BOBBY: sounds like fighting words
Doug_W: Git er DUN Iraq
chattels: " any claim otherwise It is contrary to reality. "
chattels: " .......... reduce the salaries since the issuance of the reduction decision two months ago and pulled thousands protections of them were provided huge amounts of money of the Iraqi state because of it."
Doug_W: which means NO immunity either
Donnie: big drop from 119 T to only 70 T next year
Doug_W: to me
Doug_W: true   Doug_W: but MUCH more elusive now
chattels: ‹@Doug_W› sorry about the " caps "
Doug_W: NP   Doug_W: I am not thin skineed
chattels: ‹@Donnie› a substantial reduction - some say " critical "
chattels: My sense is that a real rub may continue to be with the Kurds over money
chattels: the GOI just does not have enough
Donnie: i was just thinking we haven't heard much from the Kurds yet
Donnie: i see 550,000 barrels is still in there.
chattels: ‹@Donnie› read the MERI conference speeches and other articles
chattels: the Kurdish delegation has not arrived in Baghdad as yet and there is some question of whether they will come without some guarantees
chattels: Qubad Talabani and Nirchevan Barzani have vocalized on the subject
chattels: Maliki yesterday agitating for control of KIrkuk by Baghdad - like throwing gasoline on a fire, IMO
Donnie: lol
chattels: ‹@Donnie› Kurdish lawmakers pessimistic on upcoming Baghdad meeting By Rudaw 3/11/2015;
chattels: “A delegation from either the US or the UN could come to the meeting as the third party so that Kurds are not accused of undermining the agreement,” Jaf told Rudaw. She said one of the reasons Kurds supported Abadi’s Cabinet was US and UN insistence.
“The Iraqi government has clearly violated the agreement, now they (the US and UN) should come with us to the meeting, because we already know Baghdad will not abide,” she added.
chattels: With ongoing crises hitting both the Iraqi and Kurdish economies, oil prices remaining relatively low and a refugee crisis becoming more dire as winter sets in across northern parts of the country, officials on both sides seem more willing to compromise now.
chattels: This could implicitly mean that the KRG continues to expand its oil exports through Turkey, cutting into the monopoly of Iraq’s SOMO oil company, while Baghdad increasingly turns a blind eye as it is unable to pay back some $15 billion in overdue wages to the KRG.
 Donnie: Baghdad can't afford to pay KRG so the KRG is going to screw over Baghdad even more...
chattels: 11-6-2015 Newshound Guru Enorrste I believe that Abadi has sold his program to the Parliament and that program is the CBI plan to raise the value of the dinar.
This means that for the first time we have all of the major players on the same page, irrespective of Maliki's attempt to meddle in the process.

I see forces moving that cannot be stopped easily. Furthermore, if you recall, it was the IMF who insisted that the Investment Law be passed before the end of October, and it was, barely. It was also the IMF that stated unequivocally that Iraq would "enter the world market" in early 2016.
Donnie: that will cause a downward spiral
chattels: 11-6-2015 Newshound Guru Enorrste Therefore, I believe it is reasonable to conclude that, ultimately, this movement is being driven by the IMF and that they, along with the CBI, who are in the same pea pod as the IMF, have sold Abadi on the entire plan.
Now we know that Abadi has sold his "reforms" to Parliament. In short, the ball is moving and I believe it will move quickly. Saleh has already been on record that the beginning of a year is the proper time to make this sort of major advance (the float). To conclude, these reasons bolster my view that we will see the float in early 2016.
chattels: ‹@Donnie› it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the " screwer " and the " screwee " :)
Donnie: lol LOL so true
Donnie: who screwed who first...  lol
chattels: ‹@Donnie› indeed :)
Donnie: does Enorrste have any weight, accuracy tracks in the past?
chattels: ‹@Donnie› More than most, IMO, but the timing and ultimate outcome are yet unknown, so accuracy must necessarily be judged from the rear view mirror
chattels: He does not subscribe to the any day / everyday narrative
Donnie: that's good 
chattels: ‹@Donnie› He and " Kap " are usually " on the same page ".
Donnie: that's good   Donnie: i like kap
chattels: Duty and the privilege of service to my fellow man are calling - laterz all
Doug_W: be well "C"
TxBrand: I must have slept through something last night... a tree blew over in back yard... JUST A SMALL one in a pot
 chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 15m15 minutes ago Finally, an article on Sunnis that support Assad … Deconstructs simplistic sectarian narratives of #Syria's conflict.
Donnie: Iraq Live Update ‏@IraqLiveUpdate 3m3 minutes ago Daesh Chlorine gas missiles attacks on Hashed (PMF) picks up!
Doug_W: unbelievable
Stash: where is that red line now
Doug_W: I was CBR Officer in Germany
Doug_W: I have seen first hadn waht chlorine gas can do
Doug_W: what monsters
Doug_W: ok back to my TV show
chattels: Gold price has dropped below 1,100 again. Down 1 1/2 % today at 1,187.;  chattels: 1,087 *
Stash: XE 1119    Stash: lowest I have seen it
Doug_W: silver is : 14.73
chattels: ‹@Stash› it has been lower
 Stash: yes I just had not seen it...

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