Don't WAIT!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Mnt Goat Monday Update - "Its Monday Again -  Déjà vu Time" Part 2 of 2

You may not even hear about this sudden process too much. This will be the waiting period for us and we will all be very anxious. The rate will not yet be on the exchanges. This is purely another “sucker” rate. They will run this campaign for 4-5 days (or as long as they need it) then pop out the full RV about $4.00 + rate.

Meanwhile the new RV rate $4.00+ will be at the banks and I am hearing the US treasury may even begin exchanging to internet dinar holders and anyone knowledgeable of this process much early before the official RV going to the exchanges. Thus begin this process when Iraq first gets the 90-$1.00 rate. Everyone else will get the news when it is announced and they go into the banks when it does get posted on the exchanges. They will be surprised at such a high rate offered since they would already have heard of only a 90-$1.00 rate in Iraq. Many will be very confused. But you should not be confused since you know now what to fully expect.
So what do you do? For me I am going after the highest rate possible and will wait until I am called to the bank for the $4.00+ rate. But I warn you ***** CAUTION***** there will be charlatans and scammers everywhere trying to exchange your dinar for the 90-$1.00 rate so be careful and know there is a much better rate offered at the banks even though it may not yet be on the official currency exchanges.   

So in the long run what will the Iraq banks do with these 50k notes once they have purchased them from the CBI?

There is a mandate from the CBI to banks that they will use these new 50k and 100k notes for very large inter-banking and commercial transactions since once they collect all the large old 3 zero notes they will no longer have the very large 3 zero notes for this purpose( 5k, 10k 25k). The 50k notes will coincide indefinitely with the new lower denominations ($5, $10, $20, $200, etc) in circulation as the new Iraq currency going forward.

I also want to point out in the article below we have most of the evidence of this plan I just talked about above. It talks about the 50k notes and with it (in the same breath) talked about the “project to delete the zeros” and the postponement of it in 2012. In this article they tell us this project of the 50k and 100k notes goes back to 2006 and so it too must have been ready back in 2012 to launch but it was held up. This seems like a very good summary to me. Why did we then hear that they were just printing these notes now if they could have launched the project in 2012? How could the notes have been ready in 2012? Let’s do a time warp back in history.

This is not really that big of a puzzle to solve if you had been paying attention to this RV saga as long as I have. I come to help everyone understand the puzzle but many simply do not want to listen. Will you listen?

Way back in the year 2011ish they told us they would have to re-design these notes to have Kurdistan representation on them. Back then they even told us this would be done in 2015 but we did not fully understand what the hell they meant since surely, we thought, they would not wait this long to RV. So now this year we witnessed this being completed and we read articles on it.

Here is what they also told us about these 50k notes and its association with the project to delete the zeros and I quote from the article – “And a project to delete the zeros and repair system of cash payments, Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister said, he has seen bickering prevented obtaining the support and recognition of the Council of Ministers in 2012”.

This is again another indication of their intent to continue the project to delete the zeros (and RV their currency) in close proximity to launching these 50k notes way back in 2012. So now they have decided to go forward once again. 

I know this was a lot to read just for me to make my point and prove to you the connection between the launching of the 50k notes and the RV and the entire process. But it is a process and if you want to truly understand it… then go read my above explanation. There is absolutely no one else who has explained it or can explain it in this much detail to you because no one has the friends at the levels I do.

But even getting this plan first hand from verbal contacts it still does not make much sense until you can associate it with what Iraq is now doing. This takes being able to read the articles and make sense of them. It means remembering past events and associating them with today’s articles. Remember “it’s not so much what they say but what they do” and this is the context of this saying. But this saying does not mean you ignore the articles and you are simply ignorant if you do and you will never figure this out if you do.

Also most are simply much too LAZY to read the articles and make all the connections to what is now happening in IRAQ (and told to us in the news) to even begin to see the big picture of this puzzle. Many have asked me for the overall plan. Well I just gave it to you. NO Hype, No Rumors and just the FACTS. 

Many just get dribbles and drabs of intel and they have all they need to put it together only if they would get their  noses into the articles and READ,, READ,, READ ! 

Article Begins


Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, that Iraq needs a central bank issuing cash paper of 50 thousand dinars category, to shorten the transaction, given that the country is dealing cash payments and no credit cards in circulation in the West Kalveza CARD or MasterCard and other cards and instruments.

And Saleh, in an exclusive interview with Radio tow, that the issuance of the largest category of cash, is a financial project put forward since 2006 at the Economic Commission (in the cabinet), which is currently equivalent to about $ 46 (depending on the exchange rate), explaining that the major Iraqi currency accounted for 90% of banknotes, so the issuance of 50 thousand class will strengthen those currencies and contributes to the shortcut transactions.

And a project to delete the zeros and repair system of cash payments, Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister said, he has seen bickering prevented obtaining the support and recognition of the Council of Ministers in 2012.

He believed that the new currency version of the 50 dinars category, will reduce the cash currency carry on the citizen, as it reduces the count sorting and storage operations in the banks and therefore the consequent cost private said it was "very high", adding that it would push for raising the efficiency of the system of cash payments .

Saleh expressed surprise at the criticism directed some resolution version of this new category, and called on them to not to dwell in the affairs is not their specialty, and expected formally awarded within the circulation and salaries early next year.

Article Ends

Folks it is really that simple. These notes now are in the vaults at the banks but not yet being able to use them until the CBI gives them the go ahead. They have been instructed as to how to use and when.  They are telling us they plan to launch these what I just described to you above in early December. So now based on everything I just told you – When DO YOU THINK  the RV might occur?

So I hope we clarified this topic of the 50k notes once and for all and gave you some more insight on how they plan use them in the overall BIG picture?

Why are they waiting till 2016 to launch the now 100k notes?
They do not want to put these notes in circulation as of yet until the economy is running smoothly. As the need arises they will launch them but the process and intent at this time will be much different. First the intent in 2016 will be to collect as much of the US dollar as possible out of circulation and back to the CBI. So the banks will pay for these by using US dollars on-demand from the CBI. Secondly there will be a need for them as the economy grows and the value and volume of transactions increases.

Next I am presenting an article on the activation of the Tariffs once again. This is really the GOLDEN NUGGET of today.

Remember I told you this is another one of those GOLDEN NUGGETS to look for in the future. Well here it is. Amazed? You should not be since Mnt Goat told you to look for it. So in this past the launching of the tariffs was a flop and now we see them try this again. They will make damn sure it will be fully successful this time. The only way it has a chance of success is to RV the currency first. Why RV first?

Like I told you in prior news letters they can not correctly calculate the rates to charge for the tariffs manually and need to tie into the automated IMF system, which they have told us they already installed and linked to. The IQD rate must be on the GLOBAL exchanges worldwide. This system does auto payments and billing. It is a state of the art system and with the amount of flow of goods into and out of Iraq it would nearly impossible to prevent corruption and maintain any sense of order, tracking and billing in this process.

So bottom line is in the article below they are coming right out and telling us and I quote from the article – “the activation of the customs tariff law the middle of next month”.  Why in the middle of next month then?

I JUST TOLD YOU! ARE YOU LISTENING? They will be activating the RV at this same time !

All these events are INTERCONNECTED leading towards one event, the RV…GET IT ? 

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Special - scales News

Said economic expert on behalf of Antoine, Saturday, that the activation of the customs tariff law the middle of next month to protect the consumer, while stressing the importance of activating the role of the state industrial projects and private sector projects will contribute to raising the Iraqi economy.

Said Antoine L / scales News /, that "calls for the development of the industrial sector for the purpose of dispensing with foreign imports and the formation of labor and the provision of local goods in the markets serve Iraq's economy and the private sector", stressing that it "needs to be legislation and laws, including the activation of customs tariff law."

He added that "the middle of next month, there will be enabled to customs tariff law to protect the consumer," noting that "there are those who try to block the activation of local industry and are taking advantage of the delay of the new changes and development of the country's process."

And called on the government to "expedite the rebuilding local industry and the granting of loans to the private all kinds for the sector to move up important level and provides jobs for the unemployed," adding that "local industries significantly contribute to the lifting of Iraq's economy, especially as the activation of the role of the industrial state and the private sector projects the economy will grow more than 15 % GDP of the industrial sector ".

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Update: Reforming the CBI

I have not given you an update on the cleaning up of the CBI for a long time. We know this is necessary going forward into 2016 in running the economy. Abadi will not let a proxy governor run the CBI with Shiete dominated policies from Iran, as Mr. Ali Mohsen Ismail seems to want to do. So here  is yet another attempt by Abadi to bring down the current proxy governor assigned by Maliki to run the CBI. Abadi is playing dirtly now the same legal trick Maliki played to get Mr. Ali Mohsen Ismail installed at temporary proxy governor will also get him dismissed. Don’t believe me? Wait and see how it all plays out. Dr Shabibi will be coming back and it will be announced his return as the full time governor of the CBI.
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Dr. Haider Abadi instructed the governor of the CBI to open an urgent investigation the disappearance of $ 10 billion of central bank reserves under the previous government.  Al «morning» from a senior government source, who asked not to be identified, said that «the prime minister instructed the Governor of the Central Bank and the Agency on the Keywords to open an immediate investigation into the disappearance of 10 billion dollars from the Iraqi Central Bank reserves of $ 67 billion and decline to $ 58 billion without giving reasons at a time when the Iraqi financial market and dollar exchange rates are stable at the time.

The source confirmed that the Prime Minister expressed his commitment to comprehensive reform and the fight against corruption, according to a recent statement issued announced the issuance of new packages, respectively, as the face of open past and current files of corruption under the supervision of a higher committee to activate the principle of  reforms. 

Abadi also pledged, in his statement, to hold accountable corrupt and bring them to the judiciary and to recover the people's money at home and abroad, calling on the judiciary to the adoption of well-known judges of integrity to investigate and prosecute corrupt.

He said that opening the files of corruption is an important part of correct government course of action which is made parallel to make decisions to improve the financial and political level, and that is consistent with the higher good reference calls and a wave of demonstrations in Baghdad and a number of pro-reform and tackle corruption in the country that led to the lack of services institutions provincial measures.

He pointed out that al-Abadi source of difficulty in the implementation of the decisions and the package of reforms, calling it «a difficult task in light of the challenges faced by the country», hinting that there are parties «unnamed», he seeks to thwart his steps and try to question his ability to reform an undeclared categories feared damage which may cause its interests as a result of decisions taken recently, however, the prime minister stressed his commitment to the reform process and that he would not preclude the implementation of any party but to the Constitution and the law.

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Update: Fighting ISIS
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From the United Nations!!
It expressed the United Nations, welcomed the liberalization of Sinjar, west of Mosul and the expulsion of the terrorist organization Daash him, noting that THAT TERRORISM DAYS IN IRAQ ARE NUMBERED!

Deputy Special Envoy of the United Nations Georgi Posten in a press release on Sunday, said he "welcomes the liberalization of Sinjar areas leg out at the hands of Kurdish Peshmerga forces, adding that" the achievements of the anti-Iraqi forces to Daash confirms that terrorism days in Iraq are numbered. "

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Let’s now keep praying for the success of THESE IRAQI AND COALITION SOLDIERS-

“May there be a hedge of protection surrounding them and let the Victory be theirs against these evil doers who have no regard for humanity! We will pray until we see Victory! Amen “

All these prayers seem to be working.

Till next time…. Auf Wiedersehen!

Peace and Luv To Ya All, 
Mnt Goat

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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