Don't WAIT!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Mnt Goat Monday Update - "Its Monday Again -  Déjà vu Time" Part 1 of 2

(Thank you George for emailing this to Dinar Recaps.)

UU6834 –“Its Monday Again -  Déjà vu Time"  by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

First I need to clarify one point someone spoke of in a forum. They said that the new 50k notes were already for sale on ebay so they would then have to already be launched in Iraq. Really?

I think this person better go back and recheck again before they go of half cocked and make some stupid statements like this one. Common sense must prevail. If you know the basis for these notes and how Iraq intends to use them you should automatically know they will never be sold in the auctions and end up on ebay, especially not at this time, nor could they. So please rethink before you talk, think! I have included, once again, an explanation of these new notes today and how they are to be used.
There is a lot of negativity in what process is about to begin very shortly. Be careful who you listen to.  We are about to enter the most critical period EVER in this entire investment period. I will explain it all in today’s news letter. But make sure you read the entire news letter. Many of you go off half cocked after only skimming the news and do not really absorb what is being said and the tone of how I say it. It is being all done intentionally. Then later you have so many questions and usually the answers have all been given to you only you want to spoon fed- you are lazy. Instead no babies here and I refuse to spoon feed anyone. We are all adults, we are all grown up. Take responsibility for educating yourselves.

All the info you need going forward has been revealed to you today as I am told it is time to tell you now. NOW is the time to tell you…hint…….hint…

I am only here to help you. I have no gimmicks, no forums, no donations, no products to sell you, no advertisement commissions. Only thing I offer you is - NO Hype, NO Rumors and all just FACTS all the time. 

This is my only goal and mission.

Today’s News

Today is Monday November 16th.  What? – Still No RV……lol….lol….

Seems everyone was fooled once again with all this misinformation about an immanent RV over this past weekend. Now it’s wind’em up, hype’em up for next weekend time……

Update: Needed Reform Laws

So in my news letter dated 11/9 (LINK),  I gave you a laundry list of reform laws and what is left to accomplish (if you needed a laundry list). I gave you the following list below. Now let’s see where we stand today.

-Amnesty law - second reading completed, 14 point of contention need to be resolved.

-Mandates of the three presidencies (second reading was completed on 11/12)

-Accountability and Justice law  TBD ( suspect this will happen in the next couple weeks, we await in anticipation)

-Final announcement of the Federation Council law TBD (again we await in anticipation)

-Final report card and unity meeting for the mandate for Reconciliation called the “Reconciliation Conference” in articles they told us they were targeting to conduct this conference in mid December. Targets usually mean just that and can be moved forward or back depending on progress. Why did the pick mid Dec? Take a look at all these other dates of planned activities concerning currency reforms.

-Dealing with Maliki and the Iranian influence – See article below. The question is - will Abadi still want to prosecute Maliki and his goons within Iraq or release him to the ICC?

Article Begins


International Criminal Court's decision to refer the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and his aides to court on charges of genocide:

International Criminal Court decided to refer the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and a group of his senior aides to court on charges of genocide. Mr. Mohammed Al-Kaabi spokesman for the Court for the Middle East said that one of the associates of al-Maliki, who Torteurahalthm to court Gen. Farouk al-Araji, director of al-Maliki's military office and Lt. Gen. Ali Ghaidan, commander of ground forces and Saadoun al-Dulaimi, the defense minister and the agency, Adnan al-Asadi senior agent Interior Ministry and intelligence chief Zuhair Gharbaoui team Qassim Atta, director of operations at the intelligence service and the team called Hgati head of the anti-terrorism device. He revealed that the Court now has complete files crimes committed by al-Maliki and his aides, including the genocide in Anbar and Kirkuk and the blatant violation of human rights and to follow the brutal methods of torture and violation of freedoms of citizens and contrary to the Geneva Conventions and the Charter of the United Nations and international law.

Article Ends

Update: Currency Reform

I have said that only when you see these events (golden nuggets) could there be a strong indication of an upcoming RV window of opportunity. Such signs as news of launching the new 50k or 100k notes, articles about increasing the value of the dinar, distributing the lower denominations and coins, news of going international, deleting the zeros, putting the currency on a float vs fix regime, re-launching the tariffs, etc.

So now we see that almost all of these events that I mention they have begun to address in some form or fashion over the last 2 weeks. This was all amazing news and all in such a short time period too. You know what let me tell you a secret- IT IS ONLY GOING TO GET BETTER!

Are you now convinced they are working hard on trying to figure out what to do with the currency?  We can see something is about to happen in the not so distant future. There are many reasons why they are pushing so hard for a December timeframe.

But we need to look at the timeframe once again and know why Mnt Goat is saying December. So let’s do that then.

So first the logical question to ask is this - Did Iraq give us any timeframes for launching any of these projects that affect currency reform?

I included a summary below from our 2 weeks of reporting.

So after reading this entire news letter today you be the judge when the RV might have a probably timeframe to occur.   

1.    launching of the new 50k notes –articles told us the CBI issued these notes to the banks already and they plan to launch the use of them beginning in early Dec 2015. Wow- Just weeks away!

2.    launching of the new 100k notes – article told us the CBI will issue these notes to the banks in early 2016 sometime. I will explain this to you too as to why they are doing these later.

3.    resuming the “project to delete the zeros” –  in March 2015, the CBI told us this project was postponed until early 2016. This was due to ISIS attack. We have not yet heard any definitive timeframe to resume, however there has been amazing discussions about this project in recent articles from economists and financial experts advising Abadi and the finance ministry on what to do. I suspect they will be telling us shortly what they have decided to do.

    I now believe this project is being moved up from 2016 into 2015. We wait and watch.

4.    distributing the new lower denominations and coins – no definitive date on this yet however the CBI has told us these notes and coins are at the banks and ready to go. We also know the last shipment from the USA has arrived and many banks in provinces formerly held by ISIS now have these notes. There is a plan to deliver them to Mosul and surrounding regions too once free of ISIS. They are targeting this by the end of November. Then this project will be completed. They must launch these lower denoms when they begin launching the 50k notes. They are interconnected events.

5.    deciding the currency regime for the new IQD – articles told us the best solution is a ‘float’ regime.
I presented an article to you on this topic already as proof. Did you read it?                      

6.    re-launching the Customs and Tariffs – in articles they have told us they plan to do this in early Dec 2015. Coincidental this is the same timeframe as the launching of the 50k notes?

7.    re-launching of the Sovereign Bonds – we know the first launching was disastrous as the premium Iraq had to payout on the bonds was around 20% due to the low risk of a low sovereign credit rating. How can you make any money this way?  So they decided they would cancel this current bond drive at the end of November. They also told us they plan to resume the bond drive in early 2016. Why would they do this unless they plan to upgrade Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s credit rating to reduce their payout yet stay competitive?     

8.    Completion of the 2016 Budget – in articles they told us the first reading was conducted last week and the second reading is planned for today, Monday 11/16. They also said they plan to vote on the budget on Thursday is all goes well. There is also a “basket” of laws coinciding with the budget they also plan to address on Thursday. They did not tell us what these other laws were. Could they be some other golden nuggets we have been waiting for? Do they plan to begin the new year with a new currency? We will wait and see.

More Recent Golden Nuggets

So we heard news last week that the CBI fully intends to rollout the new 50K notes in early next month (December). We know that they need a significant increase in the dinar value to force the launching of the lower denominations at or about the same time. Why?

Lots of questions everyone is asking about these 50k and 100k notes. So let’s look at what is going on here. Why would Iraq have to RV on or about the time of  launching these new 50k notes? First let me say they do not have to RV but just increase the value of the dinar significantly from the 1166 rate so right off from the start this is where people are getting very confused about coming out at a low rate. Again –when this happens THIS IS NOT THE RV. Read more…

Lots of reasons for the 50k notes.
So let’s explore these reasons today and see if I can assist you in understanding what is about to happen and how it will all transpire. Also please read article below on this topic for more explanation.

1) First let us remember that we have positive factual evidence that the CBI began the RV process back in 2012. This is not rumor or conjecture it is FACT!   

2) Second we know that prior to 2012 RV timeframe, the CBI started the project to suck in the 3 zero notes off the streets of Iraq. At this time they reported that nearly 75% of them were collected. This is FACT!
3) Third we know they have not and will not distribute anymore of the 3 zero notes since 2012 and we know the CBI has let more US dollars back into the Iraq economy to supplement the currency shortage. So Iraq is running mostly off of US dollars today. There is a ratio of US dollars to dinar being allowed by the IMF. They are being lenient and cooperative in the CBI plan but they have already told Iraq to correct this situation since the ratio of US dollars to dinar is not proportionate as allowed since Iraq will stay using the dinar.

Then we know (cause we read articles on it) earlier in 2014 a law was passed prohibiting using US Dollars   but again the IMF overlooks this imbalance in currencies for the time being. We know that since 2012,  the CBI in cooperation with the banks, has run many programs to sucker in yet more of the 3 zero notes out of circulation. Many thought then that these programs were the RV and Mnt Goat to keep stepping in to help correct all this RV nonsense. Some still continue this nonsense for every weekend even though I try desperately to help then to avoid all this unnecessary hype and rumors. The CBI reports now up to 80-90% now are gone.

4)Fourth we must go back in history as they recently told us that the project for the 50k and 100kk notes goes back to 2006 thus it is not new and has been planned all along. Next they told us recently the connection with the “project to delete the zeros” in that the one of the reasons for now launching the 50k notes is to attempt to suck up the remaining 10-20% of the 3 zero notes out of circulation and force the lower denominations to be launched. Why would this force the lower denominations to be launched?

5) Fifth we know that (as I just told you above too) that there is a ratio of allowed dinar to US dollars. So since the 50k notes will suck up yet more or these notes, the void gets larger and thus the ratio of US dollars increasing which will grossly violate the IMF restrictions  on the use of the US dollar. So this is the time when the pressure is exerted on the CBI to do something. So they only thing they will be able to do is launch the lower denoms to offset the ratio thus satisfying the IMF.  So have you heard about a CBI MECHANISM to launch to lower denoms?  Did you ever wonder what the hell this mechanism could be? Well this is it.

Of course the CBI just doesn’t give out FREE money so the local banks will have to collect in the 3 zero notes and use them to pay the CBI for the 50 notes. To prime the pump the banks would buy these 50k notes using the an I.O.U. They CAN NOT initially us US dollars to purchase them. Later post RV they can. Initially the CBI wants for force the collection of the last of the 3 zero notes and later force the collection of  the US dollar. The local banks are the instrument/tool to do this. Nice strategy is it not? But remember the liquidity problem,  so this all has to be done in a VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME and can not continue long. They need cash in the banks to loan out. This MUST happen suddenly and briefly. The timing has to be perfect.

For instance: they would give the CBI any combination of the 5k, 10k or 25k notes for a new 50k. (5 x 5K = 50k) or (2 x 25k = 50k) or (10k +10k + 25k + 5k = 50k) just as examples. 

So the banks must come up with a plan as to how to sucker the people to turn in the last of their dinar. How will they do this? They must pop out a rate of the dinar (3 zero notes) higher than the US dollar. So the 1166 rate will suddenly and unexpectedly shock everyone one day and go way up to probably around 90 cents to just over $1.00 on a float. This is not yet the RV. This is not yet international. So keep this in mind. This is VERY IMPORTANT. This is where many will get very confused in the process. But you know better now since yo have faithfully been reading and keeping up with this RV saga with Mnt Goat.

You may not even hear about this sudden process too much. This will be the waiting period for us and we will all be very anxious. The rate will not yet be on the exchanges. This is purely another “sucker” rate. They will run this campaign for 4-5 days (or as long as they need it) then pop out the full RV about $4.00 + rate.

​Link to PART 2

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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