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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Tuesday Evening 11-10-15


Iko Ward:  Hi all, to clarify, it appears the banks are making various moves to eliminate derivatives. Everything from shady contract re-writes to "losing" files to hackers. There is simply no way to pay down four quadrillion worth of directives with a world economy of only 70 Trillion.

Iko Ward: The contract re-writes eliminate the debt while leaving the underlying asset in place. Not a bad slight-of-hand.

Iko Ward: We really are a clever species, consummate problem solvers, self preservation the mother of all invention.

JimBake:  Its just like a game of monopoly...this game is over, now we reset the board, re divide the $$, and off we go again...hopefully wiser! :)

Tennwolfman :  ok back from the bank..

I went in to see my WM, she told me to have a seat.. Then the bank manager and she(WM) began having a long conversation with one another.

 After quite a while and several stares at me later, they both motioned for me to come over and...

 They looked at one another and softly said--We dont fully know what is going on, but there's something going on with the banking industry today.

Why dont you just go on home and we will contact you later after we find out more on what is happening. I left and that was that.

They were careful what they said to me and they said it very softly

the way they both kept turning around and looking towards me and their attitude-wow cant get much better info than that wooooohooooo


Tishwash:  JPMorgan Says It Was Hit by Hack Called Largest Bank Breach Ever
One of the world’s biggest banks, along with brokerages and a major business news publication, were targets of hackers who pulled off the largest theft of customer data from a U.S. financial institution in history, the U.S. said Tuesday in announcing charges against four men.

The bank was JPMorgan Chase & Co., according to Trish Wexler, a company spokeswoman.

The charges against four men including Anthony Murgio, who were all previously arrested, broaden the scope of a wide-ranging hacking probe. Among the alleged victims was “one of the world’s most widely circulated financial news publications,” according to the indictment.
The scheme ran from 2012 to mid-2015.

In addition to the hacks on the U.S. financial sector, the defendants targeted other companies and laundered their “vast criminal proceeds” through at least 75 shell companies, according to the indictment.

U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara in Manhattan has scheduled a press conference for Tuesday to explain the charges.

According to the indictment, one of the defendants “directed network intrusions” into nine targets and stole personal information “of over 100 million customers in these companies.”
In addition to Murgio, prosecutors charged Gery Shalon, Joshua Aaron and Ziv Orenstein. Murgio was previously tied to a cyber-attack on JPMorgan in an FBI memo.

Crow: What has this got to do with our rv??

Raptor22: It could have a lot to do with it if your info is among the stolen! We must be ever diligent in protecting our personal info, as it seems the big banks and corporations are unable to guarantee the safety of the info they get from us.

Amazing LaMont:  Best Article I've seen on History of Money and Banker's Wars

Taking you from the American Revolution through today, this article takes you beyond The Creature from Jekyll Island and is a much shorter read.

All Wars are Banker's Wars by Michael Rivero

Click here for the article in PDF

Click here for article on website
And the info keeps rolling in.  from Martha 

Add this thought. The banks wiped out their derivatives?  How did that happen??? Look who is funding this reset.(China)  Well,I guess we can eliminate a "crash".For every Ying there is a yang.

Also, on Veterans Day, the stock market is open but the bond market is closed. Also the 3 major banks are closed but remember we will be off site.(For Exchanges)

Not to lose sight. of the reason of the holiday, perhaps it would be an honor to all the military past and present; and to those military and families who are invested to be able to exchange on this day.

Recaps, keep up the great education stuff found the article that I was talking about on the history, rates of currency of the BRICS Alliance and Dragon family.

Thanks Martha


Calls for the government and the Kurdish delegation to agree on oil and gas law

11/9/2015 0 Comments

Commission on oil and energy parliamentary called on the federal government to negotiate with the delegation of Kurdistan, who visited Baghdad to agree on passing the oil and gas law and voted on in Parliament.

She said committee member Rep. Fatima Hamidi told I followed "Baghdad News" that "approval of oil and gas law no matter what at the current stage on the grounds that it would end all disputes and controversy between the federal government and the Kurdistan region and the oil-producing provinces on production and export.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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