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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wednesday Mnt Goat Update - "More WOW!!! News"  Part 1 of 2

(Thank you George for sending this to Dinar Recaps.)

UU6831 –“ More WOW!!! News “  by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

I want to wish everyone in USA a Happy Veterans day and to all members who served, not only in USA forces, but in any armed forces around the globe, in any country  that supports freedom, compassion and love – Thank You!   

Being a prior member of the armed forces myself for many years I am fully aware of the sacrifice and dedication that is needed.

Often while on military leave, upon returning home, you see a different perspective on the place you  left behind. Sometimes you witness the folks going about their daily lives, their comfortable jobs and just living and enjoying their families. While your life is turned upside down fighting the bad guys and living often in harsh conditions. But you persevere and you sacrifice because you know there are going to be better days when it is all over. Soon someday this day does come and you are discharged. But the bad guys never seem to go away.
I now have my own family and we live in southern Germany now. I do enjoy the freedoms and I have two children and a loving hubby. Our business is good for our Gasthaus. We do not ask for much. Simply raising our children and having opportunities and money to enjoy my family is all I ask. What is wrong with just living simple and enjoying the small things.  These so called small things may be small to others but I have come to realize I could not live without them. They are HUGE for me. They include my favorite hikes up the mountains, the peaceful times when I can sit with my two girls or watch them play in the alpine meadow,  and then what about the loving hands of my hubby as he gracefully stokes my hair, looks kindly into my eyes and I know he loves me dearly. This is all simple freedom.   

Some say that FREEDOM is not cheap and there is price to pay for it. I say they are foolish idiots. FREEDOM is totally FREE and there is no price for it. God has given us this gift. It is us who take it for granted and abuse it upon our fellow human beings. It is we who are stupid. We throw this gift away and then think we have to fight to get it back. We never learn our lesson and it seems we keep throwing it away and keep fighting to get it back.

We teach our children too that violence is being strong, that offense is the best defense. We spend so many hours a day watching violent TV and we keep telling ourselves it is only entertainment. Really? Do you not think this violence impacts your moods, dreams, and reactions? Could it maybe be at the root of some of the violence?

So why do be let it continue? Some say  it is our freedom to watch what we want. Again I say to this we throw away our freedom by our daily choices and then we wonder later where it has gone. How about thinking about these choices for a change and realize they may be the wrong choices?

It is totally up to us as to know that this FREEDOM is a privilege only God has given us. Like so many privileges we do not understand the responsibility that comes along with them. Yes- it is a responsibility as to how you decide to treat other human beings. You always have a choice. You can decide to treat others with dignity and unselfish love or you can let those evil desires take control over you. There is always a choice and you just have to realize this choice too is part of the FREEDOM.

I am not saying it is always easy. I know it is hard. Oh boy there are times when I would just like too hammer someone. But in respect I reframe and remember they may not realize they have just hurt me so much and sometimes a not so violent reminder like a kind word does more good then harm. 

Unfortunately there are those that do not realize this gift and do not want to work for opportunities to get ahead. They are lazy and would rather use excuses (like religion and ideals) for this laziness to plunder and take what is rightfully not theirs and others work hard to get. They abuse their own freedom. We see it now in this terrorism movement. If nothing else during this terrorist crisis you all need to truly understand the motives behind this terrorism movement.

Learn for yourselves but make sure you truly know the true motives and not just the ideals and propaganda used to recruit. In doing so you will see just this laziness and extreme need and struggle for world control, dominance and power and once again the plundering of the world’s wealth.  There is nothing else. There is really no high and almighty ideals of freedom fighting involved or protecting loving families. Plain and simple - it is a struggle of greed and power.
So many of you now might be asking - what does this lecture on choices and freedom have to do with Veterans day?  To all you who have to ask yourselves this question all I can say is this is my point. We simply do not understand what freedom is and truly how to be free.

So on this occasion of Veterans day I want to say - War is hell on earth and is evil. It should be banned permanently from the face of the earth. This should be the basis for all discussions on this matter.

You want to truly understand war?

Then join the military and get sent to the front lines. Or better yet have one of you own children go to war and lose that child. Or maybe experience having one of your siblings injured and see how it impacts his/her life. Yes- these are parts of the sacrifices we mention so many times. I guarantee you will soon become an anti-war activists.

There is nothing wrong with peaceful people or those apposed to war. Since this should be our natural state and someday we can become this too. Yes we can all truly be free. But this will not happen in supporting violent TV shows, video games, sports or any activity that fosters these tools of brainwashing of violence. We have become a violent society. Do you wonder why? It is up to us to tone down this violence. In fact it is part of our responsibility of our freedom to do so. You want to talk about freedom and preserving it? Well this is it.

So often we ask where does all this perpetual war come from? When will we finally have peace? 

All I can say is in my life so far I have come to realize that it all begins at home with each and everyone of us.

When will we finally have peace on earth?
We will have peace when enough of us truly want it. It is really that simple!

Today’s News

Today is Wednesday November 11th. I know I just wrote a news letter yesterday but all the news is just so good I had to come to you again and tell you about what is now happening.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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