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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Wealthwatch Wednesday  Night Chat 11-18-15 Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  11-18-15
News With Links & Discussion

Wealthwatch Wednesday  Night Chat 11-18-15 Part 2 of 2
chattels: “Oil revenues are nearing 59 trillion dinars [$53.05 billion]. Deducting the cost of oil production, the remaining amount will be 45 trillion dinars [$40.3 billion]. Salaries and pensions alone require 50 trillion dinars [$44.8 billion]. How will the expenses of war, health, education, agriculture, services, the poor and others be covered?”
chattels: " ......... the 2016 budget will cover only the bare necessities, with no room for extraneous expenditures or investments."
chattels: The most worrisome aspect of Iraq's deteriorating economic situation is that the government does not have a strategy to deal with this crisis. It has taken only temporary steps such as borrowing from foreign institutions or cutting salaries, both of which have exacerbated the problem.
chattels: The only way out of the current crisis is for the government to look beyond stopgap measures and instead develop large-scale economic plans the general population can contribute to and benefit from.
texas: chattels i joined a bit ago and have been observing mostly, and i seem to see is it seems you think this is never gonna happen, am i reading you wrong?                                                                                                                      
chattels: ‹@texas› I hope that it is going to happen. I am heavily invested, but I post all the news and not just the news that supports a preferred or popular narrative as to the inevitability or timing of our liquidity event.
texas: i understand it just seems as if there is never any positive, or moving forward type of news in here
chattels: Is the foregoing responsive to your question ?
texas: sorry for asking
chattels: ‹@texas› There is progress in the war on DAESH, but frankly I am hard pressed to find other good news.
chattels: ‹@texas› Why are you sorry for asking ?
texas: so all that parliment is signing working on, moving forward means nothing then just DAESH news?
chattels: What is it that parliament has accomplished ? Signed and implemented that is. They are are always talking about working on something. I try to separate the rhetoric from reality.
texas: ok
chattels: ‹@texas› How long have you been invested ?
MichelleL: lol your question chased him away - another troll chattels?
chattels: ‹@MichelleL› people seem to want to have only good news
chattels: perhaps it would be more beneficial to the popularity of this site for me to leave
MichelleL: people are not very smart, chattels. What good is "good news" without it ever happening
MichelleL: no way chattels, who cares about being in a crowd of cheerleaders
chattels: frustrating and discouraging i think  : i prefer reality to illusion
Donnie: ‹@chattels› IF you ever leave, be sure to let me know where you go!!
MichelleL: lol me too - you were a big draw in my coming here ;)

chattels: well it is a quiet room as many observe
MichelleL: sometimes I feel the older I get, the more diplomacy I lose
chattels: If I were not invested then I could better understand the attitude of people towards my critical analysis
MichelleL: could be worse, some people lose their eyesight -oh wait, thats happening too
MichelleL: you are heavily invested, chattels, and 1000% entitled to your opinion and outlook - I am not in your league but as far as I could go on this venture, and I tend to try and kick myself in the behind at least twice a week lol
chattels: I have invested in excess of $ XXX dollars and countless hours. I have never received a dime of compensation from any source in dinarland.    chattels: I obviously do not get it.
MichelleL: yes, I hate the hours we've spent waiting - if I'd only bought a thousand dollars' worth and thrown it in the drawer, I'd have walked away and not been in a "waiting" game
 chattels: I want and need this to happen, but wanting and needing does not change the realities of it all.
MichelleL: I feel very bad about my friend being ripped off on the sale to that dealer a few weeks ago - that is adding insult to injury
SWSD: So I hear that the dealers are selling the 50k notes now. What's up with that?
MichelleL: I saw one on ebay the other day
chattels: ‹@SWSD› not sure - i have not bought in quite awhile now
MichelleL: I think its 5 or 6 years since I've gotten any... I should have stopped the year before lol - i'd have half as many
chattels: ‹@SWSD› If the word " withdraw " in recent news means to " cancel or void " as with the 5,000 dinar note then most of have 10,000 and 25,000 dinar notes and they would be arguably worthless
MichelleL: 5k dinar notes are worthless????
chattels: ‹@MichelleL› sorry, 50's

MichelleL: I have a mil of them too - thought the 50 note was withdrawn
MichelleL: lol good
MichelleL: i have a few 50s, not enough to think about
MichelleL: did you ever get used currency chattels, or all new?
chattels: ‹@MichelleL› all " new "
MichelleL: me too. The VND I bought were all used - I may have 40 mil or so of them lol but they were so cheap, it was easy to accumulate  MichelleL: maybe 50mil? don't have a real recollection
 chattels: "The issuance of this category will make it easier to deal in Iraqi dinars at home to be a turnout it be bigger than the dollar, which have an impact on reducing the trend towards the latter," revealing that "any new class is issued by the central bank will in return withdraw category 25 000 or 10 000 ".
chattels: " ............. withdraw category 25 000 or 10 000 "
MichelleL: assuming a new class -
chattels: Query : " What does ' withdraw ' mean in the context of the article ?
MichelleL: cease to use, like our 1000 dollar bill I would assume
MichelleL: still legal tender but just not "there"
chattels: Can anyone really know ? I read what the pundits profess, but ............................ ?
SWSD: sorry, back for commercial time lol . So do you feel the 50ks are a good thing chattles?
MichelleL: chattels, there are so many 10k and 25k notes out there, and I for one won't believe in a "LOP"
MichelleL: if it happens, guess I'll have another tax write off i don't need

SWSD: ‹@MichelleL› what mayhem and rioting in dinarland will happen if that goes down, huh?
SWSD: all the high praised gurus will all have prices on their heads lol
MichelleL: SWSD mayhell may be the word lol
SWSD: that too
chattels: the word used with the 50 dinar note was " cancelled " I believe and not " withdraw 
MichelleL: SWSD it would be a "caliphate"
MichelleL: jihaad Dude ;)
SWSD: ‹@chattels› do you think the 50k note is a good thing?
chattels: scares the heck out of me
SWSD: you and everyone I guess
SWSD: movie on, bbl
MichelleL: I'm about ready to go back into my seasonal break on everything dinars - hate reading all the hopefuls praying for a "Christmas Gift"
chattels: recall or remove from circulation were other word(s) / phrases used with the 50's
chattels: are those distinctions with a difference ?
MichelleL: there will be time for the withdrawal I imagine, but if no banks here are dealing in dinar, we'd be royally screwed

MichelleL: I imagine not much of a difference, chattels
MichelleL: the dealers are generally all crooks - wouldn't want to have to deal with any again
chattels: ‹@MichelleL› as we have become accustomed to saying " we shall see " :)
MichelleL: lol yes, we shall ;) I'm off - time to get my feet up - see you all tomorrow!
MichelleL: goodnight chattels, SWSD, Donnie
chattels: ‹@MichelleL› gn

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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