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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wealthwatch  Wednesday Morning Chat 11-11-15 

Post From Chat Room  11-11-15
Wealthwatch  Wednesday Morning Chat 11-11-15 
faith: What happened to the chatting? Where's the history?
Doug_W: GM Gang
MichelleL: history was wiped, hope there was no more trouble in here last night
GJMAN: I would think there would be tons of chatter about the CBI announcements this morning
GJMAN: (Statement) for the purpose of completing the Iraqi banknotes structure and the development of high-value category in circulation, the Central Bank of Iraq is pleased to announce to the public the Holy issuing banknotes category (50,000) dinars (fifty thousand dinars) 11.11.2015 To / all licensed banks and money transfer companies and exchange companies (stop processing the dollar) 11/11/2015
GJMAN: I know where is the chatter , this is big news IMO
Butifldrm: ‹@GJMAN› Yes it is
Butifldrm: Alsumaria has an article  - Waiting on Almada
GJMAN: it is exciting but I wonder if they will be 50 notes or 50000
GJMAN: there are no pictures yet
Butifldrm: No pictures yet
Butifldrm: twighlight has an article about the CBI stopping 4 banks from processing the dollar
GJMAN: yes that is also one of the announcements  GJMAN: see above
Doug_W: its too soon to get excited GJ untill we seee the "whole" story
chattels: the Kurdistan Alliance MP Majid Chenkali, objecting to the region's share in the budget next year 2016 "illegal". He said Chenkali told all of Iraq [where],
 "The main obstacles in the budget, the issue of the possibility of objection many politicians, especially the rule of law, the region's share in the budget, which objection is legal, and also there may be an objection to the oil agreement."
Butifldrm: This is an amazing article about Iraq's agreement to comply with the IMF's requirement, including Letters of Intent.
Butifldrm: ‹@chattels› did u see this? Province of Kurdistan declares export more than 18 million barrels over the past month Wednesday November 11 2015 11:18
Butifldrm:  link

chattels: Ministry of Natural Resources and the resources announced in the Kurdistan Regional Government that there is an opportunity to make progress with the federal government about the financial budget for 2016.
chattels: ‹@Butifldrm› ..... "indicating that" the average daily export of crude oil amounted to 595, 528 barrels. "
chattels: ‹@Butifldrm› ty
Butifldrm: yes, but that's one of the problems with the budget
Butifldrm: the kurds are only giving Baghdad 250,000 barrels
chattels: ‹@Butifldrm› Some reports have the production as high as 650,000 per day, but increasingly I am suspicious about the production numbers throughout Iraq
Butifldrm: hum we will see
chattels: ‹@Butifldrm› I believe that the numbers include production from Kirkuk
Butifldrm: It will have to be straightened out before the budget passes
Butifldrm: yes, probably
chattels: which is regularly referred to as 300,000 barrels per day
Butifldrm: I have read both
Butifldrm: either way, the Kurds have not been keeping their end of the deal
Butifldrm: for very good reasons   Butifldrm: Baghdad is broke
chattels: ‹@Butifldrm› Hassan Turan: exaggerated filling the budget deficit anonymous oil exports rate of [voice] [Baghdad-where] counting MP for the Turkmen Front Hassan Turan, the rate of oil exports in the draft budget law for fiscal 2016 estimated the amount of 3.6 million barrels per day "exaggerated".'
chattels: ‹@Butifldrm› Kurds have not exported through SOMO since March / April of 2015 - neither party was able to perform as agreed - the 2016 Budget law allowed either party to void the agreement if aggrieved
Butifldrm: Yes and they did
chattels: look for that to be an issue in the 2016 budget talks
Butifldrm: I remember a month or so ago news cam out where Kurdish oil proceeds was not going to be calculated in the budget    Butifldrm: It was an MOF article
chattels: ‹@Butifldrm› there is and will be lots of rhetoric before this budget is agreed upon, i think
chattels: "The KRG will continue to work with its counterparts in the federal government to reach a resolution on all the outstanding issues of oil and gas and in this regard it sees an opportunity for solid progress in the forthcoming discussions over the 2016 federal budget," the monthly statement concluded.'
Butifldrm: yes just like every other year
Butifldrm: I was happy to see it have it's first reading
Butifldrm: guys I'll be back I have to run my son to school
*SCZIN11: ‹@chattels› saw article, couldnt open it , stating second reading set for Monday
chattels: Market price remains at 1,225
chattels: ‹@*SCZIN11› Makes sense. An article from yesterday stated that the Finance Committee had still not met to discuss the budget.
chattels: Also, the Kurdish delegation has still not arrived in Baghdad.
chattels: For those in the Armed Forces of our Country : Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heacenly grace; sterngthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be. Amen            
chattels: For those who have given all - part of Lincoln's letter to Mrs. Bixby : " I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save.
I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom. Yours, very sincerely and respectfully, A. Lincoln "'

chattels: " ........... that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. " - Abraham Lincoln November 19, 1863
chattels: At Gettysburg, Pa.
MichelleL: How are we doing ladies and gents? and someone tell me if the 50k note is complicating our "blessing"?
 MichelleL: for anyone who may be interested, and are veterans, here's a list of freebies and deals for today:
disciple7: The central bank issued new currency cash from the category of 50 thousand Iraqi dinars Author: BS Editor: BS 2015/11/11 15:13 Number of Views: 403 Long-Presse / Baghdad The Central Bank of Iraq, on Wednesday, issuing banknotes category (50) thousand dinars, and as pointed out that the new category is dominated by light brown with included a number of security and technical signs, confirmed that the paper included photographs planning to paddle wheel Euphrates and the marshes of Iraq.
The central bank said in a statement, received (range Press), a copy of it, that "for the purpose of completing the Iraqi banknotes structure and the development of high-class value in circulation, the Central Bank of Iraq is pleased to announce to the public the Holy issuing banknotes category (50000) dinars (Fifty thousand dinars) dimensions of 65 mm width 0.156 mm length, predominantly light brown except Framework motifs taken bold color, "noting that" banknote was printed using high-quality printing paper quality with a number of security and artistic marks.
" He said the central bank in its statement, that "the new banknote include dates Hijri and Gregorian, and the signature of Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Agency (Ali Mohsen Ismail), as well as the serial number of the paper consists of break includes rugs letter Z and primarily sequence edition, in addition to the sheet sequence in decimal and put the figure on the right side vertically at the bottom of the left side of the paper horizontally.
" The statement pointed out, that "the face of the paper included schematic picture of a paddle wheel Euphrates and palm trees in the middle of the paper and a picture of a Kurdistan Falls on the right side of the paper, as well as the presence of a security tag has printed magnetic ink variable color (Spark) in color from blue to change to green when the note is tilted ". The statement, that "the other side of the paper contains a graphic image of the Iraqi Marshlands, includes a reed house and a number o
 disciple7: reed house and a number of fishermen and a group of animals (buffaloes and birds) and images of palm Iraq with Tigris and Euphrates rivers planning within the map of Iraq," adding that "it was the banknote paint coating markets in order to extend the life of the paper and protect it from dirt and dust. "


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