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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wealthwatch Wednesday Chat 11-4-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  11-4-15
Wealthwatch Wednesday Chat 11-4-15  Part 2 of 2

chattels: accused Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi some quarters [which he did not name] trying to bring the conflict between the authorities in Iraq. Ebadi said in his speech during a meeting with a group of presidents and professors of colleges,
"The separation of powers is important, but not on the basis of organic separation and wrestle them as it was before but on the basis of integration, but some try to bring this conflict we will not allow them" ..
 chattels: A good report on the controversial salary scale
chattels: Effects of the Cabinet decision to amend the salary scale a sensation because of the contents of paragraphs considered among political and community encroachment on the rights of government employees. Parliamentary Finance Committee rejects the private Cabinet decision to amend the ladder salaries State,
while Other lawmakers threatening not to pass the vote on the law with the presentation to the House of Representatives within sessions next week. and goes deputies others beyond it and prepare decision exceeded frank by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to parliament under the name of reforms.
A member of the Finance Committee MP Majda al-Tamimi Iraqi News / Nina / Iraqi National Agency that "the parliamentary committee was seeking to be handed the new salary bill and not a decision."
She added that "authorized the House of Representatives to the prime minister reforms does not mean you have to act without the use of the law, the law does not repealed except by law. "She continued,"

We have given authorization for Ebadi implementation of reforms rather than by decisions because there are private salaries laws can not be manipulated. "
chattels: ". Al-Tamimi and warned of taking similar decisions in other cases also is bypassed parliament, where under the name of reform." But the other member of the Finance Committee Sarhan Slevana stressed that "the blessings of the new salary has reduced the proportion Alforac among employees to 25% instead of 300% as it was previously.
"He predicted in an interview with the Iraqi News / Nina / The National Agency" Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is facing a wave of anger because of the new salary scale. "He explained that" the prime minister will face difficulty in achieving what he wants from the final decision of the new salary scale and therefore will not be easy for Parliament passed similar to the Council of Ministers. "
chattels: " the parliamentary finance committee waiting for the arrival of new draft general budget to make some adjustments, transfers, host officials in the financial and oil ministries to discuss its terms. "He said the" parliament will ask the government to send all details of the oil and non-revenues oil, and the money retained from last year until the month of October now, to know the size of the spending and revenue that Stthak in 2016 ". and
chattels: National Alliance MP Ali al-Badri, said his alliance would abstain from voting on the ladder salaries of the new view of the injustice and oppression embodied in law.
chattels: "some MPs blocks National Alliance agreed not to vote on the ladder of the new salary unless it is amended or postpone the presentation to the reading and the vote until a necessary and re-adjusted. "
chattels: The prime minister Haider al-Abadi said that "the new peace of salaries is in order that there be social justice and reduce disparities between the higher grades and lower."
He said Abadi he was "not reasonable be given a certain large concessions slice which is doing is not commensurate with the size of these provisions so we with that salaries are fair.
"He said al-Abadi said in a statement to his press office, said that" the general budget and the details that have been approved accurate and realistic and take into account the fiscal revenue of petroleum items and non-oil forecast for 2016 and secure the salaries and wages of civil servants and the armed and security forces and the popular crowd in addition to the reinforcement necessary to meet the Daash terrorist gangs ".
chattels: " ........... secure the salaries and wages of civil servants and the armed and security forces and the popular crowd in addition to the reinforcement necessary to meet the Daash terrorist gangs ".
chattels: The war on DAESH is adversely affecting the budget and finances of Iraq.
kk1: has there been any talk on all that was put in the gazzette today?
chattels: ‹@kk1› Nothing in the forum that I have seen.
kk1: The statement added that the number of political parties to ensure law No. (36) for the year 2015, noting that the purpose of the enactment of this Act came in line with the new political life and democratization requirements
kk1: Ensure legal treaties and political parties held The issuance of the new issue of the Gazette of Iraq call (4383) 04/11/2015
chattels: ‹@kk1› thanks for posting
kk1: Parliamentary Finance: next week will read the budget law for 2016
[02:40:50 PM] kk1:  LINK

kk1: ‹@Doug_W› THAT MEANS WAR
Doug_W: BRING it on  Doug_W: lol
chattels: Why Iraqi Christians are against the establishment of their own autonomous region BAGHDAD — The secretary-general of the Assyrian Democratic Movement and member of the Iraqi parliament, Yonadam Kanna, spoke to Al-Monitor about the unwillingness of Iraqi Christians to establish an autonomous region of their own or call for an administrative or geographic split from Iraq. Read more:\
chattels: " ........ grievances concerning the so-called disputed territories between the central government in Baghdad and the one in Erbil hindered moving forward with those plans.
We have inherited an old problem that delayed embarking on many a step, due to Saddam Hussein’s regime Arabizing areas inhabited by Kurds and Turkmens. In truth, all these disputes must be resolved pursuant to Article 140 [of the constitution] — for, if the parties failed to resolve them,
they shall be referred to international arbitration, or to the United Nations if arbitration also failed. We think that this problem must be resolved as quickly as possible, otherwise Iraq’s problems will only be exacerbated and greater conflicts will ensue — which will affect all Iraqis."
chattels: " ....... all these disputes must be resolved pursuant to Article 140 [of the constitution] .......... "
 kk1: Breaking news alert, posted at 3:15 p.m. ET Wednesday] The latest U.S. intelligence suggests that the crash of Metrojet Flight 9268 was most likely caused by a bomb on the plane planted by ISIS or an ISIS affiliate,
kk1: NOW maybe Russia will REALLY GO AFTER ISIS
Shnozzle: I had a feeling that was the case... Too much evidence to dispute it.
Shnozzle: Airbus like Boeing builds a great aircraft...
kk1: "Let the mayhem begin"
Doug_W: ya really   Doug_W: why was tail 3 miles away???
chattels: News from the MERI Forum in Erbil : Baghdad urges Erbil to remain committed to Iraq By Campbell MacDiarmid;
chattels: The future of the beleaguered country was once more under scrutiny during a panel discussion between the Iraqi speaker of Parliament Salim Al Jabouri and former KRG prime minister Barham Salih at the 2015 MERI conference on Wednesday.
Recognizing the importance of the KRG in attracting foreign investment and its role in sheltering an estimated 1.5 million internally displaced people (IDPs), Jabouri appealed for the KRG to consider their mutual interests and remain committed to a federal Iraq.
 chattels: Despite describing a political process that had recently proceeded by “one step forward and two steps back,” Jabouri insisted that Iraq remains a viable state.
chattels: Salih questioned the ongoing relevance of the constitution, however. “It has become a document that creates disputes rather than resolving them,” he said.
chattels: More than a decade after the fall of former dictator Saddam Hussein, the average Iraqi citizen remains deeply frustrated, Salim noted. What was needed was real dialogue and a new vision for the country.
chattels: Such a vision was within reach, Jabouri insisted. “We're not the first country to face this kind of challenge and we won't be the last. There is a desire to reform and there are the requisite economic resources, which, if used properly, will allow us to overcome these difficulties.”
chattels: Whether the Kurdistan region would remain within Iraq was a “purely Kurdish decision,” he said. He added, however, that independence should not be played as a card to pass Kurdish problems along to Baghdad. Regardless of whether the Kurds remain within Iraq or decide to separate, the two regions would remain close neighbours.
chattels: Forum focuses on Iraq’s deep displacement crisis By Arina Moradi
kk1: Parliamentary economy's "pack" the protection of national industry laws be passed soon
kk1: a number of important economic laws in the coming period, among the purpose of the laws is to protect the national industry in the country.
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) have been one of the most severe consequences of the war against the Islamic State, or ISIS, and a panel of the MERI Forum 2015 has pointed out that the crisis has caused short-term financial nightmares and has potential for permanent demographic shifts.
kk1: are "on their way toward passing a package of important laws on the protection of the national industry and consumer protection and
kk1: activating the customs tariff
kk1: activating the customs tariff
kk1: and projects related to sovereign funds," noting that "these laws are in the process of research, preparation and will be future projects to support the economy and investment in Iraq." .
kk1: The "economic expert on behalf of Jamil Antoine confirmed L / scales News /, earlier, that the advancement of the economic reality of the country need laws that began previously not been implemented so far, implementation,
indicating that the customs tariff and the protection of the national product, consumer protection and the prevention of dumping were not implemented laws Although desperately needed to solve a lot of economic problems that plagued Iraq
kk1:  LINK
kk1:; LINK
chattels: Describing Iraq' political progress as a process that had recently proceeded by “one step forward and two steps back,” seems very apropos. Hopefully we have now progressed to " two steps forward and one step back ".
chattels: "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe." - John 4:48

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