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Thursday, November 19, 2015

​Wealthwatch Thursday  Chat 11-19-15 Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room  11-19-15
News With Links & Discussion

Wealthwatch Thursday  Chat 11-19-15 Part 1 of 2
chattels: ISIS, the Kurds and the Lies We Tell By DAVID ROMANO : " .............. the lie that Iraq and Syria are still states. They were never good states, and since some time they ceased being states at all.
Yet somehow everyone continues with the fiction that these imaginary colonial creations are the most sacred of entities. Powerful interests fear the instability that would come with border revisions, but forget that the status quo is not exactly stable either." 
Post From Chat Room  11-19-15
News With Links & Discussion

Wealthwatch Thursday  Chat 11-19-15 Part 2 of 2
chattels: ISIS, the Kurds and the Lies We Tell By DAVID ROMANO : " .............. the lie that Iraq and Syria are still states. They were never good states, and since some time they ceased being states at all.
Yet somehow everyone continues with the fiction that these imaginary colonial creations are the most sacred of entities. Powerful interests fear the instability that would come with border revisions, but forget that the status quo is not exactly stable either."
chattels: The recent conflict and killing that occurred recently in Tuz Khurmatu bespeaks the animosity lying just below the surface between the Peshmarga and Shia militias and may foreshadow a civil war between the Erbil and Baghdad which may be awaiting only the end of the war with DAESH. IMO
chattels: Article 140 progress is non existent and impossible with the current conditions in the war against DAESH. The disputed areas and the control thereof are ticking time bombs for an explosion between the Peshmarga and the Shia militias. IMO
chattels: " Peshmerga: 21 killed or wounded in Khurmatu unrest " and " 15 Kurds freed by Hashd al-Shaabi in Khurmatu, Seven other Kurds are waiting to be freed " were recent headlines.
BOBBY: Good post..... the one about the Kurds in the forum you posted
chattels: trying to remember it ?
BOBBY: The Dave Romano article
chattels: He is a good observer / writer. He and I email one another from time to time.
BOBBY: Chattels. ..... funny thing..... where are all the "isis is not a problem crew" lately?
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› Have you missed them ? :)
chattels: May be they moved to France where it is safe, eh ?
BOBBY: Chattels. ....... lol. .. just bummed about the National Geo article lol
 chattels: " the migrating fauna displaced by the heavy rain events are safe from DAESH " one ?
ladyfox: imo this will take place sometime in Jan to March after them get the 100,000 out . I am writing a 10 page report for my final class graduate 12/19
ladyfox: my friend told me make sure I have some dong, dinar and yuan for the soon coming blessing
Doug_W: I have dong and some Rial too
ladyfox: oh yes that rial too
Doug_W: let the OFFICIAL waiting period begin NOW then
ladyfox: man we are finally here in the right window now, yes LET IT POP
Doug_W: ‹@ladyfox› Wells Fargo?
ladyfox: 16.95 GETS one yuan from wells today
ladyfox: yes @doug Wells Fargo
Doug_W: well G L then
ladyfox: :grin: depend what the pay is
Doug_W: always  lol
ladyfox: bye work time for me
chattels: good morning all
chattels: Kurds and the vice-Iraqi Forces Union withdraw from the House of Representatives vote on the draft law of the Martyrs Foundation
chattels: According to a parliamentary source told all of Iraq [where] that "the Kurds of Representatives objected to the law and withdrew from the meeting of the failure to include the victims of the Peshmerga and Kurdish forces who were killed after the fall of the city of Mosul in June 2014".
Doug_W: INclusion ppl Inclusion    Doug_W: wow
chattels: The Iraqi Constitution requires compensation by the government to the families of people killed by terrorism. It appears that the Shia are attempting to exclude a class of people, Kurds, from such compensation related to Mosul. What could be more unfair / unconstitutional ?
Doug_W: sectarinism yet again /STILL
chattels: ‹@Doug_W› Purely identity politics, IMO - nothing to do with the religious essence of being Shia or Sunni                                                   
chattels: "the law unfairly being a class martyrs on the political perspective and not on the basis of sacrifice in the defense of the homeland so we withdrew from the voting session."
Doug_W: it is STUNNING to me how they refuse to cooperate
chattels: "In spite of the withdrawal of Congress forces and other legislators, but he has been to achieve a quorum for the session in the presence of 182 deputies and resume the vote on the draft law" .
Doug_W: SOOO much to be had IF only they would
chattels: No mention of the budget in Parliament today and no vote. Someone be sure to ask " zeroday " what Thursday she was / is talking about.
Doug_W: 2nd Thursday of next week "C"
 chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A Pentagon spokesman said at a press conference Thursday that there would be no ground or air cooperation with Russia in the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria.
"We right now have no plans to conduct coordinated operations with the Russians," said Steve Warren, a US Defense Department spokesman. Speaking to reporters, Warren denigrated Russia's military capabilities, saying: “The Russians are using dumb bombs.
Their history has been both reckless and irresponsible. You know, I know, there was some discussion that the Russians had a large air armada flying into Raqqa to conduct these operations. And it was notable to us that, you know, those are antiquated tactics. We don't even use those type of tactics anymore."
chattels: POLICE: TERROR RINGLEADER BLOWN TO BITS French police confirmed Thursday that the alleged ringleader of the Paris attacks was killed in Wednesday’s siege of an apartment about a mile from the football stadium where the ISIS assault began.
Along with Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 28, police reportedly killed a female, believed to be the cousin of Abaaoud, who blew herself up. Hasna Aitboulahcen, 26, is thought to be Europe’s first female suicide bomber, but analysts say she would have been attempting not to be captured.
chattels: Iraq will pay $ 12 billion from the central reserve to oil companies
chattels: Parliament is adjourned until Saturday.
chattels: Another week in " dinarland " done.
chattels: Abadi: Iraq will emerge from the financial crisis stronger
chattels: But when ?  chattels: bbl
Doug_W: that is the Million dollar question "WHEN" ?
Donnie: Iraq Live Update ‏@IraqLiveUpdate 12m12 minutes ago DIEDs.. Doll IEDs Daesh stuff toys with explosives to kill children walking to Karbala for #ImamHussain #Arbaeen
Donnie: Sick people!!!!
Doug_W: what are they doing Donnie?
Donnie: ^^^ "Daesh stuff toys with explosives to kill children walking to Karbala " ^^^

Doug_W: omg

US Welfare Pays For 4 Wives Per Muslim Man / Husband
BOBBY: DougW...... morning..... people dont know the half of what is being done to children over there
BOBBY: DougW...... there is very little in this world that phases me...... when it comes to harming children thats different, i don't care where there at
BOBBY: and anyone who does the harm should be destroyed
Doug_W: I have NO words except total Disgust
Doug_W: and I agree
TxBrand: 8 Syrians at Texas border taken into custody.

 Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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