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Monday, November 16, 2015

Wealthwatch Sunday Evening Chat 11-15-15

Post From Chat Room  11-15-15
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Wealthwatch Sunday Evening Chat 11-15-15

OOTW: 1 5 -1 1 -2015 [dir=auto] Mr. Prime Minister, Dr. Haider Abadi, received in his office on Sunday, Governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Ali Keywords. During the meeting, they discussed the financial budget for 2016 and the actions taken to stop the corruption and the mafias benefiting from the central bank auction of the coin and the importance of involving accounting.
They also discussed the currency protection mechanisms, in addition to supporting the country's economy and raising its mechanisms. Information Office of the Prime Minister 1 5 Tcheran the second 2015    OOTW:
Doug_W: ty OO
 TxBrand: Kurds declares victory in Sinjar
TxBrand: declares victory is how they are saying it
xyz: they ought to declare rv
BOBBY: France bombed an ISIS strong hold in Raqqa
TxBrand: yeah
TxBrand: i caught the very last of that... didn't know who did it
TxBrand: going to watch now
chattels: Haider Al-Abadi Prime Minister Dr. Haider Abadi receives in his office on Sunday, Vice President of the House of Representatives Mr. Iaram Sheikh Mohammed.
It was emphasized on the importance of containing the crisis in the district of Tuz peacefully through the federal government and cooperation with local authorities and the police and to invite the political parties to show restraint and stay away from statements that lead to the shedding of blood of innocent people.
The meeting discussed the importance of cooperation and coordination between the government and the House of Representatives in approving the budget by attending Cabinet specialists to discuss [ Face Book ]
chattels: Vice President of the House of Representatives Mr. Iaram Sheikh Mohammed is a Kurd.
chattels: Haider Al-Abadi Prime Minister Dr. Haider Abadi receives Central Bank Governor Dr. Ali Keywords. During the meeting, they discussed the financial budget of the country for 2016 and actions taken to stop the corruption and the mafias benefiting from the central bank auction of the coin and the importance of involving accounting [ Face Book ]
TxBrand: i can see this happening here also
BOBBY: France did not waste time striking back
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› What happened ?
BOBBY: Chattels...... France bombed an Isis strong hold in Raqqa
chattels: The International Criminal Court decided to transfer the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki and a group of his senior officials to the court on charges of genocide.
chattels: not confident about the source on the foregoing
BOBBY: Chattels. ...... would be wonderful if it proves to be true
TxBrand: hope that one is true...
TxBrand: France launches airstrikes on Islamic State capital
TxBrand: 20 to 30 strikes French jets bomb Syria in the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa
TxBrand: Pentagon announces 5 Gitmo detainees have been transferred to                                                          
chattels: Photos : The wreckage of Shingal after the war
TxBrand: gotta start over
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 5h5 hours ago #Iraq PM Abadi met with one of his most important challengers today: Hadi al-Ameri of the Badr organization …
chattels: Abadi Meetings Today : Allaq, Ameri and Sheikh Mohammed ( Kurdish Deputy Speaker )
chattels: Deputy for the National: Sri austerity on the central and southern governorates and did not apply to the province
chattels: " ........"he is explaining that" according to the project, to Baghdad and Erbil commitment to the Convention and the state of breach by any party, the counterparty is entitled to be considered non-binding ".
TxBrand: France to Invoke Article 5 of NATO Treaty - NATO compelled to go to war against ISIS -- U.S. may "Intern" all Muslims! This is "it" ladies and gentlemen; this is the actual physical beginning of World War 3.
TxBrand: This is not some "authorization for the use of military force" this is a Declaration of War. Trouble is, ISIS is in Syria. Russia is defending Syria to assist Syrian President Bashar Assad.
When NATO goes to get ISIS, they will necessarily have to go into Syria . . . . where Russia is defending. Will Russia relent and let NATO attack? Or will Russia decide this NATO action is a thinly disguised effort to unseat Bashar Assad, and cause Russia to battle NATO?
MagiK: Can't scroll up. What did Chattles post that some hope is true?
BOBBY: Txbrand.... they are invoking article 5?
TxBrand: ‹@BOBBY› that's what that article says... no idea if its true
 TxBrand: says France to Invoke.... so they have not... that's how i read it
BOBBY: TxBrand...... will be curious about the Russian reaction...... been seeing articles about Isis making its way into Russia
TxBrand: I bet they don't let them n
TxBrand: going to lay down and listen to Wang
OOTW: txbrand I say the latter 
BOBBY: Huffington post article..... Putin vs
disciple7: Maliki and his staff to the court on charges of genocide  The decision of the international criminal tribunal for assignment of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki and his staff to the court on charges of genocide against the collective: The International Criminal Court decided to transfer the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki and a group of his senior officials to the court on charges of genocide.
 Mr. Mohammed Al-Kaabi spokesperson the name of the court for the region of the middle east countries among ‘wạn al-Maliki, who limit rrạḩ charges to the court the element. Farouk Lạ‘rjy Maliki's director of the office of the military and the element of ali dr usam ghaidan commander of irgc ground forces and happy, and the minister of defence ldlymy agency lạsdy adnan Lạqdm
Agent of the ministry of the interior and the president of the intelligence community zuhair gharbawi and kassem panel atta director of operations of the intelligence community and the student body president gatti will fight against terrorism.
Revealed that the court has become the complete case files for crimes committed by the al-Maliki and premature, including the eradication of collective lạnbạr, kirkuk and flagrant violations of human rights and the adoption of the brutal methods of torture and breaches of the freedoms of citizens, in contravention of the Geneva conventions The Charter of the United Nations and international law

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