Don't WAIT!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Thoughts from Freeway Bill at I4U Forum Sunday 11-8-15

Wake Up America! ~ Freeway Bill .....11/8/2015

Sunday, November 8, 2015

First let me say that I know that this blessing is coming, so don't get discouraged as you read this...

When I got into this going on 6 years ago, Xxxx was calling it every day. Then a few months passed and Xxxxxxxxx appeared with ultra secret intel that told us that it was happening any minute for sure.

Why we not believe this?

These people had been involved in this forever and they knew Big Shots inside the IMF, UST, BIS, KFC, and every other three letter entity and they even had their home phone numbers.
Employees of the UST were on lockdown,  and three keys had to be used and two had already been turned (this was in 2011)....

WE BOUGHT INTO ALL OF IT because we wanted it to be true.

Over this time, people have quit their jobs because gurus told them it was absolutely going to happen by the next day or so.

In 2012, I, myself took a job to start on April 1st which I knew would never happen because I was being told that it was going down in March. But, just to cover my bets, I took the job. Well, as you can see 3 1/2 years later, I am still working that job.

During that time, I have had three more grandchildren, lost 13 close relatives, had two surgeries and we are into another election campaign.

The reason I post this is that so many are still expecting it every single day.

Yes, things are moving from what I get from non-internet sources. But folks, this could take another week, month, year or more. Live your life and smell the roses.

The people you did not have time to visit because of a call that was coming any moment have died. The grandchildren that you neglected in order to listen to news for years have grown up...
I do not listen to calls but someone always seem to text me or email the content.... I no longer solicit information, but listen or read when it is sent.

My life is good and my relationship with my wife is so much better because of these actions.

I pray for the blessing for you..... you, the ones that need this so very much and have been waiting day by day in prayer for this to come.

There is no Guru that knows all..... many of the screen names you see now (possibly) are regurgetated names from people that you got tired of listening to many years ago, back on to keep themselves "in the know"

OK, I am done once again.... Keep yourself ready for when it does happen, but stop wasting your life on these calls or on the internet seeing what these people, who have been proven wrong so many times have to say....

Bash me if you want, I have big shoulders, but I post this for you that need to read this.

God Bless the USA
Freeway Bill

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