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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

​Reader Comments On “Get Out Of Gold Now"  Part 2 of 2

​Reader Comments On “Get Out Of Gold Now While It’s High”  Part 2 of 2
Speedspirit  Silver is not hoarded like gold. Silver is used everyday for high tech gadgets and medical devises. Silver is found closer to the crust and all the readily available silver has been mined and is going extinct. And that is according to the experts.
People may be losing dollars in their gold investment but they still own the same amount of metal. The weight never changes due to government games. China bought at higher prices and I do not see any news articles about them crying about current prices. What else is there that is a moral investment for future needs?
Throughout history there is a repeating pattern which has been recognized as a 80 year generational cycle, sun cycles that effect weather and crops, that in turn effects social cycles, there is repeating cycles of the markets the 7 year business cycle but bigger then that is 300 year cycles. 2032 market the end of our present cycle.
I am waiting for you to address helping others take responsibility for all of our future by not playing in a rigged game.
JC Collins   Everybody is trying to take from someone else. The markets are simply a manifestation of that human characteristic. This blog is a testament to my efforts in helping others. That is the answer I give you. And you’re lucky you’re getting that much, as the framing of your question is absurd. Real knowledge and understanding are the first step towards freedom. What have you done?
Speedspirit  The real estate market is about to crash which I believe is most everyone’s biggest investment but I do not see articles telling everyone to sell now while it’s higher.
This blog site I see as a community and we all come here for ideas and different perspectives on the road of evolution. I am just stating my opinion. Why you get so bothered by my post?
Gold and silver are historically money recognized in every country. SDR’s are complicated instruments meant to rob the masses of their time and work. When the bully with the steel marbles isn’t playing fair it’s time for the others to just go home and take real a playing pieces with them!
JC Collins   I get offended because you personally attack my character. I’m not the only person on here who has this response to you. Perhaps you should find a different way of communicating your message.

I have no problem with differing opinions but I have a big problem with disrespectful attitudes and approaches. You’ve been here long enough now that you should know that. To question my moral compass is to invite a negative response.
JC Collins   Oh look, gold is now down to $1069. That’s another $8 drop since I wrote the article a few hours ago. You think something might be fundamentally changing with how the international monetary system functions. Just wait until after Nov 30th.
Speedspirit   Is not investing in Wall Street basically sealing our own fate? Is walking away from Wall Street not an act of responsibility for oneself? And if one walks away right now during this crisis where should one park money?
Real estate is going down because municipalities cannot meet their unfunded liabilities and have no choice but to raise taxes. The same thing happened in Rome and the people just left for there was no other choice. Obama care has robbed mote people of their savings then gold price declining.
I agree it sucks that Wall Street can leverage paper gold 300 to one and this is not allowed with any other commodity. This market manipulation will only last so long. The pendulum will have to swing the other way.
If one is invested in the markets or sells his gold he is part of the problem so are you saying we can never change for the better? The grand man cannot be of the same consciousness that is causing the problem.
JC Collins   People aren’t going to walk away from the system. That is a fact. Besides, the system is only a symptom. The real problem is inside, but people want to blame a system. Your comments are proof of that.
Every system will corrupt because man is corrupt. The grand man becomes uncorrupted, not by walking away from a system, but by understanding that he is the system. Man cannot walk away from himself. My economics posts and esoteric posts are aligned. You will see that in time.
Dane  JC you’ve stated it very well here. As I look around here in the city where I live (US), real estate is booming. Our tax rate is not increasing due to the growing tax base from new homes being built and sold. Our local governments budgets are being increased as a result and the tax bill that I just paid didn’t increase more than its has over its past history.
Here we see plans for huge business hub improvements, malls and sea port upgrades.
As for the PM’s I think the sound waters of the POM thesis have been and still are clear for those who see above and below the water line.
Ultimately it is a personal choice so thank you for your thoughtful insights to help others as well as myself find our way through these remarkably complex times.
Jackie Boer   There is some talking past each other when we do not clarify whether we speak of allocated or unallocated gold. I agree with JC Collins the price of paper promises to deliver gold(unallocated) will fall toward the price of paper.
However, physical gold(allocated) will flow to the vaults of very strong hands and will become unavailable at the paper price of gold fixed by the LBMA.
When this day comes the producers of oil and goods will not take USD or SDR paper if it cannot be used to buy the ancient store of value which cannot be emitted by a central bank or government entity.
Today the Russians, Saudis, and Chinese rush to exchange their trade surplus USD paper for gold tons, whereas yesterday they rushed to buy US Treasuries. They wish to settle their trade surplus accounts with gold by weight. Perhaps, USD credibility depended on the gullibility of its users for store of value purposes.
As long as the flow of gold for USD or SDR continues, trade in oil, machine tools, and consumer goods will continue. If gold ceases to be available for settlement by parties skeptical of the credibility and goodwill of the USD and SDR emitters world trade stops and mankind enters a dark age.
So, at some point the price of gold paper will be low enough to exhaust the supply of physical gold and the paper gold market will collapse. Then, only the physical will settle trade accounts for the goods necessary to maintain humanities standard of living.
So, I agree with JC Collins. The everyday price of gold we depend on will drop and I think it is foolish to think you will always be able to go out and take deliver of gold at the quoted paper price.
 That is the day we will see if the SDR will satisfy man’s desire to preserve his earned wealth in an asset not tied to the credibility or integrity of an emitter of digital and paper promises. That is the day you might want to have a shiny allocated insurance against the coming paper default.
Tony Graupp   Greetings Jackie Boer… I read your article and thought I’d comment on it…. I totally agree with what you said, and was wondering if you had been reading my thoughts….
Question is ??? Do you think the low price has already been reached ???….””Everybody”” thinks the price is going to plummet from here, but it has already plummeted down from the $1900 figure…down near 50%….
It has bounced off the lows of the $1050 or so several times now……
I personally think we’re headed for something “BIG”….I just don’t know what it is yet, or when it will happen…   Maybe that’s why I read JC Collins thinking he’s got the answer…
“BUT”, the SDR is just another piece of ‘fake money paper’, that is “NOT a store of value”…Where gold is….
My deepest thoughts are that this whole thing with the SDR’s is just another way for China to unload some their Treasuries and US dollar holdings….Something has to happen with all that ‘so called’ money that the Chinese are sitting on…. The Treasuries and Dollars are NOT going to be a good store of value for the Chinese….. Take Care Tony Graupp
JC Collins   Tony, search the the term “substitution account” here on the POM site. It will provide you with some reading on what China may have planned for their Treasuries.
Speedspirit  According to data compiled by the CPM Group, there were 3.25 billion ounces of silver above ground when Columbus discovered the New World in the 1490.
With a world population of 400 million, there were over 8 ounces of silver for every person on the globe.

This amount grew slightly in the 1500s, but so did world population, and when silver production peaked out in 1600, the number of silver ounces per person was still in the 8-10 area.
In 1700, there may have been as many as 4 billion ounces of silver above ground in the world. But the world population had grown faster than silver mine supply, by 50% since 1500, to 600 million people.
So there were then less than 7 ounces of silver per person on the planet. Today—even including jewelry–there are less than 4 silver ounces per person on planet Earth. If we just focus on coins and bullion, each person in the world can only have about.15 of an ounce of silver.
Right now every American has $60,000.00 worth of government obligated debt, I believe that accurate but I could be wrong either way it’s a lot and it can never be paid.

 I apologize for attacking your character it was not meant as an attack. I want to believe that there is a solution out of this mess I do not want to be part of the problem and I don’t want others to expect everything will be fine if we just fall in line. Opposite consciousness. Sugar coating is for babies let’s get some real medicine down the throats of the masses.
Speedspirit   The system is not created by the people. The United States of America was formed to create a new world away from the system but failed. That system benefits the few hidden at the top controlling even those who believe they have control.
 If more individuals took physical possession of precious metals the demand would break the system.
A peaceful revolution. Sure the world would enter chaos but from the ashes would come a market place that would provide more wealth for the individual on a mass scale for people need to eat.
Why must we believe we are responsible for the system? People vote these days like the Spanish people wanting to succeed but the government says no that is not allowed. That is not the system of the people.
Americans called their representative’s and declared do not bail out the banks back in 2008 but the people were not respesented. That is not a system if the people. The people are better then the guilt you charge them with and these are facts.
JC Collins 
  Okay, but the fact that all systems corrupt would support my position. Please provide supporting documentation of a system which hasn’t corrupted. You can’t.
The common denominator with all systems are that they are human systems. People just want to know what’s in it for them. That is what needs to change. In the meantime if we can understand the system, and how its changing, we can better understand our relationship to the system.
This doesn’t happen because we love to point a finger at an external bogeyman. The biggest challenge of what I do with this site is to get others to realize this dynamic. The system is us and we are the system.
Speedspirit   And what about Iceland? There the people threw the bankers in jail gave everyone their house. That’s sounds better then what we are being told to accept.
JC Collins  A few small fry bankers go to jail and everyone gets excited. And I wouldn’t want to be given something which I didn’t earn.
Speedspirit   And I wouldn’t want to be given something which I didn’t earn. Well said. So why participate in the markets.
JC Collins  You put wealth into the markets and use knowledge and strategy to grow and protect that wealth. I’d call that earning it. If you don’t care for that wealth properly you will lose it in the markets.
Unearned wealth can be accumulated but will have negative effects on a persons life in other ways. Personal karma of each individual is something I’d rather not speculate on, but unearned wealth is destructive. What is earned and unearned will depend on the persons approach and intent.
Will  JC your comment on unearned wealth is thought provoking. I guess DINAR holders are in trouble?
James Burns   the reason gold is going down is because the world is going on a asset backed monetary system and this will cause deflation in which you are now seeing in oil. that is you key oil.
the whole world has depegged from the us federal reserve dollar note what i said federal reserve dollar. and what america will see will be amazing. but get the hell out of gold and i have been saying this for years all though the value of gold real remain the dollar value you see now will drop 
beachdude2   I agree with JC that Gold is headed lower over the near term (1-6 months) but I also agree with Speedspirit that it may also be entering a bottoming process due to the fact that China has established a Physical only Gold Exchange in Shanghai. This is one of the key signposts that the Comex and LBMA will not be able to play their Paper games much longer.
I am not a Goldbug and have actually made out very well over the past few year selling Gold and Silver short on the Comex but the attached article from Mark Lundeen is a very good read on why that paper game will likely be coming to an end.
His proprietary Step Sum Indicator has called the end of a number of Bear markets and it is worth the read (the second chart is also key to understanding the paper games at the Comex). My rule of thumb over the past 3 year has been to sell Paper Gold short and buy the Physical which is what I believe China has been doing as well.
Armstrong’s model of the business cycle of 8.6 years. Every asset has its ups and downs. Gold may be down but it cannot stay there for any longer then the cycle allows.
JC Collins  Of course gold will go back up, which is why I said buy it again when its low. Lots of people have theories on cycles. We’ll see.
Speedspirit   The stock markets are the trouble with the,world today and if you invest in it you are part of the problem.  When the East India companies formed, they changed the way business was done.
These companies had stocks that would pay dividends on all the proceeds from all the voyages the companies undertook, rather than going voyage by voyage. These were the first modern joint stock companies. This allowed the companies to demand more for their shares and build larger fleets. The size of the companies, combined with royal charters forbidding competition, meant huge profits for investors.
Read more: The Birth Of Stock Exchanges
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And nothing has changed. Investing is companies that forbid competition and like The British East India Company which had one of the biggest competitive advantages in financial history – a government-backed monopoly is the same game going on today. Nothing has changed. The greed of investors them is the same as today and the elite use it as a tool to enslave us. You are willfully being a slave while you write about this Grand Man.
JC Collins   Human characteristics. We are the system. We are the problem. No reason not to invest in mining companies and other commodities based opportunities.
Commodities have been low for a long time. Cycles right. Buy low and sell high. Or should people just dump all other forms of investment and go all in on gold? That wouldn’t have worked out so well for any who have attempted that complete lack of diversification. Especially over the last few years.
 People need a way to traverse the complexity of this monetary transition. That is what I’m attempting to offer. Like it or not, gold has been going down. I stand correct on that analysis for almost two years now. Not much else to say my friend. Everything else is just guess work and assumptions. We’ll see.

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