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Monday, November 23, 2015

OkieOilMan and TNT Members Chat Monday Night 11-23-15   Part 2 

Part 2 : Chat With Okie:

Nissi: Iko...said he met john lennon....talking about the world of dinar…I ko..brokerage...up to now he was going wells fargo...okie don't discount wf china has too much money and will be the last one standing....

Turtle13:  Okie wanting to deal with brokerage because of the insurance aspect they offer
IWFG:  Okie says brokerage will offer perks and additional insurance and stability… Okie says we may need to go to the bank first then move over

Nissi: we need to go the banks first before brokerage..okie may have overstepped........... exchange at bank and then brokerage......

Lealoha:  Okie - consider Brokerage to invest some money with some program and have them register you for Pre IPO, bank won't tell you how to invest in stock - brokerage house will have foreknowlege of IPOs increasing due to research they do

Lealoha:  Truckerbabe - working now tonight - Okie hauled Oil Equipment
Zebragirl:  Okie was in the oil industry for 43 years.

Lealoha:  Truckerbabe - driving now - expressing appreciation for Okie - Okie saying no driving or…. Okie - telling TruckerBabe she's here for a reason - what a pair!

Dreamer: I miss Okie! I wish it was recorded for us that aren't on om

IWFG:  Okie initially stated that he'd been silent because he was informed earlier in the year by AoP that the RV would not occur until now… AoP = author of the plan

SheperdGirl:  This is good sign, being that we havent heard from Okie in over a year!!!
Sissy:  For all, OKIE came back and said that you do need to go to bank first and exchange then go to Brokerage firm.
Lealoha:  Okie:  company good to invest in later on - that list is no longer good due to extreme fluctuation - oil will never get to $150 as before - fracking is how came up with one well producing 8 wells - and rigs is less than 1,000....products in extreme demand then, rental biz is in sad shape, what was good investment then is bad now...

Nissi : Iraq in ripe for investment....would not invest until security is under control.

IWFG:  Okie says investments in Iraq - infrastructure, gravel cement

Zebragirl:  Anyway, internet/road building equipment. Think what ppl have not really thought about is get into the business of cement and gravel that has to be imported from Africa b/c they have to have gravel and cement, and then they got their own oil to make asphalt but infrastructure while that's where the investment is… There will be five-star hotels, cell phone towers, electrical stations...water situation is pathetic.

IWFG:  Big hotels, cell towers, electrical circuits, sanitation ripe for investment

Zebragirl:  The sanitary conditions are not anywhere near to code. It is a virgin country ripe for investment. Only drawback is the security factor. I would not invest one dime over there right now until they have got their security problem well under control...will take time b/c of ISIS etc.
lealoha :  Okie - infrastructure and road building and cement and gravel in Iraq - has oil to make asphalt but infrastructure will be great investment - electrical wiring, TV stations, water stations, sanitation, Iraq ripe for investing but too insecure now and might take a period of time....he would NOT invest right now

Nissi:  Okie would not put money in the banks in Iraq just yet too much corruption

Zebragirl:  He's saying not to put any money in the Iraqi banks. There's still too much corruption that they're trying to eliminate, but that's like you trying to stop the wind
LinnieQ:  What an awesome night for all who got to hear Okie. I remember the days when he was on the weekly call(s) all the time. Memories! What a special special man he is. God bless you Okie!

Zebragirl: I feel like a kid. Like Christmas eve and Santa showed up, just hearing your voice.

Zebragirl:  there was a real elderly Kansas..and every day she would call and say, "Okie are we rich yet" in a broken voice. "Not yet honey, but we soon will be." "Okay I'll talk to you tomorrow" And she had to be 140 years old and she was still chasing that dinar.

Zebragirl:  Okie wants to talk to caller's elderly mother…. He's so sweet. He's offering to talk to her momma if she wants to talk all day long :

Sissy: Wow. Conversation with a lady who has a mother that is over 90 and he told her to give her number to elmer, etc. And he wants to talk to her mother cause she has been it it for a long time and believes in Okie. WHAT A beautiful person Okie is.  

Zebragirl:  Okie - this is a nice community to be a member of....pray for each other....

Lealoha:  Okie - has paid for his funeral - first song picked out - How Great Thou Art - and Happy Trails - say the last thing he told us was Happy Trails - when he was shot down and shot all to pieces and his whole life turned around 48 years ago……. Okie - can't believe how God has put up with him so long - believes RV imminent!

IWFG:  Okie thinks it's imminent now

Nissi: day closer than was supposed to be last week what interfered he cannot find out.........
zebragirl :  I see us one day closer than yesterday and I'm not being smart about it. It was supposed to have been last week. There was a very firm schedule. What interfered in that is what I cannot find out.

lealoha : Okie - loves to talk to pretty girls - everyone and their own extent has done all they can do and some of them has made contacts over the years, just like Tony and Ray getting info over the phone late at night and not getting a plug nickle for it Thank you Tony

IWFG: Okie says it was scheduled for last week, Phillipines was last country to sign off, now all in agreement

Nissi:   okie...had he known what a courteous group om was/is he would have been on previously

Zebragirl:  Okie's gonna go a while longer 'cause these people are so nice and he can't say no to them, lol.

Allstar:  The capacity is 1200 and it has been full for a long time

Zebragirl:  Okie making a request: Please stop texting me, people!!!!

Zebragirl:  MM: I was in the Air Force 40 years ago. Okie: Flew an F4 B model and D model. B model had 20 cal Galting gun on it and other had 30. F105s. Flew in conjunction with one another…. Okie: Have nothing but highest regards to the ground crews that served us….. Okie: Sometimes when they turned the jammer on it would make us more prevalent and they would shoot at us.

Zebragirl:  MM: Never heard your story in the earlier years. You were shot down at one time?  Okie: Missile went through my left wing and did not explode.

Lealoha:  Okie - their a** was mine...missile went through his left wing but didn't explode - 6 months in Naval hospital and 15-16 operations!

Zebragirl:  Okie: I was just doin' a job. I left a lot of friends over there.  They shot me down but they couldn't kill me.

Elmerf123456:  This is very rare. Okie has not done a Conf call of any type in over a year. Now he's here for us.

NewCreation:  Elmerf..very cool...his is the voice of Hope.

Zebragirl:  Okie: We've all got dinaritis.

zebragirl :  Bishop: Is there anything else that has to go through the Gazette before we see the RV?  Okie: It's my understanding the three postings necessary to bring this to fruition have all been made. That's my understanding.

Zebragirl:  Bishop: Use the phrase you used many years ago, if the wood is.... Okie: Then your wood's green.

Elmerf12346:  Okie had a need to respect his private life and went away. I am blessed to been in his company. He thinks well of Tony and Ray. I asked him if he would speak to our family because he may not get another chance since we are so close. He agreed and we have been hearing something so special! God Bless Okie and our TNT Family. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

Zebragirl:  Okie: This year we've had quite a round of bad luck….. Daughter-in-law, keep her in your prayers. Her name is Loretta and God knows her last name.

Zebragirl:  Okie: Things have changed so radically over the years. The information I had 6-7 years ago was valid, and right now it's not worth 2 cents (re the oil fields)
Zebragirl:  Okie: The one thing I can't figure out, good time to address it. I think somebody when we get to heaven...we will find out, one of the topics of conversaiton is going to be the fact that there were more prayers said relevant to this dinar situation, RV situation, than there were said after the second World War… think God's left ear is probably sore for hearing the same prayer repeated by everybody.

Zebragirl:  Thank you so much for coming in. Okie: Thank you for being a fellow member in this journey that we are all taking together. Guys. I think I'm going to call it a night. I put grandpa to bed a little early anymore. The older I get the more sleep I need. I have enjoyed speaking to each and every one of you.

Lealoha:  Okie - I'm going to call it a night - older I get, more sleep I need, don't know that I've ever participated in a conference call like this

Zebragirl:  Don't forget all of the effort and time that Ray and Tony is putting out for all of our behalf and Pam and probably others that I should name, but those three in particular you guys owe a whole lot to. Hope all of you appreciate all of their wonderful effort they're putting forth that is so beneficial to so many ppl.

Lealoha:  Okie - may come back to visit but in the interim, don't forget that Tony, Ray, Pam and how much they've done for all of us...putting a plug in the jug
Zebragirl:  I'm gonna put a plug in the jug and get out of here. Sio God Bless all of you, I love you, talk to you in the future, and look forward to talking to that 90-year-old lady. God bless all of you and I'll talk to you later

Smartblonde55:  That was SUPERFANTASTIC! Thank you transcribers

Xrayokie:  That was the most exciting thing that has happened for a while Thanks Elmer and Okie

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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