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Monday, November 23, 2015

OkieOilMan and TNT Members Chat Monday Night 11-23-15   Part 1 

Note: Thanks to all the transcribers at TNT tonight and Thanks to Okie for stopping by to chat!!

Dave101:  IKO you really think this is it

Guys, I can't be 100% because of the PTB Wild Card. Everything appears to be lined up backwards and forwards.

Abby1:  IKO....Are you saying ....thinking tonight? Thanks

Elmerf123456:  Our time is numbered and we respectfully mean this in a great way. That plan has been set and realism is is so more clearer than days of past. Victory shall be sweet and remembered by those who stayed the course and pained by those who could not withstand the final journey.

fish4livn : For those that just joined chat... Okie was invited to OM by elmer123456 and is answering questions... several chat members are transcribing! Thanks transcribers!!!
Dinara:  Elmer brought Okie into Open Mic. I love it!

Pe2las:  Okie’s voice sounds very strong... So happy to hear him

Mr and Mrs B:  everyone is just telling okie how much they love and miss him…God bless Okie

Sailaway:  Okie says RayRen & Tony are THE guys to Thank and listen to.

Nissi:  okie stated when he came into om that he was told by the author of the plan that this would be at the last portion of this year which is why he has not posted or come into speak to anyone. He stated that he and tony are friends and speak at least 3 times a week. this is his 2nd conference call today and thanked elmer! woo hoo

Lealoha:  Okie very proud of Tony and optimistic that we are on the cusp

Dinara:  Okie says that Tony is carrying on what is needed. We are in good hands
Flybaby777:  Tony has done excellent job and i'm proud of him.... were going to be optomistic were on cusp of happening .... some skr's cashed out this weekend

LadyB22:  He said we are on the cusp of this…. He said from his eyebrows up he's in pretty good shape.

Flybaby777:    only reason hasn't said anythng because he had not enough info now he's comfortable...... 5 in the original baskets

Nissi:  Giz asked okie understood that there will be 5 currencies in the basket...First time on open mic and no reason to come into om but now we are jubilant and expecting this week!!!
Lightspirit:  can someone give the gist of what was said

Lealoha:  Okie - my understanding a 20m dinar cap for contract only; 50M dong cap for contract; 500M - 1B on Zim (but he isn't sure which one)

Nissi:  okie...caps..20 million dinar cap for dinar / 50 million for dong .......all for contract rate...the rest will be internationl rate.......

IWFG:  20 million cap on dinar for contract rate and 50 for dong contract and .5 billion as Tony explained with structured annuity….

IWFG:  Okie using a brokerage firm, not a bank

Lealoha:  Okie - Concierge service he's asking for and brokerage firm will give any perk any bank will offer plus total insurance aspects…. Okie - when he makes deposit - net will go straight into brokerage account

Lealoha:  Okie - speaking with Trust Attorney today and working on a specific trust called a Trickle Down Trust - caveats he will need

Flybaby777:  Q iran rial is it a go............ Yes is but not sure first or second basket

Lealoha:  Okie - potential for Rial not as high as other currencies

Nissi:  someone had tears when they heard okie was on om...okie said “i am not an icon just one of you and we are all important and deserving....”

Flybaby777:  Q what advise you could have for all of us... going thru---A gave you hint when said brokerage firm

IWFG:  Okie says brokerage firm and watch for future investments

Nissi:   okie advice in going forward....cooperate entirely with a brokerage firm and future investments that will blow you out of the water

Nissi:  rare earth element mined in peru will be graphene? no one is promoting this on the stock homework on apple or mac.........

Nissi:  Okie getting texts to  put cowboy boots on and quit flirting with girls

Lealoha:  Okie - turning cell phone off - overseas commitments he needs to honor relatively soon - (sounds like he needs to go)

Lealoha:  Okie - hasn't been contacted and doesn't care who makes the announcement!

Nissi:  When tony calls are you going to make the annoucement on tnt call...okie i don't care who makes the much work at tony and ray have done Tony deserves to make the announcement.........

Allstar:   Okie is one of a kind. Unique voice and a pure heart.

Nissi:  okie is chatting and flirting and having fun

IWFG1818 :  Callers are so excited to talk to Okie and want to show gratitude…. Confusing on OM... So many trying to talk to him and thank him


Lealoha:  Okie - quite a labor intensive journey that we've been on but ready to reach our Destination!! For some strange reason, some gent in Florida is putting Okie and Tony's # out for 800# and Okie's patience is thin… Okie - says Prayers have sustained him

Nissi:   okie stating a labor intensive journey....what irriates him someone put his number out stating to get the 800 number to okies phone...he is frustated about that...but prayer has sustained him even thought to sell and get out but is still moving forward....

IWFG Okie says if he was doing any better it would be illegal   lol

Nissi:  okie's daughter n law is semi alert other times they can't do anything for her......

IWFG:  Okie says DIL is mobile and up and around but had severe damage

Lealoha:  Okie - waiting on them to push the button now

Lealoha: Okie - heard .33 on Zim but says if you believe that, he has swamp land to sell you, unfathomable to believe it, but it may come out there

Lealoha:  Okie - already dealing with Russia = that's why 20, 50, 100 year pay out so it doesn't break the bank (regarding Zim)

IWFG:  Okie baffled by Zim rate but believes that's why the payouts were created.. Okie says Zim rare seems unfathomable but has some and believes that the payouts will cover rates

Cricket007:  As I recall, when Okie lands, the RV happens. He must've landed.

IWFG:  Taking more questions - IKO coming up shortly

MajiGirl:  Dang.....i feel like we're at a concert with the ALL STARS. WooooooooHooooooooo

IWFG:  Okie says be careful with wealth managers who work on commission

Lealoha:  Okie - you wanna be no advice but his opinion - you want to be very careful when you go to Wealth Advisor but if they are on commission, they'll steer you where you can make the most money!

IWFG:  First find out how they are compensated

Lealoha:  Okie - Graphene - rare earth - more demand for = used for communication in satellite which are deteriorating which is reflective and military application used - very hard to extract - bulk mined in Peru

Nissi:  would you bypass bank to go to careful when you go to a wealth adviser if work on commission and private consultants will get a bonus. before you go talking wealthadvisers make sure you know what their agenda is. graphene is used in communication in satelites reflective and flexiable and mined in peru......

IWFG:  Okie sounds happy and strong

Tenaj:  I miss the Black Jet

IWFG:  Okie says this time is first time everyone has agreed ...all countries

IWFG: Rates determined by participation in war - US and then England, then Canada, then Australia on sliding scale

Lealoha:  Okie - question asked him why today is different - he says financial agendas have finally come to one accord in their thinking - countries - out in left field - the determination by different countries in world, gives higheest initial rate - US gets 1st highest rate, England 2nd, 3rd Canada, 4th Australia, eventually settle down to where all countries have same exchange rate

Lealoha:  Okie - Germany is exchanging some for .50-.90 now… okie - reward countries that performed most in the war

Lealoha:  Okie - different rate in different countries then all ironed out

IWFG:  After a few days the rate will even out...should exchange Zim asap…. Okie has heard .03 to .33 for zim

Lealoha:  Okie - no sign they won't reschedule for next week - some people with SKRs are exchanging as well as Germany exchanging has never gone on before

Turtle13:  Okie saying people with SKR's are being paid out right now, never happened that way before

IWGF: Okie said last country to sign off was Phillipines last week

Lealoha:  Okie - last chinese gold acquisition - international agreement for this to transpire - (missed some of it)

Link to Part 2:

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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