Don't WAIT!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Sunday Morning 11-8-15


hitdoc :   there is nothing else to can go at any min....were just in the waiting mode right now....

Jsstripler:  China is on the brink of a major milestone, and the consequences for g​lobal markets are huge This brings us to China, the world's second-la​rgest economy, where the country's currency — the renminbi — could​ see its status in the world change

The IMF is about to decide whether to include the yuan in its SDR basket," she said at the event. "As far as I'm concerned, if the yuan is accepted, and the omens are good now, this will mark the start of China's full integration into global financial markets." Link
[xyz] Maliki plans for a coup
[xyz] Term unique to publish documents prepared by the corruption of the dollar auction Chalabi before his departure

[xyz] Chalabi files (range): So leaked billions through banks and corrupt companies ...Zebari in revealing the facts of this file and others

[xyz] Maliki renewed his criticism of the Constitution and calls for the organization of the popular crowd

[xyz] The start of talks between the federal government and the province (KRG)

[xyz] Jubouri: Iraqi tribes are basically in the completion of the process of national reconciliation

[xyz] Parliament starts on Tuesday the first reading of 2016 budget

[xyz] (Announcement) Central Bank of Iraq will extend the sales in nominal bond futures delivery in the currency of the US dollar (bearer) on behalf of the Ministry of Finance to be up to 11.30.2015 08/11/2015

[xyz] Abadi's office announces near launch a new reform packages

Authorsamoliver:  Opening Borders for Trade and Current Market Rate
Iraqi News. November 8, 2015

 Council announced Maysan province, on Saturday, the federal government agreed to his request to open a new border port with Iran, and revealed that the local government has decided to open that port in an area across the western Iranian province of Ilam. 

As he emphasized that the port will reduce the momentum of the passengers on the graying port during religious occasions and will represent an important economic gateway. 

He said provincial council member of the Misan Ali Hassan Karam Ghanimi, that «the Council formed by more than two months of a committee to examine the pros open a new border port with Iran in order to achieve economic benefit to maintain and increase financial returns were to apply to the central government to open that port. 

He went on to say, that «the federal government agreed to open this port was obtained administrative adapters». 

He added Ghanimi, that «the Council decided to open the port in an area on the west across the Iranian Ilam Province». 

Pointing out that «the Council in the process of determining the place and the port which will connect the Republic of Iran in Maysan province across the border province of Ilam.» 

The Ghanimi, that «the port will contribute to the entry of goods and commodities and food trade, materials and reduce the momentum of travelers at the border port of gray hair during religious events and others will represent important economic gateway in the south». 
He pointed out that «the construction of the port will be in accordance with international designs border ports». 

Pointing out that «ports management will be of the right of local governments in the event of the completion of the transfer of ministerial powers.

EXOGEN:  Only God can turn a MESS into a MESSAGE, A TEST into a TESTAMONY, A TRIAL into a TRIUMPH, and a VICTIM into a VICTORY!


Dinar Updates:

firefly   Reuters quote:  "The need to protect the constitution and the law must not be used by the legislative or any other authority to circumvent or delay the reform steps," Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani said through an aide."
Iraq’s Sistani warns parliament not to circumvent reforms

Combine the US congress, the Senate and our commander and chief and they still don't come close to the power of Sistani.
Have to remember the mindset of the ME region...1st comes Religion Then the government.   

So far, EVERYTHING Sistani has demanded has been DONE. They have run out of time IMO.

Anything is possible now!  I like what I'm seeing!  We have never seen this kind of movement in Iraq...ever. 

(This is Reuters folks!  Reuters is a very respected news source world wide with a reputation to uphold. They don't put out misinformation. Forex also gets their feed from Thomas Reuter.  Reuters was also the 1st paper to tell the world about Kuwait.) 



Abadi visits Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr in Najaf

By Abdelhak Mamoun -Nov 8, 2015

( Najaf – Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has visited on Saturday the Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr to discuss the latest political and security developments in the country.

The reporter of said: “The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has visited the cleric Muqtada al-Sadr in his house in the region of al-Hanana in the province of Najaf,” adding that, “The purpose of the visit comes to discuss the latest developments on the political and security levels in the country.”

Noteworthy, Abadi has arrived on Saturday in the province of Najaf, and met with the clerics Sheikh Ishaq al-Fayad and Sheikh Bashir al-Najafi.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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