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Monday, November 2, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Monday Morning 11-2-15



Sunday Night:

mangelo : hmmmm I don't know what's really going on......I just talked to my friend who has a friend from Iraq, we were supposed to meet on Saturday but things got messed up. I just got off the phone with my friend and he told me that his cousins and family have their cards loaded and are having fun spending money and that they are very happy..... So I am meeting him tomorrow and get the most up to date info that I can.

mangelo :  He said there cards get loaded each month, and they have been spending money, so I am going to meet up with tomorrow and get to the bottom of this
[daz] .
daz: The move also comes as the country seeks to promote the yuan as a global reserve currency alongside the dollar, an ambition that depends on its willingness and ability to loosen tight restrictions on the currency's trade.


Dinar Updates:

BGG    I just read the agenda for Parliament tomorrow [Monday]:  "Ninth: The second reading of a bill defining the mandates of the three presidencies. (Legal Committee). (Article 8).which tells me - PLAINLY - they are moving ahead with reforms - at full speed. 

Q:   what does this do?

BGG: It seals off a Maliki third term... should he somehow evade all the pitfalls between here and there - term limits would effectively kill any chance he would have for a third term as PM. 

Had they done THIS ONE THING long ago - there would have been no ISIS. No Anbar... no crisis - Maliki would have had no option... or big need to reshuffle the voting electorate/districts...which was at the very heart of where we are now.


Q:  [IYO is a lop out of the question or a possibility (even if it is slight)?]  

wmawhite  :  If the CBI was going to other words, just stop using it currency, then why are they today using their gold to buy the IQD from its citizens.

Why buy it if they were going to LOP?   NO!!!   the CBI is not going to LOP. 

Q:  [You still hopin before the first of the year?] 

Wmawhite:    I do not chase dates...however, I believe thay are in a hurry to get to somewhere.


Aggiedad77:   There are still factions of the media that Maliki lays claim over.....and it is without a doubt that he will go to any kind of length at this point.....not so much to knock Abadi.....but to try and retain any kind of political position that he believes maintains his immunity from prosecution.....

This kind of effort is his attempt to either stay out of jail or avoid a noose....both of which he knows are not far off.....let's see what if anything we see on this throughout the rest of this day.

Aloha    Randy

KTFA Cont.......

Aggiedad77:  The support for the reforms that come from PM Abadi and the Ayatollah Sistani has been with Parliament since their inception back in August...(See Articles Below)  .this broad spectrum group of politicians may have their differences....and they may be seen as a bunch of bickering old hens and cronies at time....

But they fully understand the overwhelming importance of the words from the religious cleric within would be a very bad day....IMO.....for them to go against what he wishes to take place for Iraq.....again be careful of confusion being touted by Maliki's thugs who still remain in some semblance of power to support him.   Thank you WalkingStick for jumping on this topic so quickly.

Aloha     Randy

Walkingstick:   Parliament did not vote on the withdrawal of the mandate of the Abadi
By Mohammed Emad 02/11/2015 01:26 |

Brother - Baghdad
MP from the Kurdistan Coalition beauty Panthers, Monday, that the parliament did not vote on the withdrawal of the authorization given to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on reforms, pointing out that the House of Representatives Legislative retained against him.

The Panthers said that "the parliament did not vote on the withdrawal of the authorization given to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi during its 34 held, today."

The Panthers, the "Voice of the parliament during the session to keep the legislative right and do not let any party executive or judicial powers of using the legislative or regulatory."

Parliament voted at its meeting held on Monday, the decision prevents the executive and the judiciary from the use of his powers, I spoke with reports that Parliament vote on the withdrawal of the mandate of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on voting.


Walkingstick:  Sheikh Hamoudi: Parliament supported the reforms did not delegate its powers
History of edits:: 2015/11/2 12:22 •

{Baghdad: Euphrates News} A member of the board of the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, Sheikh Hamoudi "The House of Representatives backed the government reforms did not give a mandate to its powers.

He said Sheikh Hamoudi said in a statement the agency {Euphrates News} that "received the Chamber of Deputies gave in support of the reforms did not give delegated legislative and monitoring its powers and this was confirmed by the decision."

The House of Representatives on Monday voted on a resolution in favor of reforms and denies his delegate any legislative powers entrusted to him under the Constitution to any of the other authorities.

According to the text of the resolution based on the provisions of subsection {second} article {59} of the Constitution, the following Resolution {that issued the Iraqi Council of Representatives Reaffirming its support and full support for the beams parliamentary and government reforms and his eagerness to be completed in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the laws in force within the time timings specified in line with the aspirations of the people who put their trust in this Council and hold him responsible for their representation,

it at the same time, denies his delegate any legislative powers entrusted to him under the Constitution to any of the other authorities, where he and a commitment to the principle of separation of powers it should be on all State authority to do its job and not to refer this function to other authorities} ". ended


Walkingstick:   Sami al-Araji for {} to Firat News: We made a lot of guarantees to open the door for investment in Iraq

History of edits:: 2015/11/2 9:54 •

{Baghdad: Euphrates News} The head of the board of Baghdad Investment Sami al-Araji, Monday, offer many guarantees to open the door for investment in Iraq.

He said al-Araji told {Euphrates News} today, "The investment law initiated in order to attract foreign investments to Iraq, amendment of the second law granting large concessions to national sector and foreign to shift from centralized unilateral economies to a market economy."

He added, "We have brought a lot of guarantees and privileges for investors, which is the beginning of a real renaissance is real and orientation of the economics of the Iraqi market.

"He noted" the existence of a genuine reform of the Iraqi economy in the next stage, especially after the introduction of investment law; for we can not just keep the current situation, the subject of our economy on Maaotina of oil and this is not true, note that we have a great potential in the country and sectors of the wide possible to generate treasury resources, and thus we have the opportunity to rely on sources other than oil in the country's development and the process of work.

 "The House of Representatives voted in its usual thirty-second session, which was held in the 27th of the month of October last , the amendment of the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 .anthy 1

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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