Don't WAIT!

Friday, November 20, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Friday Afternoon 11-20-15


Elmerf12346:  I just got this text from my mystery man: Across the Pond Plans for lower denominations on fast move now in country. We have a time table and it's very soon is all I can say.

I  haven't heard from my contact in over 3 weeks and he sends me this little nugget. I want to strangle him in the most loving way. Lord let this be so! We stand tall and ready to receive this Blessing.

Searching for Intel is an addiction and a hobby. Unfortunately when your good contact close to the situation is asked to be quite, so is Intel separation. But in this case all is forgiven. Let's bring it! Lol.

All we need now is our REALITY I'm ready and I know all of you are as well. Let's get this done and call it complete. I patiently await that moment.
Elmer123456:  We have all waited what seems to be a maternity we have been up and we have been down and this indeed has been an emotional struggle for many!

This journey has not been one of a smooth paved road but a rocky one ! In the beginning we heard much and believe everything and then we got wiser and sore more validation of what we seek ! I believe our celebratory days or among us !

Thank you for riding along with all of us as one TNT strong  

Eternity. Maternity for some also Lol… you know that AutoCorrect will hit you anytime you're not looking

Adept1:   Elmer: Push! Push! Push!

Elmerf123456:  Well maybe AutoCorrect is smarter than all of us because if you think about it this is probably very similar to maternity all the pains that we've had the ups and downs and so forth but once we get our RV we will forget about all the pain and all the time it took us to get here

Elmerf123456:  I don't do timelines. I want it now like everyone. If you hold the ticket(currency) you get to go to the show!(exchange) that's what's most important.


People’s Dinar:

SteveI   Article quote:  "It confirmed the three presidencies, to speed up the passage of the draft budget for fiscal 2016 Act." 

Very good news. I the progress! December is looking better and better, but first quarter 2016 is looking awesome as well.


Repost:  Excerpt From Mnt Goat:

Mnt Goat    As I have said many for the project to “delete the zeros” and other signs and our RV is close at hand. Now we are witnessing these signs and so the probability of the RV increases as each day passes. 

So today’s news is all TERRIFIC and EXCITING!  IRAQ HAS LAUNCHED THE 50K NOTES! HURRAY!  ...this is an excellent sign too that they have in fact launched the project to “delete the zeros” already and the process is now underway once again. We simply have to wait and watch for news of the amounts of the 10k and 25k notes collected.

This could take a week maybe a month. But I am hearing it will sooner than later...Because they already collected nearly 80-90% of the 10k and 25 notes.

Article quote:  “CBI had announced earlier issued a new banknote fifty thousand Dinars category in order to complete the Iraqi Securities monetary structure, and the DEVELOPMENT OF HIGH VALUE IN THE TRADING CATEGORY.”

 So we see this was the purpose of launching these new 50k notes. The CBI told us themselves.  So at some point in time soon I expect they will hit a point they need and then pop out the new rate...this will be sudden and excepted.

This process is NOT a currency FLOAT as many have alluded to will happen. They will simply go from the 1166 rate to a 1:1 rate with the USD. The IMF is now working very closely and monitoring it very closely

Eventually the CBI will have to tell the banks to begin launching the lower denominations into circulation.   Article quote:  "A commission of economy and investment plans for new parliamentary Central Bank intends to implement is to issue less cash currency of category 250 dinars, and a new edition to the category of 500 dinars. "
When these lower denominations are launched you can buy your bottle of champagne and put it on ice since it is not long before we, as outside investors, are at the bank.

Emailed to Recaps: 

Is This How The Next Global Financial Meltdown Will Unfold?

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/20/2015 10:19 -0500

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

In effect, a currency crisis is simply the abrupt revaluation of the currency to reflect new realities.

I have long maintained that the structural imbalances of debt and risk that triggered the Global Financial Meltdown of 2008-2009 have effectively been transferred to the foreign exchange (FX) markets.

This creates a problem for the central banks that have orchestrated the "recovery" by goosing asset bubbles in stocks, real estate and bonds: unlike these markets, the currency-FX market is too big for even the Federal Reserve to manipulate for long.

The FX market trades roughly the entire Fed balance sheet of $4.5 trillion every day or two.
Currencies are in the midst of multi-year revaluations that will destabilize the tottering towers of debt, leverage and risk that have propped up global growth since 2009.

Though the relative value of currencies is discovered in the global FX market, there are four fundamental factors that influence the value of any currency:

1. Capital flows into and out of the currency (and the nation that issues the currency).

2. Perceived risk, specifically, will this currency preserve my global purchasing power (i.e. capital) or erode it?

3. The yield or interest rate paid on bonds denominated in this currency.

4. The scarcity or over-abundance of the currency.

If we dig even deeper, we find that currencies reflect the income streams and assets of the issuing nation. Consider the currency of an oil exporting nation that has seen both its income from selling oil and the underlying value of its oil in the ground fall by more than 50%.

Read the entire article at :

Walkingstick:   Indonesia central bank will 'push' for rupiah-yuan use

20 Nov 2015 at 15:36

JAKARTA — Indonesia will push for the use of rupiah and yuan for its trade and investment with China, instead of the US dollar, the country's central bank governor said Friday.

"We will facilitate and push for the use of rupiah currency and renminbi because in 2015 renminbi will be part of (International Monetary Fund's) special drawing rights (currencies)," governor Agus Martowardojo told reports.

He also said he welcomed the recent increase in Indonesia's bilateral currency swap agreement with China to US$20 billion from $15 billion. ... h-yuan-use

Walkingstick:  BRICS Member Currencies Could be Used in Foreign Trade Payments

Russia is proposing the introduction of a system of foreign trade accounting for transactions between BRICS countries based on their national currencies.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russia is proposing the introduction of a system of foreign trade accounting for transactions between BRICS countries based on their national currencies, Russia's Energy Minister Alexander Novak said on Friday.

"Another interesting instrument of cooperation within the BRICS framework is monitoring mutual fuel and energy trade accounts in national currencies. Organizing such monitoring within the scope of BRICS appears to be an interesting objective in terms of energy cooperation, as well as reducing dependence on intermediate means of exchange for energy," Novak told his BRICS counterparts at the 4th International Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving (ENES) forum in Moscow.

Novak cited Russia's use of national currencies in energy trade accounting with its neighbors as an example for BRICS countries to follow.

BRICS must also monitor fuel consumption to make projections, reiterating the importance of following global energy market trends outlined by BRICS leaders at the July 2015 summit in the Russian city of Ufa, the minister noted.

"It is time to think about the importance of research and projections reflecting the interest of countries within our association," Novak added.

An energy association between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa had been proposed by Russia's President Vladimir Putin at the 2014 BRICS summit. The initiatives propose setting up a fuel reserve and ensuring energy security for member countries. The BRICS New Development Bank was established shortly afterward.

Read more: ... z3s3wXcTJU

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