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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Mtn Goat: All Is Moving Forward Quickly  Part 2 of 2

The latest mnt goat news letter 11/17.   Part 2 of 2

Please post in Dinar Recaps  Thanks GeorgeH
UU6835 –“Its Tuesday and all is moving forward very quickly “  by Mnt Goat
Next I am presenting an article (the second GOLDEN NUGGETs of the day) that came out in today’s news. This article is VERY informative and once again confirms all the news we have been hearing about the PURPOSE of the introduction of the 50k notes. ‘
It is amazing because the finance ministry is now in full cooperation with the CBI on this project (since the article is from them) and also because they are coming very directly out now and telling us what  is going to happen.
So let me make three important points:
First it tells us the 50k will be used to withdrawal the 10k and 25k notes from the market place.
Second it confirms the use of the 50k notes in the future and that they are not temporary (one time) and I quote from the article – “dealing will be closer to deal private dollars for businesses which use large amounts of money where it is most dealing in Iraqi dinars existence of 50 thousand class”
Third it tells us the 50k note is in reducing the trend towards the use of the dollar. In other words they want to get the US dollar out of circulation and the wide use of it, as it is 80-90% of the currency  now being used. But wait just one second – if they collect the 10k, 25k and US dollars, then  what will the citizens be using for money…..????
BINGO !  –yes you guessed correctly since this answer should have been VERY apparent to everyone reading my news letters faithfully.
Now here is the answer – THEY ARE ABOUT TO LAUNCH THE LOWER DENOMINATIONS, they have to do this if they truly are going to launch these 50K  notes. Now I hope everyone believes me and fully understands how this is all going to workout.
And when they launch those LOWER DENOMINATIONS what must also happen?
BINGO !  –yes you guessed correctly since this answer should have been VERY apparent to everyone reading my news letters faithfully. Now here is the answer – THEY MUST GIVE THE DINAR A SIGNIFICANT INCREASE IN ITS VALUE or else the citizens will have absolutely no purchasing power and will need truck loads of the dinar to go to the market place.
Then we wait for the RV after they collect enough of the 10k, 25k and US dollars from circulation. We also have to wait for them to get enough of the lower denominations into the hands of the general public meaning in circulation.
See amazing article below. Can you tell Mnt Goat is VERY, VERY excited ?
Article Begins
November 17, 2015
Our economy / Baghdad  --  Detection of the Finance Committee member Abdul Qader Mohammed, Tuesday, for the withdrawal of 25 thousand dinars compared to the category of the new category issued by the Central Bank, as he emphasized that the issuance of the fifty thousand category will make it easier to deal in Iraqi dinars at home to reduce the trend towards the dollar.
Mohammed said: Pentecostal group that issued by the Central Bank does not have any negative impact on fiscal policy in Iraq.
He stressed that the Iraqi currency dealing will be closer to deal private dollars for businesses which use large amounts of money where it is most dealing in Iraqi dinars existence of 50 thousand class.
He added that the issuance of this category will make it easier to deal in Iraqi dinars to be at home in the biggest turnout of the dollar, which have an impact on reducing the trend towards last.
He disclosed that a new class is issued by the central bank in return will withdraw the class 25 000 or 10 000.

Little, the central bank announced in November 201 511 for issuing banknotes category 50 000 dinars dimensions of 65 mm width, 156 mm length and predominantly light brown except Framework decorations that took bold color were printed using the superior quality of the printing paper with A number of security and the technical marks.
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Article Begins
Baghdad -arac Press November -17: parliamentary Finance Committee revealed on Tuesday that the Central Bank of Iraq in connection with the introduction of new process category 100 000 dinars, noting that "the two categories of 50 100 thousand dinars, contain 13 feature, and that the possibility of fraud which is impossible.
He said the Commission's decision Ahmed Haji Rashid, in a press statement, "After our meeting with the Central Bank of Iraq, we saw many of the new information on Currencies new categories of 50 100 thousand dinars," In this year, will offer 50 class thousand dinars and in the next year will go category 100 000 dinars to the market. "
Rashid said, "in the near future will be put towards the 5 trillion dinars from the category of 50 000 dinars for trading".
And about the cost and the characteristics of these two new currencies, Haji Rashid Ahmed said, "Every one of these two currencies cost approximately about 6 cents, were printed by a German company, and has 13 feature, which makes the possibility of fraud where the impossible."
The Central Bank of Iraq, announced Wednesday in November 2015 11 for issuing a new banknote fifty thousand Dinars category, in order to complete the Iraqi Securities monetary structure and the development of high value in the category Altdaol.anthy (1)
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[Update: Abadi’s Reforms]
Yesterday parliament had the second reading of the 2016 budget law. They are telling us the want to complete the budget and pass it by the end of November. They seem to be on track to do this.
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He added that the next reform would apply to the infrastructure of state institutions will also be an integral and complementary to what was fired from the reforms, pointing out that "reform is not only through the pack or two packages, but for other packages will be announced later."
He newborn, that the ministerial and institutional limbering is necessary and important in this process, to pressure spending and address the sagging career.
He explained that the reform will be next in the restructuring of ministries and institutions, especially after the transfer of power to the many ministries to the provinces Maistojb restructuring of some ministries in the form that is best suited to the new situation in the division of powers with the provinces.
He newborn that length of time to launch new reforms have not yet been determined, there are committees made up of experts and specialists in the Prime Minister in charge of subjecting all ministries and institutions to very precise control program for the diagnosis place a bug where then raising them with periodic reports to the prime minister.
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I present an article to you today on the IMF requesting that Iraq remove the subsidies on govt handouts.

Does this surprise you? Why would they need these handouts with a robust economy? It is time in 2016 to get off the post war assistance and move to a global economy. They fully expect the economy to take off in 2016.
Article Begins
Long-Presse / Baghdad  --  Condition of the International Monetary Fund removal of subsidies on electricity and the ration card to lend to the Iraqi government and to enable them to fill the projected shortfall in next year's budget in 2016, while expressed "serious reservations" on the size of salaries paid by the government for the staff, he called on them to reconsider.
And see the members of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, that the Fund conditions "are not new", because it has already been put forward by the government during the debate on the previous budgets.

Previously, the International Monetary Fund, to give Iraq worth one billion and 250 million dollars in emergency aid, but Iraqi officials have reservations about the amount that said the government is seeking to borrow from the International Foundation which is based in Washington based.
And male parliamentarians, in an interview to the (long-Presse), last week, that the budget law includes a fictional loans exceeding $ 14 billion to close the deficit.
He says a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Jabbar Abdul Khaliq, said in an interview to the newspaper (range), "The reservations of the International Monetary Fund revolve around sectors supported by the government, especially electricity and fuel and the ration card," and suggests that "the fund wants to raise support for those sectors for lending Iraq".
He adds Abdul Khaliq, that those "objections is not new as it had already put forward by the Fund on the Iraqi government during the discussion of the previous budgets with him, as a condition to facilitate the process of borrowing, but it did not take place because of the circumstances faced by the country."
And on the negotiations conducted by Iraq, representatives of the Finance Ministries of Planning and oil, the Board of Control and the Central Bank, with the International Monetary Fund, explains a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, that "the IMF global institution sober you want to follow up on government spending and whether it adopts international standards."
Reminds Member State of Law bloc parliamentary, to "end the basis of the removal of subsidies on those sectors, according to the IMF, is to ensure that the money that the government Stguetrdha to other sectors more important to spend," and shows that "the International Monetary Fund is considering how to recover the money that Sakarzha for Iraq and she went not to the consumer sectors. "
He continues, MP Abdul Khaliq, that "allocated for the ration card payments amounting to two billion and 500 billion dinars, and a little more what was allocated to the Ministry of Electricity in the next 2016 budget," and asserts that "the International Monetary Fund expressed its reservation on the employees' salaries, which weigh heavily on the budget."
The International Monetary Fund announced on Saturday, (14th of current November 2015), the determination of the Council of Ministers amendment next year's budget in 2016, in line with the macroeconomic framework of the program watched by the Fund.
But a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Jabbar Abdul Khaliq, "denies the government to withdraw the draft federal budget of the House of Representatives to make adjustments in line with the demands of the International Monetary Fund."
To confirm that the other member of the parliamentary finance committee, Acadr Mohammed, that "the International Monetary Fund gave tips to the Iraqi government to increase financial support for electricity and fuel sectors, and the ration card, and demanded that spending commensurate with the size of their revenues."

MP says Mohammed, in an interview to the newspaper (range), "The International Monetary Fund believes that Iraq might be able to overcome the financial crisis and pay off all its loans, if they reduced the size of the public spending", and adds that "the IMF aims behind his reservations improve the performance of the Iraqi economy during the next year 2016 ".
Warns a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, of the consequences of "the continuation of the central bank dollar auction to sell the currency," it is that it "threatens to fall in foreign exchange, which sees the International Monetary Fund's reserves to be dangerous."
Article Ends
Let’s now keep praying for the success of THESE IRAQI AND COALITION SOLDIERS-
“May there be a hedge of protection surrounding them and let the Victory be theirs against these evil doers who have no regard for humanity! We will pray until we see Victory! Amen “
All these prayers seem to be working.
Till next time…. Auf Wiedersehen!  Peace and Luv To Ya All,   Mnt Goat

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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