Part 2:
Frank26: By the way…the Finance Committee tells us that the CBI plans to issue a 1 IQD note in the first half of 2016…..oh yes in the RV state they will come out with 1, the 5, the 10, the 20….not sure if they will have a 50, the might…..they will have currency similar to ours…..but of course they just went through a monetary reform….
I really understand the concept of what you are calling the lower LD’s going into next year versus the higher LD’s they are using now….because they are still into the RI state now….are the citizens using the larger LD’s right now…..well what do you think…..not until the first half of 2016 will they introduce the lower LD’s…..not into 2017.
Please pay attention just now….I won’t be talking again this week.
An RI into an RV or the LD’s from the west to the east.
Frank26: By the way…the Finance Committee tells us that the CBI plans to issue a 1 IQD note in the first half of 2016…..oh yes in the RV state they will come out with 1, the 5, the 10, the 20….not sure if they will have a 50, the might…..they will have currency similar to ours…..but of course they just went through a monetary reform….
I really understand the concept of what you are calling the lower LD’s going into next year versus the higher LD’s they are using now….because they are still into the RI state now….are the citizens using the larger LD’s right now…..well what do you think…..not until the first half of 2016 will they introduce the lower LD’s…..not into 2017.
Please pay attention just now….I won’t be talking again this week.
An RI into an RV or the LD’s from the west to the east.
Remember I asked you if you have an IQD in your right hand….what do you have in your left hand….9/10’s of a penny in your left hand….but if that goes up….these larger lower denoms just doesn’t work……that is why the lower LD’s will be seen in the first half of 2016….when the RV part blossoms and adds value to their currency…..
How long will this take….well some knucklehead economist suggested 2017…..of course not….or we wouldn’t be doing this right now….how does Iraq re-enter the global market…..with security, with the laws, with the neutering of Maliki, Dr. Shabibi moves on with monetary reform 3 and 4, the US backs up this country even stronger….yes we will bow to her….we know our row….we know our position.
So why these other LD’s….the 250’s, the 500’s, the 5,000’s….to walk into the RV from December into January….the key is….when will the citizens use these LD’s….when the value goes up….when it is increased enough to phase out the bigger LD’s they are giving out now… the citizens can use the smaller LD’s next year with much more purchasing power….this is their goal and Dr. Shabibi….it is not your goal…your goal is a capital gain.
The USD was also phased out in our industrial revolution in the same manner.
So the first basket says how do you like me now basket number 1 says the IQD…..Iran says I want to be like you IQD…..I am the Iranian Rial….I am free as a bird….I want to be just like you….but much faster… how do you like me now says the IQD….another voice says I’m in the basket with you now and I’m liking it…that is the voice of China….South Korean Won how do you like this basket asks the IQD….well we just finished military exercises and with military contracts coming up…..
China got a little nervous about recent military exercises….we are increasing military contracts….in fact our tourist count is going up…..our troop count is going up, more foreign troops coming in….more military contracts….
We love that China is in the same basket as we might be in….because that will control North Korea even more……hey China we are in the same basket right….yes we are….hey China you are communists right…..tell those guys up north to quiet down….no….yes we are in the same basket….tell them to quiet down….well…ok we can do that.
So the IQD turns to the basket and asks…..hey basket… do you like me now….another voice pops up….the Dong….hey get out of that basket….your turn will be coming….probably next year.
So do we have to wait all of next year for the rate to go up to join you Hawaii… but what if you did… IMO…any increase in the RI to the RV will be enough to fuel you Family….the tanker will be loaded by mid-2016….and there will be many tankers by 2017….you talking of oil tankers….no….tankers with what you want.
I’m just curious right now Family are you counting your dinars right now…..or are you counting your blessings…..this is a precursor question for you….will you be a God…..will the money be a God for you….or will God still be God for you.
Dr. Shabibi are you happy…..excuse me…..what did you say Frank…..Shabibi baby are you happy……well Frank I have a lot of security….it is actually over spilling….I have laws implemented….laws…..the budget for 2016….the deficit has been decreased….just like with the US…..I mean Clinton sent Obama a box of cigars…..they got that much money left…what does that mean….am I happy Frank….the GOI cut much of their salaries….they did many revisions of their salaries….wait a second…Iraqi citizens…are you happy….there is a roar….yes they sound happy… Dr. Shabibi how do you feel about the laws….I couldn’t have done anything without the laws….yes we have security too.
Family remember this is the Middle East….something can go wrong…but I don’t see anything or I would tell you….but….I think it is important that I say this to you….and I posted this to you today….a lava flow is never predictable it is of it’s own pace and especially directional change….and many things have changed in the last three months and you know something I’ve got no problems with their improvements…..and IMO…..neither should you.
Family….will there be an exchange law in effect by December 15th….why….because I feel IMO…..that by December the 15th the RI will start…then 7-10 days you won’t see anything and that will take us into the beginning of January….I pray this is enough time for the RI into the RV.
Knock, knock…..who is that knocking on the door of the CBI….the citizens of Iraq…can we have the smaller LD’s that you’ve given to the banks…….ok….we just ask because you are passing out the higher LD’s…….why….we are going from an RI to an RV….ok, we will be back first quarter of next year….ok….are you sure we can’t have them….no…but they are prettier…….ok let’s get out of here.
Frank….are you sure about this….well that is what they tell us….this time around our teams do not see our intel being measured….it is being calculated…..that is quite a difference.
Get your game plan together Family…..get serious. If you got dinars that is enough, what you need is an inventory, of your stewardship, the lawyers, the banks, how you will distribute this money, how you will make money….but many of you don’t understand.
Let’s say you have one million… careful….do not live beyond your means….what that means……if you buy a house and you pay cash for it…that is not smart….you should never pay cash for it…use a vehicle to pay for it….get help…get your game plan together….do not be careless….especially right now.
We already told you there will be zero intel this week and why….and how it will work….we are helping them do their work…but we want the week off….that is why Parliament extended their sessions up to November 23rd.
So up to November 21st so much has been accomplished…..then between the 21st and December 15th…..we want to see the taxes and tariffs at the borders….with the laws….we want the customs taxes at the borders…we want to see more LD’s, especially the smaller ones…..the Investment Law… know why we want to see these things…..
From an article….the State is now headed towards investment in the private sector and encourage industries and trade and open market GDP to maintain our industries and support them….in other words they are calling out to the international world with an internationally recognized Iraqi currency….but we need a rate….done that….been there….but we don’t see…hey come here.
The LD’s was explained to our staff in October….but we’ve seen this already…..I’m asking you now as I asked our staff….pray… will not see the RI…..but we need to be praying to be strong…what we tell you today is a reality of the reality.
You know when we landed…when the Eagle Landed….when we went from west to east….we are about to walk on water for God’s kingdom.
Demons tremble in their trenches…..we are the Kracken to be released into the world….we are the Christians….we are the bride.
This past September when we got back we gave you a road map….we called it 1, 2, and 3. Then in October we told our staff….told them what everyone is talking about now. Today all that we share with you from our study files is all over the Internet which is encouraging and good.
Guess what I am going to share from our teams in December….and it is from that point forward that I will start to fade away…not from you….but from the studies….you won’t need me much longer….we need to do God’s work….I always said there will only be 1% left….I like when people say….how dare you say I won’t be around….I never said that you won’t be around….how can you feel guilty about a statement I never said about you.
The USD is reaching across from the east to the west….to the IQD….because the two of them are the protagonists of a story in a book….leading actors in a great movie….so the USD…..hit a high today of 100.00….and a low of 99.86….what it did today is it reached a dollar…..when did it last do this…..that is a profound question…this is profound for the RI into the RV. has shown the dollar at 99.8+ as a high….it showed the Iraqi dinar at 1111.11 for one USD….now it’s only a coincidence…..since 1990….I see these ones….1111 every where…daily…..I call myself Frank26…the reciprocal of 26 is 386….I think they will cap between 386 and 420….when the RV is done….IMO.
So the USD teases everyone by hitting around 99.8….99.9….but today it hit a dollar….historical…then the IQD hits 1111.11…they both tease without shame…..look at that picnic basket…amazing….mind-boggling….if you weren’t a student none of this would bother you.
The rest of the world….survey 1,000 people at a mall…they know nothing of the IQD….very few people are students of currency….you are blessed.
There will be a plethora of articles from the CBI…..numbers 3 and 4… you realize we have both of those….but we don’t see Dr. Shabibi at the helm…..but his voice is every where….anytime you see “keywords” that is him…..he said today….the rejection of the CBI for the distribution of salaries in USD is a correct decision…..why….beause we are going from an RI into RV…..he’s saying I’m not paying anything ever again in USD.
Meanwhile Zebari discusses with Rafadain and Rasheed Banks…to provide better service for the citizens…and he is looking for ways to upgrade these two banks…in accordance with international standards….what has it been 12 years….someone is finally adding value to their currency….someone is going into Article 8.
Meanwhile….the Interior Minister announces the removal of all checkpoints in Baghdad….you don’t get rid of those…that causes security….but we are telling you we have security….so is that why you are going from an RI into RV next month….yes.
For those of you on team chat on Friday you saw me talking to Foxtrot….this is what it was about….the removal of Checkpoint Charlie.
Meanwhile PM Abadi’s office calls on the citizens…..he told the citizens to take advantage of international support for the reforms and the specialists that are demanding to reform the tax system….why…because we go from the RI to the RV….but you always tell us this…you guys have always said you would take care of the borders….well yes…we do much…and after the 15th we will do much more.
So…….Forex….brokers….how is the root beer….it’s nice and cold…chilled…..good because we are going to need it for a float on December 15th, 2015…..there is a lot on what I’m telling you but I’m not explaining.
Abadi is told by the CBI there is no flaw in the customs and the tariffs laws and the systems of the administration of these laws… see Family….laws almost a year ago is what I fought for……I hung up on two people because I knew they did not know what they talked about….many talked bad about me….let them throw stones….but I protected my KTFA family….it is the laws that we now have….that are the givers of the RI walking into the RV….today. Please enjoy them.
All my teams send you their well wishes. I talked to Delta, asked him if he was coming tonight… I have people who are outside the country with me right now and I don’t want them to hear. I sent him another communiqué to tell your friends….by next year you will be a millionaire…he texted back….December….no not in December my brother.
The whales are doing their thing no doubt….but what will make it grow will be the citizens of Iraq…moving it from the RI to the RV.
We told you IOO (In our opinion) ….based on the meeting we told you about on the 10th….we don’t think 10, 20, or 30 cents is feasible…..but around 40 cents will be the best place to start…then 7-10 days will be a good time to swing to the 1 to 1…..IMO…that 40 cents is crucial…..then to grow to the 1 to 1 into next year……into the first quarter.
Back in 2008….there was an issue called the Paris Club Debt….it came to Iraq…..and they agreed if the day they revalue the currency and it doesn’t come out at 1 to 1 they would not be able to pay their debt……no one on the Internet is talking about this…but now they will…watch them. Once it comes out...the RV….it will be a managed float….and it will cap just past Kuwait.
Yes, they agreed their global exchange would have to be 1 to 1 or they would have to pay 100% of what was due….$180 billion. The reason why the Paris Club Debt was never paid…they didn’t want to be paid at 1166…they are in the Long Line too.
How long will this take….well some knucklehead economist suggested 2017…..of course not….or we wouldn’t be doing this right now….how does Iraq re-enter the global market…..with security, with the laws, with the neutering of Maliki, Dr. Shabibi moves on with monetary reform 3 and 4, the US backs up this country even stronger….yes we will bow to her….we know our row….we know our position.
So why these other LD’s….the 250’s, the 500’s, the 5,000’s….to walk into the RV from December into January….the key is….when will the citizens use these LD’s….when the value goes up….when it is increased enough to phase out the bigger LD’s they are giving out now… the citizens can use the smaller LD’s next year with much more purchasing power….this is their goal and Dr. Shabibi….it is not your goal…your goal is a capital gain.
The USD was also phased out in our industrial revolution in the same manner.
So the first basket says how do you like me now basket number 1 says the IQD…..Iran says I want to be like you IQD…..I am the Iranian Rial….I am free as a bird….I want to be just like you….but much faster… how do you like me now says the IQD….another voice says I’m in the basket with you now and I’m liking it…that is the voice of China….South Korean Won how do you like this basket asks the IQD….well we just finished military exercises and with military contracts coming up…..
China got a little nervous about recent military exercises….we are increasing military contracts….in fact our tourist count is going up…..our troop count is going up, more foreign troops coming in….more military contracts….
We love that China is in the same basket as we might be in….because that will control North Korea even more……hey China we are in the same basket right….yes we are….hey China you are communists right…..tell those guys up north to quiet down….no….yes we are in the same basket….tell them to quiet down….well…ok we can do that.
So the IQD turns to the basket and asks…..hey basket… do you like me now….another voice pops up….the Dong….hey get out of that basket….your turn will be coming….probably next year.
So do we have to wait all of next year for the rate to go up to join you Hawaii… but what if you did… IMO…any increase in the RI to the RV will be enough to fuel you Family….the tanker will be loaded by mid-2016….and there will be many tankers by 2017….you talking of oil tankers….no….tankers with what you want.
I’m just curious right now Family are you counting your dinars right now…..or are you counting your blessings…..this is a precursor question for you….will you be a God…..will the money be a God for you….or will God still be God for you.
Dr. Shabibi are you happy…..excuse me…..what did you say Frank…..Shabibi baby are you happy……well Frank I have a lot of security….it is actually over spilling….I have laws implemented….laws…..the budget for 2016….the deficit has been decreased….just like with the US…..I mean Clinton sent Obama a box of cigars…..they got that much money left…what does that mean….am I happy Frank….the GOI cut much of their salaries….they did many revisions of their salaries….wait a second…Iraqi citizens…are you happy….there is a roar….yes they sound happy… Dr. Shabibi how do you feel about the laws….I couldn’t have done anything without the laws….yes we have security too.
Family remember this is the Middle East….something can go wrong…but I don’t see anything or I would tell you….but….I think it is important that I say this to you….and I posted this to you today….a lava flow is never predictable it is of it’s own pace and especially directional change….and many things have changed in the last three months and you know something I’ve got no problems with their improvements…..and IMO…..neither should you.
Family….will there be an exchange law in effect by December 15th….why….because I feel IMO…..that by December the 15th the RI will start…then 7-10 days you won’t see anything and that will take us into the beginning of January….I pray this is enough time for the RI into the RV.
Knock, knock…..who is that knocking on the door of the CBI….the citizens of Iraq…can we have the smaller LD’s that you’ve given to the banks…….ok….we just ask because you are passing out the higher LD’s…….why….we are going from an RI to an RV….ok, we will be back first quarter of next year….ok….are you sure we can’t have them….no…but they are prettier…….ok let’s get out of here.
Frank….are you sure about this….well that is what they tell us….this time around our teams do not see our intel being measured….it is being calculated…..that is quite a difference.
Get your game plan together Family…..get serious. If you got dinars that is enough, what you need is an inventory, of your stewardship, the lawyers, the banks, how you will distribute this money, how you will make money….but many of you don’t understand.
Let’s say you have one million… careful….do not live beyond your means….what that means……if you buy a house and you pay cash for it…that is not smart….you should never pay cash for it…use a vehicle to pay for it….get help…get your game plan together….do not be careless….especially right now.
We already told you there will be zero intel this week and why….and how it will work….we are helping them do their work…but we want the week off….that is why Parliament extended their sessions up to November 23rd.
So up to November 21st so much has been accomplished…..then between the 21st and December 15th…..we want to see the taxes and tariffs at the borders….with the laws….we want the customs taxes at the borders…we want to see more LD’s, especially the smaller ones…..the Investment Law… know why we want to see these things…..
From an article….the State is now headed towards investment in the private sector and encourage industries and trade and open market GDP to maintain our industries and support them….in other words they are calling out to the international world with an internationally recognized Iraqi currency….but we need a rate….done that….been there….but we don’t see…hey come here.
The LD’s was explained to our staff in October….but we’ve seen this already…..I’m asking you now as I asked our staff….pray… will not see the RI…..but we need to be praying to be strong…what we tell you today is a reality of the reality.
You know when we landed…when the Eagle Landed….when we went from west to east….we are about to walk on water for God’s kingdom.
Demons tremble in their trenches…..we are the Kracken to be released into the world….we are the Christians….we are the bride.
This past September when we got back we gave you a road map….we called it 1, 2, and 3. Then in October we told our staff….told them what everyone is talking about now. Today all that we share with you from our study files is all over the Internet which is encouraging and good.
Guess what I am going to share from our teams in December….and it is from that point forward that I will start to fade away…not from you….but from the studies….you won’t need me much longer….we need to do God’s work….I always said there will only be 1% left….I like when people say….how dare you say I won’t be around….I never said that you won’t be around….how can you feel guilty about a statement I never said about you.
The USD is reaching across from the east to the west….to the IQD….because the two of them are the protagonists of a story in a book….leading actors in a great movie….so the USD…..hit a high today of 100.00….and a low of 99.86….what it did today is it reached a dollar…..when did it last do this…..that is a profound question…this is profound for the RI into the RV. has shown the dollar at 99.8+ as a high….it showed the Iraqi dinar at 1111.11 for one USD….now it’s only a coincidence…..since 1990….I see these ones….1111 every where…daily…..I call myself Frank26…the reciprocal of 26 is 386….I think they will cap between 386 and 420….when the RV is done….IMO.
So the USD teases everyone by hitting around 99.8….99.9….but today it hit a dollar….historical…then the IQD hits 1111.11…they both tease without shame…..look at that picnic basket…amazing….mind-boggling….if you weren’t a student none of this would bother you.
The rest of the world….survey 1,000 people at a mall…they know nothing of the IQD….very few people are students of currency….you are blessed.
There will be a plethora of articles from the CBI…..numbers 3 and 4… you realize we have both of those….but we don’t see Dr. Shabibi at the helm…..but his voice is every where….anytime you see “keywords” that is him…..he said today….the rejection of the CBI for the distribution of salaries in USD is a correct decision…..why….beause we are going from an RI into RV…..he’s saying I’m not paying anything ever again in USD.
Meanwhile Zebari discusses with Rafadain and Rasheed Banks…to provide better service for the citizens…and he is looking for ways to upgrade these two banks…in accordance with international standards….what has it been 12 years….someone is finally adding value to their currency….someone is going into Article 8.
Meanwhile….the Interior Minister announces the removal of all checkpoints in Baghdad….you don’t get rid of those…that causes security….but we are telling you we have security….so is that why you are going from an RI into RV next month….yes.
For those of you on team chat on Friday you saw me talking to Foxtrot….this is what it was about….the removal of Checkpoint Charlie.
Meanwhile PM Abadi’s office calls on the citizens…..he told the citizens to take advantage of international support for the reforms and the specialists that are demanding to reform the tax system….why…because we go from the RI to the RV….but you always tell us this…you guys have always said you would take care of the borders….well yes…we do much…and after the 15th we will do much more.
So…….Forex….brokers….how is the root beer….it’s nice and cold…chilled…..good because we are going to need it for a float on December 15th, 2015…..there is a lot on what I’m telling you but I’m not explaining.
Abadi is told by the CBI there is no flaw in the customs and the tariffs laws and the systems of the administration of these laws… see Family….laws almost a year ago is what I fought for……I hung up on two people because I knew they did not know what they talked about….many talked bad about me….let them throw stones….but I protected my KTFA family….it is the laws that we now have….that are the givers of the RI walking into the RV….today. Please enjoy them.
All my teams send you their well wishes. I talked to Delta, asked him if he was coming tonight… I have people who are outside the country with me right now and I don’t want them to hear. I sent him another communiqué to tell your friends….by next year you will be a millionaire…he texted back….December….no not in December my brother.
The whales are doing their thing no doubt….but what will make it grow will be the citizens of Iraq…moving it from the RI to the RV.
We told you IOO (In our opinion) ….based on the meeting we told you about on the 10th….we don’t think 10, 20, or 30 cents is feasible…..but around 40 cents will be the best place to start…then 7-10 days will be a good time to swing to the 1 to 1…..IMO…that 40 cents is crucial…..then to grow to the 1 to 1 into next year……into the first quarter.
Back in 2008….there was an issue called the Paris Club Debt….it came to Iraq…..and they agreed if the day they revalue the currency and it doesn’t come out at 1 to 1 they would not be able to pay their debt……no one on the Internet is talking about this…but now they will…watch them. Once it comes out...the RV….it will be a managed float….and it will cap just past Kuwait.
Yes, they agreed their global exchange would have to be 1 to 1 or they would have to pay 100% of what was due….$180 billion. The reason why the Paris Club Debt was never paid…they didn’t want to be paid at 1166…they are in the Long Line too.
WS articles…..CBI rescued from collapse of the Iraqi Dinar….come on…..Iran….We are raising the value of our currency.
So how could the CBI be rescued….must have been an increase in their currency….now laws by themselves could do this.
Like a little kid crying……crying….crying….tell them they will be put in their room….more crying….then take out a donut and put it right in front of their mouth…and all of a sudden they get quiet. An increase of the value of the IQD will do so many things.
Cannot Issue Currency without a cover of Gold or the Dollar…..this is all about the currency….about going up in value.
Here’s another one….Restore Confidence in the Banking Sector Contributes to the Position of Liquidity….no confidence will not get you anything….but the LD’s yes now they are everywhere….they can provide the liquidity.
There is much to be thankful for on this Thursday. The education system teaches the children….the pilgrims almost died, then the Indians brought food to them and the Indians taught them how to survive a brutal winter, the nasty weather……the thing that bothers me is that it was the Indians that saved the white settlements that winter…but in reality it was both the Indians and the white man that gave thanks they survived together that winter.
It is amazing how in the last 8 years so much has changed in our laws of our country…..I can be sued from so many ways….laws have changed so that gays can be married in all parts of the nation…so Frank….you have a problem with gays…..I have a problem with gay marriages… you think you can do that in Heaven.
When I was a child I thought as a child… an adult I know I shouldn’t. I’ll tell you to have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hey my Lions have won 2 games in a row and I don’t even know who they play on Thursday.
In review….no more discussion except for team chat Friday night at 9:00 pm EST. Atlas will not be present. Tomorrow night there is Bible Study. Call me 419-283-2552 if you need help with access to Premium.
You will see the Iraqi Dinar go to its Natural Rate Position as it moves from this RI to the RV.
Dismissed with a prayer.
So how could the CBI be rescued….must have been an increase in their currency….now laws by themselves could do this.
Like a little kid crying……crying….crying….tell them they will be put in their room….more crying….then take out a donut and put it right in front of their mouth…and all of a sudden they get quiet. An increase of the value of the IQD will do so many things.
Cannot Issue Currency without a cover of Gold or the Dollar…..this is all about the currency….about going up in value.
Here’s another one….Restore Confidence in the Banking Sector Contributes to the Position of Liquidity….no confidence will not get you anything….but the LD’s yes now they are everywhere….they can provide the liquidity.
There is much to be thankful for on this Thursday. The education system teaches the children….the pilgrims almost died, then the Indians brought food to them and the Indians taught them how to survive a brutal winter, the nasty weather……the thing that bothers me is that it was the Indians that saved the white settlements that winter…but in reality it was both the Indians and the white man that gave thanks they survived together that winter.
It is amazing how in the last 8 years so much has changed in our laws of our country…..I can be sued from so many ways….laws have changed so that gays can be married in all parts of the nation…so Frank….you have a problem with gays…..I have a problem with gay marriages… you think you can do that in Heaven.
When I was a child I thought as a child… an adult I know I shouldn’t. I’ll tell you to have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hey my Lions have won 2 games in a row and I don’t even know who they play on Thursday.
In review….no more discussion except for team chat Friday night at 9:00 pm EST. Atlas will not be present. Tomorrow night there is Bible Study. Call me 419-283-2552 if you need help with access to Premium.
You will see the Iraqi Dinar go to its Natural Rate Position as it moves from this RI to the RV.
Dismissed with a prayer.
via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog
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