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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Monday Night KTFA CC Highlights : 11-16-15  Part 1 

Monday Night KTFA CC Highlights 11-16-15

Notes by Aggiedad77

Aggiedad77:  Ok....I love it when Frank gets going and can't remember how to are the notes from last night's CC....enjoy them   Aloha   Randy

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

Frank26:  Greetings Family, I want to start things by telling you that what I’m going to tell you all started on Friday night with us and our teams, IOO (in our opinion) ….the LD’s that were moved from the US to Baghdad were….IOO….were distributed to all the banks on Friday that Dr. Shabibi wanted them delivered to.

I believe that today you have seen evidence of what we’ve been talking about regarding Maliki and his goons.
Basically Maliki and his goons are headed to the highest courts on counts of genocide. We know this all started 2 months ago with arrest warrants being issued for Maliki and his goons.

However, no one stepped forward to try and arrest him and his goons, no security forces, no bounty hunters, no citizen was bold enough to try and take him.

It is said today that Maliki will be tried in the International Criminal Court. May I suggest this is what they were waiting for….but Frank they are not international yet are they……

This is yet another step that was awaited….their laws are taking them in that direction of international flavor…..what they want, international recognition. Maliki is going to the international courts, the same courts that his idol had to deal with. Justice is good and necessary.

When we last talked we spoke of a meeting on the 10th, this meeting though seems to have been forgotten by many on the internet….as though it were a hot potato. Basically the internet does not follow the same thing our teams study….I believe it is because the internet does not know what to look for in their studies, as we do….

The internet does not know what to look for in their studies…..they take articles and look at them and decide to either get depressed from them or not…..but they do not study as we do. There is a handful of people on the internet who are very good and I praise them.

We here at KTFA did not forget about this meeting on the 10th with PM Abadi, Dr. Shabibi, the IMF, the World Bank, and others from Iraq…..for the rest of this CC tonight I will not keep saying “In My Opinion”… allow me stamp this CC as In My Opinion as we move forward.

On that 10th the meeting was so powerful that it established both 2015 and 2016….that meeting established what we have called 3 and 4. From that meeting 3 and 4 are buried into December. We thought about bringing 3 and 4 into November, but what we learned yesterday tells us no, they stay in December.

We have a lot to talk about and don’t know if we can cover it all, but take all of what we share to God in prayer.

Now the meeting itself established the 2015 reform steps and going into 2016…that is why I told you they are so poised for 2016, but my God are they ready in 2015.

At that meeting they discussed the mechanism the method of what they are going to do. Because they are walking out of the monetary reform is in a state called the RI….this has nothing to do with the value of the currency what so ever, it is the process and the steps that lead to Article 8, international status….you saw how….mainly by bringing laws and security to this country.

In that meeting they talked about a free float….they talked about maybe in the month of December they can walk out of the RI into the RV….let us free float our currency… the way…the things I’m telling you take them to God in prayer…..but you can actually read about them now.

When they issued the 50k last week, many of you threw up your hands saying, they have introduced 000’s… said that Delta told us they would never introduce these 000’s with the LD’s….these are not the LD’s….the LD’s were brought over and positioned at key banks to do their work…..why…you know what the 50k mission is….this 50k is on a suicide mission to collect all the 000’s and it is very obvious it has done its job.

This is the beginning of the lifting of the 000’s….technically it started a long time ago….but those efforts failed… is not just to grab the 000’s from the Iraqi citizens….yes Frank we know, you gave us 5 points…..counterfeiting and other things….but it is deeper than that and I wish to tell you more about this is brilliant….it is ingenious.

Float you said Dr. Shabibi…..float you consider IMF to give us permission…..50k’s were brought out this year for a purpose and given to the citizens so they would give us their 000’s.

By the way I made a mistake that I said the 50k’s would be only used electronically…that the 50k would not even be in the hands of the citizens… deepest apologies….but Friday night when we found out the LD’s were distributed to the banks that the 50k’s are only for 2015….and the 100k’s are only for 2016….the 50k is given to the Iraqi citizen for their 000’s. The 100k in 2016 though will not be seen by any human being….the 100k is for the RV state. If it comes out as a free float….look at your notes….we talked about 10 cents, then 30 cents, then 1 to 1 and a free float that could take it higher and higher….that is what they discussed.

If we cancel the 25k’s at 1166….then they have to exchange at 1166….no no no…..that is not the goal says the IMF….well we wanted to bring up every scenario….well Alsumaria was the guy who was the guy talking in 2014…he is from the board of directors of the CBI….he was talking about introducing a 50k by the end of 2015….but this is 2014…what are you talking about…..

Well I guess you need to be a student of what we study……this will allow us to cancel the small notes…..or…..because at the meeting with the IMF they were given permission of what monetary position they could take….or….they could free float…..if they free float what should we start out at……well if you free float you don’t need to introduce the 50k’s….but they are introduced for a different reason…..they are not to be left out forever… the 50k’s are to strictly lift the 000’s from the streets….but there is no liquidity in the streets……why would you say that……you just said the 50k’s are to lift the 000’s from the streets but we’ve pretty well done that….

The IMF knows that….the IMF knows the number of our currency…’ve just ruined this for Iraq…….you just said there is no liquidity in Iraq…..and we just introduced the 50k’s….yes it is going to suck in the 000’s, it will stop the counterfeiting in Iraq, the money laundering….but the 50k is for other reasons too, beyond the 5 things I told you last Monday night…..

It is for other reasons too……but before I tell you….the goal of this 50k and the MR is to increase the purchasing power for the people of Iraq… let’s talk about a free float that was discussed at this meeting in Jordan where the IMF….the US…told the Iraqis they would help them with their MR process….for one year. It looks like they have decided to go with a float….praise God.

At this meeting…..they also said, the tariffs and the taxes….go ahead and kick them in during the second week of December so you can start making money. They talked about many things….but it is the laws that allow them to do so….You see they walk out of the RI into the RV from December into 2016….

I feel strongly that you will not see them walk from the RI into the RV….this is complicated and deep…..1 +1 does not always equal 2….if they are international by 2016….then we can use American banks to deposit our IQD into and wire them to Iraqi banks.

You know the beauty of this….praise God….at least something has started…..they finally lit the fuse…..just because they lit the fuse….I’ve compared this to a drought….but right now there is a waterfall….like in a storm or a rainforest in Hawaii….a downpour….but just because we have this downpour after the 10th… you honestly think the seeds will germinate….and produce fruit….to offer a pear already…..

This kind of free float will only be able to grow a margin of 2% monthly….so it would actually take years before they get to 1 to 1… you think that is there intent….of course not….

There is some serious growth to be done in this country….there is some serious debt to be paid back….especially after Paris…..we see something here that we want to teach you…..what we see is the float will be lifted….the 50k was to lift the 000’s off the streets…..and the other 5 factor reasons….which are better…..

I also have another reason why they released the 50k….the rest of the internet is not even looking here…..I have to do this quickly because we have much to discuss….we need to jump over this hurdle because I have to explain this free float RI into RV, seven to ten days logical reason with 2% behind it.

The other reason is to scare the living daylights out of you….to scare you investor of the dinar……to make you talk of a LOP….to scare some into selling their dinar….this is a LOP so I’m out of here……that would be a China syndrome…..yes…..because China back in 1993-95 when they revalued their currency…..they try to keep it low…..they are dirty players….scruples are not a part of their morals…..but wait they are communists….they have no morals.

So what happened….this is brilliant….at the 10th meeting you said you were going to introduce this 50k next year….but we are introducing it this year…..we tell you this will scare the daylights out of those who bought our currency to make a profit from it…..infidels….how dare they.

Look, inside of Iraq we have this pretty well set….the 50k will work good….but they cannot give us what we want….but the investors outside of Iraq…..we are going to sucker these people….lets use a little reverse psycology to make them think this will be a LOP…..oh no…..brilliant indeed….I get maybe 100 phone calls….I’m not kidding…..some are reporting this as a LOP….and they disappear…….this is a scare tactic to grab those 000’s from outside the country….

Why didn’t you say this last week……because I wasn’t trying to share those files with you then…..copy and paste me all you want…..but try and keep up with me….I fight for my teams.

Actually what the citizens have and what we have are small amounts….but the mission is to make those outside of Iraq think they are going to LOP….to scare as many as possible. I mean China put out a big full page ad, remember…..just before they increased their currency in 1995……they made it blatantly clear we are not in the process of increasing our currency…..then three days later….they raised the rate.

There is a change coming to the currency rate from the RI to the RV….this change will be a free float….they told you this…..we don’t believe it will be 85 cents, we don’t believe it will be 1 to 1…..WE SURELY DON’T BELIEVE IT WILL BE A LOP… is going to be an increase…..understand that.

They are recognizing the payment system. The free float will MELT the 50k…..we don’t believe they will have to use the 100k for this currency process. I had a phone call today asking me about 50k’s being a part of this process….I did not return the call because I will talk on this tonight.

Which process do you want to use Dr. Shabibi…..managed float, fixed float, free float….which will it be…..well I like the free float and we can release the 50k will scare the living daylights out of everyone and we can do this in December.
Check on the Chinese Yuan….why….because they will be a part of the basket that the USD will be in….Frank talked about the USD being in the basket that the IQD will be in……and we will be pegged back to them our way in this basket… we really need to have China do their part…..

China are you in the basket….well not yet….ok, wait….let us finish our part…..China go ahead and announce today you will be a part of the SDR basket…..put your money in the basket…..Indonesia Rupia….get in here…..what currency do I sell.

Will they hurt us……no but a few other people thought they will…..that is not the plan…..they did not work with us….we did not work with Dr. Shabibi all this time for this to fail.

The CBI said we will increase the value IQD gradually to 1 to 1…..did they not say that…..word for word they said this when Abadi was in Germany…..they talked about 10 cents….not going to work there… 10 cents it won’t do them any good…they must gradually take it up…

THIS IS NOT A LOP……it is a gradual increase…..any movement is good right now for the constipated dinar.

There are 12 right now that are so happy.

The next section that I’m going to talk about….it is long.

Link to Part 2

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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