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Monday, November 2, 2015

Mnt Goat Monday Post - "Watch for Certain Events- Its Time"  Part 1 of 2

(Thank you George for emailing this to Dinar Recaps.)

UU6827 – "Watch for Certain Events- Its Time"  by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

So this past week there was much news again. Yet more of the long awaited laws dealing with implementing the Abadi reforms were accomplished including the Investment Law, National Guard law and the National Unity Card law. I have talked about these laws and why they were important prior to any RV. Now we have them and we will begin to see their effects.

My last news letter was dedicated mostly to the fate of Maliki. I need to emphasize again that most of the needed reforms prior to the RV are already done but a couple areas still need to be addressed – that of getting rid of the stench of Maliki, the judicial reforms, amnesty and others. It is by far not all completed.

I bring you the article below to show you that the people will not settle for anything less than to see all the high ranking officials responsible for the past corruption brought to justice. So will the Dowa party now stick my Maliki and his goons or will they change their attitude? See article that follows this one. Amazing how it is all playing out! We can expect a big shake up in the Dowa party coming soon.
Article Begins


Thousands of Iraqi in 10 different governates in the south and centre of the country gathered on Friday to protest against slow reforms pledged by the government, Anadolureported.

Hundreds gathered in Tahrir Square in central Baghdad amidst tightened security measures imposed around the capital city’s Green Zone, where the Iraqi government and parliament are located.

One man present, Abdul-Latif Yasser, told Anadolu that the protesters faced many difficulties on their way to Tahrir Square due to the closure of streets leading to it. “We were prevented from protesting against the government’s policies regarding reformation and prosecuting corrupts,” he said.

“The reforms that have been made by the PM are superficial and there is an intentional slowdown regarding the reforms,” he added.

“We know that some of the measures need only courageous decisions…Corruption still lacks real accountability.”

Most Iraqi governates have been witnessing increasing protests for months, calling for improvements to public services and people’s lives, as well as carrying out the reforms pledgregarding financial and administrative coed by Prime Minsister Haider Al-Abadi rruption in government institutions.

Forces Union, a mainly Sunni group in the parliament, announced on Thursday that it “was not consented” about the reform measures taken during the past three months.

About a week ago, the State of Law Coalition headed by former PM Nour Al-Maliki, withdrew the mandate given to Al-Abadi that authorised him to carry out the reforms. The coalition accused Al-Abadi of “breaching the Constitution”.

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Baghdad -arac Press October -30: Shura Council announced the Dawa Party, on Friday, his support for the reforms, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, to draw a severe blow to sixty deputies from the coalition of state law (the biggest parliamentary Dawa party blocks) had made the decision, Wednesday , the prime minister to withdraw their mandate to hold government reforms.

Information Office of the Islamic Dawa Party, said in a statement received / Iraq Press / copy of "The Shura Council of the Islamic Dawa Party, met on Friday and discussed the political, security and economic developments in the country and draw the appropriate attitudes around.

The party said in a statement, "support for the reforms undertaken by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, which came in response conscious to the appeal of the Supreme religious authority and in response to popular demands," stressing "the importance of rationalization and developed in the framework of the Constitution and so as to push the wheel of the political process forward."

And across the Shura Council call for "pride in addressing the heroic and the supervisor of the armed and security of our troops and popular crowd in the right battles against the wrong party in the face Daash terrorist is in passengers", praising "the magnificent victories recently achieved in Baiji and cutters and other operations."
The statement continued that "the Shura Council adopted several resolutions and in line with the developments and events in the Iraqi arena and partisan matter, and select the appropriate mechanisms for its implementation."

Stone announced deputies from the coalition of state law, last Wednesday, to withdraw their mandate to Ebadi in reforms, and while underlining the lack of responsibility for the decisions issued by the Prime Minister, who accused him of exclusivity in the decision and the lack of consultation with them or other political blocs. 

The statement, signed by sixty deputies of the coalition led by Nuri al-Maliki, and received / Iraq Press /, a copy of which has "already supported us Government Haider al-Abadi, since the first day of its formation in 2014, the past, and we stood with full force to its part to help overcome the financial and military crises and security plaguing the country and threaten the unity and sovereignty, "noting that he" did not score on the coalition for the last time that the general policies of the Government of the internal and external viewer. "

The deputies of state law, has "supported the Ministerial limbering packs reforms announced by Abadi, despite the observations that we had, so as to avoid entering into political confrontations may benefit the organization Daash and his allies of Baathists and Nakecbandian and those who stand behind them outside the border", Mstdrickan "Unfortunately him, that Abadi rejected the principle of consultation with the State of Law bloc and other political blocs including exacerbating the general situation in the country by about a threat of catastrophic incidents in the next phase. "

The undersigned, in their statement, "We learned Ministerial Baltrchiq packs reforms of the media as the rest of the other political blocs, have failed all our efforts to discourage Abadi not override the Constitution and the laws in force under the reform banner with the supreme religious authority has stressed the need not to skip the Constitution and the laws in the implementation of reforms that we believe need and useful. "

He said the signatories to, that "the lack of consultation policy produced serious negative effects on the holy war against terrorism through financial and armament and logistics decisions taken and led to fold the popular crowd, which had a major role along with the security forces in thwarting the draft organization Daash backed by some international bodies and regional and who planned the invasion and destruction of the capital Baghdad and the violation of its holy sites. "

They concluded their statement by saying, "The House of Representatives signatories no longer responsible for the decisions of the prime minister and the effects and consequences of non-commitment to the constitution and laws," revealing "pull our mandate that its curve to Ebadi in the House of Representatives on the reforms, which was conditional on respect for the Constitution and laws." Ended (1)

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There words not mine. NO Hype, No Rumors and just the FACTS!

In line with getting rid of Maliki and the judicial reforms Iraq needs to have their “Reconciliation Conference”. They will only do this  once they feel all matters of agreed to reforms implementations are completed. Why else would they tell us in many articles they plan on holding this conference in December if they are not targeting the completion of these last reforms by then?   

Folks many of you talk about this conference and agree it needs to be done but you do not truly know the history of this event and why it is important. It is not just an event. Instead it will the “THE” event and a major milestone for Iraq.

This conference is the final conclusion to the many non-sectarian and unity agreements made over 11 years ago now. Just as the title of the conference states it is a conference for unity and healing in Iraq for the tribal differences. Will there always be some differences and harsh feelings?

Yes- and I am not saying they are going to hold hands and form a circle and sing kumbaya. There will always be differences at least in our lifetime between these tribes. Much of the differences go back hundreds of years and have deep religious and immigration roots. This is what happens when you allow too much religion in politics.

But the key is this - Can the government, that they agreed to make Sheite (top power position of prime minister), be responsible enough and take care of the people, as these reforms suggest should happen. This was the charter made by the Kurds and Sunnis with the Sheites to allow them to have this power in the first place. Remember this was part of the post war agreements that the USA facilitated.

If the Sheites can’t perform these needed reform  this time, the Sunnis and Kurds are not going to allow this government participation by the Sheites (seen as Iranian Sheite influence) TO CONTROL THEM MUCH LONGER. They have already seen the abuse over the last 8 years of Maliki. Now the Sheites have to make it right and prove there are honest and good  Sheites too. I fully believe they will and this Abadi government is not going to fall apart.

The Reconciliation Conference is a timeline for conclusion when all the work towards a unified Iraq (as agreed to over 9 years ago) is going forward for the benefit of all the citizens. The December date is just a tentative timeline. Will they be ready?

So in knowing all this don’t you think all the obstacles in the way of allowing for this to happen must be first cleared (meeting all the agreed to reforms)? They are not just having this conference to smile at each other and shake hands. This meeting is symbolic of years of the effort to heal and reorganize Iraq post Saddam Hussien, post Baath party era. Do you get it now? Can you see it? Right now this is all the really matters in the long run to get us our RV.

So again I have to lay it all out for many of you to understand since you simply are not capable of seeing it for yourselves.

That is okay since you did not do multiple tours in Iraq in the army intelligence corps and maybe you have not read  1,000+ articles over the last 10 years either. This is where I chose to help you all understand this RV process. I do not have to. I volunteer for this duty. This is how I am paying it forward. Right now ALL OF YOU are the needy ones. You need desperately to pull away from these wolves in sheep clothing.

I make no money, have no forum and ask for no donations. The only thing I do ask is for RESPECT of my knowledge and experience. I am hear to help all of you see through these so called intel “gurus” and their ignorance. I am not perfect and this darn process keeps changing. So be patient.

Instead you would rather listen to these intel “gurus” leading you as sheep? Okay go ahead this news letter is not then for you. 

Now knowing the purpose of this reconciliation conference do you believe they need these reforms all implemented prior holding it?
Do you believe they must have a trial for Maliki and his goons and other high ranking corrupted officials first?

Do you believe they must try to recover some of the billions of stolen revenues from Iraq stolen during this 8 years of government first? To show good fate? Can you see it all now? 

I do not know how to paint the picture any clearly for you. The Reconciliation Conference is now scheduled for mid December so how can we expect an RV this weekend or any time prior to the conference? You tell me since many of you seem to bash me and be so brilliant?

Just does not make any sense folks. Do you not think that all of these agreements (from “Erbil Agreement” changed to “Unity Agreement”) now in the Reconciliation Law must be completed first and expected by the USA (who incidentally controls the RV process and not Iraq).

Good Luck to you all if you can’t see it by now!

Today’s News

Today is Monday again November 2nd  and still no RV. Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be surprised if you have been reading my news letters.

So we all heard once again a possible RV window for this past weekend and I quote – “This is our weekend I am more positive than ever before”. “Everything is at a new level of intensity”.

Seems these so called intel “gurus” just can’t get it right…lol…lol…(lol = laugh out loud)

Folks all I can say is for you to stay off this RV roller coaster. Stay way from this stuff and anyone and any conference call that gets you on it. It is your choice.

On with today’s wonderful news of reality. 

No prospects for an RV either in the coming month of November. Sorry Folks! Later December and possibly early January has prospects but let’s all listen to the news first before we go off half cocked and hyped up.

We need to see how Iraq progresses in all the areas in the coming month as we have been talking about in these news letters. There is a target and a plan I can assure you of this. They are moving at lighting speed to get there.

So what can we expect soon?

How soon is SOON? I will tell you.

​Link to PART 2

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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