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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Martha Tuesday Morning: "Things To Watch For" 11-10-15

Things to watch for - from Martha, sent to Recaps

Well, it seems we are truly off to the final lap to the bank this week.

#1 the banks are ready. China has help prevent their "crash " so to speak. The Fed has opened the door, so to speak for the banks to clean up their act. Realize that certain banking engines have received "BONDS" to fund this major undertaking.

#2 watch the forex. The 3.41 rate will show and the CBI will show as well.

#3 Announcements - actually they are hot and heavy but again, but they won't blurt out the GCR.

Watch for the Yuan announcement of being in the basket. The article I read which was dated 11/4 says SOMETIME this month and no later than 11/30-I would say a sure sign the basket is a go but may be announced after we get to bank
Of course, Iraq and the World are preparing in and out of country announcements. Look for "emerging market " verbage.

Goldman Sachs may have dumped the BRICS fund because all these countries have devalued BUT they have moved funding into an EMERGING MARKETS fund(hint hint)

To quote a favorite "the eagle has landed " and I would say right on our heads!!

This is our week.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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