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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Highlights From Tuesday Night "The Big Call" by TNT Members 11-10-15


Highlights From The Big Call Tuesday Night 11-10-15  Intel Portion

Mangelo: Bruce call: it's Tuesday tonight is a special night and a special week and Bob is here.

Mangelo:  Bruce call: opening prayer

PinkRoses:  Bruce call: Kent's teaching lesson

Bruce call: discussing how the future is going to be for us 

pinkRoses: Bruce call: special guest, but before that intel……prayer requests now

LadyB22: Bruce is saying we are expecting this breakthrough any time now.
Pinkroses: Bruce call: we are in a really good place with the calls Tues and Thursday night. Tomorrow we possibly have the celebration call with the Rv and the Veterans. Tomorrow night call at regular time (9PM EST)

Mangelo:  Bruce call: what we should do a celebration call but also for the veterans, ministries, tomorrow night

GS13: Special wed night veterans day call from Bruce same time same place WED….Hope its the BIG BIG BIG Call

Pinkroses: Bruce call: talking about possibility for a call Friday night at regular time with someone else

Mangelo:  Bruce call: INTEL now!!!!

Pinkroses:  Bruce call: Intel: I will be able to give you a lot of things without crossing the line i think. Start with what is going on with China.  Today a group of Middle Eastern countries in teh Persian Gulf decided to begin using the Chinese renminbi in place of the U.S. dollar for international trade.
Pinkroses:  Bruce call: last night on Fox business, it was interesting, caught reply. heard saying China was using the reminbi starting today to exchange and do business with Switzerland, the switz frank, bypassing the usd

PinkRoses: Bruce call: it would set up china one more step to become a world currency. not say replacing the dollar, but work along side the usd. our understand we will have 5 world currencies.

Mangelo:  Bruce call: what's going on....from China, last night on Fox business, saying was using the Reminbi and using the currency with Switzerland

Pinkroses:  Bruce call: China becoming a world currency is working directly with countries to use their reminbi or yuan to trade with. Today we heard that the nations in the ME, gulf nations or states in ME have all decided to drop the fiat currency and use the reminbi to use in their transactions.

PinkRoses: about 11 countries in the ME. some will run with the brics banks that are banking with the CIPS.

Mangelo:  Bruce call: golf state nations, have decided to drop the fiat currency and use the renminbi

PinkRoses:  Bruce call: the CIPS is running along side the Swiss system for wiring funds. now you have the CIPS system running with the SWISS system using the reminbi instead of usd.

Mangelo:  Bruce call: China becoming a world currency

PinkRoses:  Bruce: our country, things are happening out west i heard on red high alert. things are happening between our banks and international banks putting us in the 11th hour to the 11 1/2 hour.

Mangelo:  Bruce call: here in the US out west they are in high alert, banks on the 11 th hour!!

Mangelo:  Bruce call: funds being signed off

Mangelo:  Bruce call: historic bonds are initiated
PinkRoses:  bruce: people in high authority saying it is our week. word from imf we believe saying this week. we heard we could be there anytime including tonight for this to come through. the indicatiions are all around. major things in the news

PinkRoses:  Bruce: certain documents been signed off on, funds moving, major transaction of historical assets to the tune of about 20 1/2 trillion dollars being settled with the bonds. the last of those historical bonds been initiated.

Mangelo:  Bruce call: IMF is speaking and be their at any time even tonight, major things happening, can't give you day and time

Pinkroses:  Bruce: indication are excellent to go. I know we are making good progress, this is rolling out, slower maybe than you and I like, but it is moving. we know who is in the drivers seat.

PinkRoses: Bruce: iraq is spending money, are happy, buying things. lower denoms are out, cards are charged at decent high rates. basically we now we are next.

Mangelo: Bruce call: we know who is in the driving seat, they Iraqi People are happy and celebrating and buying thing

PinkRoses:   Bruce: a high number of nations have been handled already in terms of their own govt, they have been covered, been handled. it will come to the point it means us, the group, internet group.

Mangelo:  Bruce call: IMF is speaking and it be their at any time even tonight, major things happening, can't give you day and time

Mangelo:  Bruce call: we are waiting for notification keeping an eye out, could this happen before Veterans day?    it could

PinkRoses:  Bruce: i think we are looking for notifications on groups and internet group here in the next little while. could it occur on or before veternans day? yes, could be, maybe celebration call. that is the intel portion for tonight.

PinkRoses:  Bruce Recap : iraq is spending money, are happy, buying things. lower denoms are out, cards are charged at decent high rates. basically we now are next.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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