Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Frank26 and KTFA Members Tuesday Morning 11-3-15


   Just saw Obama Sign a 2 year budget deal. Calling it best Christmas present!

Frank26:  If Tru
e .......... This is one heck of a statement for FRANK26:

What?     That IMO I believe this budget TYPE of signing was last done by CLINTON when he got a win fall from the US investment of the KW currency in the late 90's.

WHY?   Because it is TIME to repeat history with a mid course correction from a lesson learned.

HOW?  Well............. In LEW of the facts ..... They know JACK.

KTFA   Frank



Blinkster:  Yes...isn't that something else? Timing. The first budget (and a two-year budget, mind you) since 2009.    Timing? Anyone?

Bueller? Bueller?   Frye?    ...Frye?


Frank26:  Now You have said what I had saidith ............

If I see aTHIRD sayith the samest thing LOL............ Then it's a Fact....... lol

Very rarely .......... Is it Good ............. To see History repeat itself but in this case I am getting a front row seat as I ............. Watch with You Family.

TIMING ........... It does a MR Good.

KTFA  Frank


Walkingstick:   Obama signs two-year budget deal

David Jackson, USA TODAY 2:50 p.m. EST November 2, 2015

WASHINGTON — President Obama formally signed a two-year budget agreement Monday that heads off potential showdowns with Republicans over the debt ceiling and government shutdowns for the remainder of his presidency.

"It is a signal of how Washington should work," Obama said as he signed the bill shortly after it was delivered to the White House, saying the new budget plan invests in both the economy and national security.

The bill suspends the debt limit until March 15, 2017, basically enabling the government to borrow the money it needs to pay off existing U.S. debt — and kicking the issue into the next presidency.

Some House Republicans had proposed the former debt limit — which was set to expire Tuesday — to leverage more spending cuts from the administration.

Outgoing House speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, put together a plan to avoid breaching the debt limit, saying that doing so would threaten the nation's credit rating.

The bill sets the federal budget for fiscal years 2016 and 2017, with an end to spending caps that had affected both national defense and domestic programs.

"By locking in two years of funding," Obama said, "it should finally free us from the cycle of shutdown threats and last-minute fixes. It allows us to, therefore, plan for the future."


Frank26:   On the 3rd of NOVEMBER ........... Media can and does finally tell You the Truth that we have ............. THOUSANDS OF TROOPS AND STUFF in Iraq.

They can have OUR credit ........... Just get the hexx out of the way as we bring DRS SUBSTANTIAL SECURITY !!!

Because this was done in the last 1.5 months ............ You are allowed to have it NOW.

TIMING .............. Not just for a Timex.   KTFA    Frank


Alan:  I already said this yesterday but the IQD will never raise in value as long as the continue to use the USD as a main currency for their country. Where does THE USA DOLLAR come from? DUH, the USA.

The CBI has been unable to make the dinar desirable because they will not stop using the USD. As Randy stated yesterday upon lifting the 000's the dinar will become desirable, hence it has value.

How do you get a infant to stop using a blanket for comfort or a pacifier to sleep? You stop giving it to them!!! Sure they will cry and complain but the end result is they will no longer feel like they need it.

How do you stop Iraq from using USD? Stop giving them USD!!!

I do not care what excuse the US uses for not giving Iraq money however, I am interested in seeing how the CBI responds.

"Today is not just any ordinary day. Today is a day that matters.

Today you will have the choice to make a difference in your life and those around you.

Today you will have the choice to smile rather than frown, be grateful rather than selfish, lift up rather than put down, accept rather than reject and love rather than hate.

Today you will have the choice of seeking hope for the future or remain in the hopelessness of the past. Today you have the choice to laugh or cry. Both will make you feel better. Today you will have the undivided attention of the King of the Universe.

At that time you can ask Him anything you want. You can ask for help, plead for a friend or just enjoy His presence. It all depends on you.

Whichever you choose, today matters. Make the choice to make it a day worth living. And don't forget, tomorrow is another day."

Copyright © 2015 Tom Krause

Wishing All a safe and blessed day  JDT

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