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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Frank26 and KTFA Members Thursday AM: "Last Straw On Any Camel"



The engagement ring .......... Has a wedding ring with it now. (See Article Below)

This is a ......... Commitment.

Step into my Parlor that is no longer ....... A spider Hole. 

KTFA Frank


Walkingstick:  Parliamentary Finance: The government plans to borrow about $ 15 billion from international banks

Written by QS Date: 05/11/2015 14:23

Baghdad - INA / revealed a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, on Thursday, for the determination of the federal government to borrow about $ 15 billion from international banks to meet the projected shortfall in the general budget.

A member of the Finance Committee Masood Haider told the "Iraqi News Agency" that "the federal government It planned to borrow an amount of $ 14.5 billion from international banks or the World Bank to bridge the shortfall in the budget of 2016, "

and added that "the Legal Committee and the Presidency of the Council of Representatives has authorized the Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari to this issue," noting that "the government will give guarantees for borrowing This amount does not affect the economic future of the country. "   Link


Walkingstick:  Following consultations between Iraqi experts and the World Bank .. stressful three reasons behind the adoption of the salary scale

Posted 04/11/2015 06:21 PM   BAGHDAD - Orient
reveal financial source of bright, that the three reasons behind the adoption of the salary scale controversial, including the pressure of the World Bank which stipulated that a clear reduction of government spending as well as the government seeks to avoid the removal of subsidies for fuel and lunch!

The source says, that this peace is among the deep financial reforms, which will be approved in the coming days, in a series of austerity measures pursued by the government of al-Abadi, the impact of lower oil prices and access to unprecedented levels in a decade package.

Explains the source, that the Iraqi government had made ​​earlier at the request of the World Bank for a soft loan, to overcome the financial crisis faced by the country, and actually sent the bank advisers to the State Audit, and evaluation of the financial situation, the Panel recommended that the Iraqi government make clear reforms on salaries that exceed 70% of the country's total revenue, and drain all the capabilities of the Malian government, as well as a forced exchange of personnel loss-making state-owned companies, a 72 belonging to the Ministry of Industry and Minerals said the company, as well as the lifting of government subsidies for food in the ration card items, and also the removal of subsidies on fuel prices and oil derivatives.

Shows the source, the government tried to avoid Abadi these steps initially, but the deterioration of the financial situation, and lower revenues paid recently to accept making the repairs, and so began the first procedure, a so-called new salary ladder. He points out that the World Bank responded after the announcement of the move and announced his intention to double the amount of the loan early 2016, Abadi if the government continued to make financial reforms.

The Iraqi Ministry of Finance announced on the first of July, that Iraq Siqtrd $ 2.3 billion from the World Bank in an effort to bridge the country's budget deficit and the expenses of the war against Daash.

The Finance Ministry said in a statement seen by (Orient), is due to the World Bank of Iraq provides a loan of $ 1.7 billion, of which US $ billion as financing development policy loan (DPL), and added that the World Bank will lend Iraq $ 350 million for restoration reconstruction and stability to the liberated areas of «Daash» and $ 350 million for the project through Umm Qasr - Basra south of the country.

For his part, he called the Integrity Commission, the parliamentary member Haidar Alfoada, the Iraqi government to reverse the decision handed new salary, which sparked controversy and objections very popular. Alfoada said in a statement, said that «the new salary ladder is invalid and does not meet the aspirations of the Iraqi people», calling on the government to «reverse the decision of the new salary ladder».

Alfoada stressed that «the Presidency of the Council of Representatives and the members of the Council before the real test of being the voice of the citizen, either to withdraw authorization from the government or go to the Federal Court to overturn a decision» proposal to reduce salaries in the new peace.


Walkingstick:  Nassif: Chalabi had a serious files belonging to the Central Bank

Published on: Today, 14:42

BAGHDAD / Sky Press: CE, a

Confirmed the MP for the coalition of state law, high Nassif, on Thursday, said the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the late Ahmad Chalabi has corrupted files very serious concerning the central bank, while not ruled out that Chalabi may have died dead.

Nassif said for "Sky Press," that "the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the late Ahmad Chalabi has corrupted files very serious concerning the Central Bank", noting that "more than announced in an interview that he will publish them via the television channels."

She added that "Chalabi has a very minute details about thieves of public money because it was a smart man and a prolific numbers", saying he "knows the money looted from the country's size."

She noted that it "does not rule out to be dead, but all indications are that the death was natural."

It is said that the beginning of a political source revealed, on Wednesday, the family of Iraqi National Congress leader Ahmad Chalabi brought with them two doctors, one American and one Briton to unravel the mystery about sudden death.

The funeral Iraqi National Congress leader Ahmed Chalabi, on Wednesday, the parliament building in the presence of President of the Republic Fuad Masum, the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and senior state officials.  Link


Frank26:  MY BEAUTIFUL KTFA FAMILY ........... "TIMING" from us to You is now being calculated so much closer in Your direction.

Last night I stopped with our files at 3 ........... 4 had ........... KODAK MOMENTS OF M.

If You are willing to LISTEN ........... Am willing to show You some numbers in ......... Some "serious files".

It is possible that what m did last night was the Last Straw on any camel ........ In The M E.

IOO (In Our Opinion)   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ............. It is possible that this will elevated our 3 and 4 studies.

KTFA   Frank

Walkingstick: :Maliki, laughing at the funeral of Chalabi's see ..

By Mohammed Emad 05/11/2015 03:13 |
Brother - Baghdad

It raised a smile of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, in a photo taken of him in the Iraqi political funeral of Ahmad Chalabi, a storm of criticism in social networking sites.

It seems the former prime minister, leader of the Bloc and the rule of law Nuri al-Maliki, standing between other politicians, but the only one who was smiling.

He wrote some bloggers, including a book of famous, a criticism of the smile, with some described as "revenge", while some of the harshest such as writer Ghalib Shabandar where he described as "inappropriate, not of sorrow, and far from fitness, calculated diplomatically, and the petition, not worthy of the Prime Minister of situations where he could not, and who can not, how can small positions large positions? ".

He adds Shahbandar, a brother of the deputy Izzat Shahbandar, who accompanied Chalabi on the last night before his death, "I am talking politically and diplomatically, note I did not say it was a smile Chamt, but tell it smile man does not know the art of politics is not the art of dating and art work."

He adds Shabandar, who was the harshest critics that "al-Maliki naive, not fluent permit good, not good at Fitness meeting, was not my words about Chalabi, a prophet or an imam, but I talked about Maliki's approach simple and primitive, and I still say Maliki naive and non-dexterous."

Shabandar concludes his speech asking, "Is this the behavior of then commander sees his people hungry Grkan flood? Islamic Awalaslamue silly, and his heart stone, something he does not care."

It is noteworthy that al-Maliki was one of the few actors did not publish a statement of condolence for the death of Chalabi, and this raised questions before the appearance of the image and the funeral.


Frank26: M ....................You innate useless drone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

M ........ IMO .......... When death dances with You not as a Shadow any longer but as a Partner ......... One should wipe the smirky smile from ones face for Death is hungry about your soul.

Or as we say in America......... What goes around ....... Comes back to eat you alive ........ As you watch with no one caring.

It is at that time I would prefer you smile ............... FOR THE KODAK MOMENTS THAT ARE ABOUT TO UNFOLD AND BE TOLD TO ALL !!!

They call u Monkey ........... I call u BOZO ................ May I just call u a jackass from now on?

Smile all u want M .......... As the INTERNATIONAL WORLD does NOT smile with u any longer.

The MR time is up ......... BECAUSE YOURS IS NANOS AWAY FROM BEING ......... UP TOO.

U are not a nice man little m ............ Nor the two next to u smiling with u.



via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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