Don't WAIT!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Frank26, Aggiedad77 and KTFA Members Sunday Morning 11-22-15


Aggiedad77:  Hello Family……Oh has this been a quiet day (Saturday)

No hint of news, not even the stirring of a mouse

Look to the calendar for the day and smile....indeed

The LD's are home for the Holidays

Tucked in their respective drawers

All snug as a bug in a rug
Dreams of sugar plums dance through their heads

Oh what a few short weeks....the difference can make

Stay calm...stay at peace

For the BEST is yet to come   Aloha     Randy


Aggiedad77:  Oh yes, but wait....this was last week's CC news..(see article below)  ..sort of old by now.....but watch for early December the middle of the month....taxes and tariffs....

PM Abadi though is wanting it done correctly this time, no more delays, no more well the Kurds won't do this so we aren't going to do that.....just pull up your big girl panties and get it done.....the Holy Man wants this done.....we want this done.....its a part of our step forward into the new international us on in the Holy Man he knows what is needed.   Aloha   Randy


Walkingstick:  Abadi wishes application of customs tariff soon after the previous governments' failure to implement

Written by AH Date: 11/22/2015 12:10
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi

Baghdad - INA / Mark Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Sunday, that previous governments failed to Alkmarki application of the system, calling for the need to benefit from international expertise in this area.

Ebadi said in the speech, to him during a workshop economic system reform, and followed up "and the Iraqi News Agency," "The previous governments failed to Alkmarki application of the system", calling for "the need to listen to international expertise and make use of them to transfer its experiences."

He said al-Abadi, that "Alkmarki hopes to activate the system as soon as possible," pointing out that "the World Bank will continue to support Iraq in the field of reform Alkmarki".

The former House approved the customs tariff law in 2010, and was the most prominent justification for setting tariff issued in line with the reform of the Iraqi economy and the many adjustments made to the law. ... %A7%D9%84/


Aggiedad77:  Have the Iraqi CBI officials been studying a Dave Ramsey type of lifestyle for their budget...(see article below)  ...6 months of emergency funds is what Dave calls for I believe......

Here keywords is saying we have 6 months reserve which is an acceptable international standard....where are you Dave.....

Oh and note his use of the phrase "natural reserve" very close to the keywords....Natural Rate Position"......maybe he bungled the he's bungled the mishandling of funds that he tries to deny were stolen from the know that 10 billion dinars....what 10 billion dinars I don't know nothing about that money....

Why are your hand pushing deeper and deeper into your own pockets as you talk....why is Dr. Shabibi writing up your walking papers.....oh and by the way for those interested in inflation rates....let me throw out a number 2.2%....just think about it.  Aloha   Randy


Walkingstick:  Keywords: central bank reserves of hard currency to cover imports for six months

Author: AR, ASJ, HH
Editor: AR, HH 2015/11/22 11:22

Long-Presse / Baghdad
The governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords, on Sunday, that the bank has a reserve of hard currency within international standards, as pointed out that the reserve is sufficient to cover imports for six months to come.

Keywords and said during a press conference held at the Central Bank building and attended by the (long-Presse) that "the bank still has a reserve of hard currency within the international standards," stressing that "sufficient reserves to cover imports for six months to come."

Keywords He added that "our reserves of hard currency cover 1.7 of the money supply in dinars amounting to 39 trillion dinars," pointing out that "the reduction process in a natural reserve and if the reserve has not decreased, this thing we are concerned because the nature reserve to cover market needs, if not decreased how we cover the market ?. "

The Central Bank of Iraq denied on Tuesday (November 2015 17), the reports about the opening of an investigation the disappearance of ten billion dollars, while the newspaper, which reported the story to investigate the "great" student publication of such news.

The Central Bank of Iraq revealed on Saturday (16 May 2015), the bank reserve "has not and will not affect", in any way, noting that this month reserve is higher than its predecessor, while pointing out that Iraq if they remained dependent on oil resources basis as a source will remain "adversely affected and positively" with the rise and fall of oil prices.

It is noteworthy that the central bank confirmed, during the month of January 2015, that the reserves will exceed the $ 80 billion during the first half of the same year, but will not reach $ 100 billion due to weak retail Iraqi oil revenues and through which access to the dollar to strengthen reserves. ... 9%87%D8%B1


Aggiedad77:  Allak is floundering.....there is that word again that makes me hungry....anyway.....Allak he knows his number is up....his bell has been rung.....(see article below) 

Dr. Shabibi has the master plan and a masterful plan it is....far more complex than anything Allak could devise.....the 50k's....brilliant work Dr. Shabibi....sure some said oh dear me....this will cause inflation to skyrocket.....this will cause the Iraqi currency to LOP......but who were those talking about this garbage.....they threw their hands up and walked away....what did they know....they definitely did not know of Dr. Shabibi's plans to prosper bring security and stability to the Iraqi currency......

His plan is brilliant....those 50k sponges are working well....but in the opposite direction of those naysayers......sucking 000's at all levels.....just don't you be one of the ones who let go of what they had....the BEST is yet to come.....stick around to the end....stand with Kenny 'em and inflation....remember 2.2%.......this is not a plan devised by anyone in Parliament....they merely sit there and watch the plan of Dr. Shabibi evolve and work as he planned it to work.....his limelight grows brighter by the day.


Walkingstick:  Keywords: project to delete the zeros did not stop there and the circumstances relating to the country's stability

Author: AR, ASJ, HH
Editor: AR, HH 2015/11/22 12:44

Long-Presse / Baghdad
The governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords, on Sunday, that the project to delete the zeros of the currency did not stop, and among the conditions relating to the stability of the country intervened as opposed to the project, pointed out that the currency of the 50 Alpha does not lead to inflation.

He said on the Keywords during a press conference held at the Central Bank building and attended (range Press), "The project to delete the zeros did not stop but there are circumstances related to the country's stability and operations management and organizational intervened as opposed to this project," stressing that "there is a committee exists within the central bank's mission review This file accurately and give the results between now and then, including studying the market and the general situation of the country. "

Keywords and added that "print currency fifty thousand dinars, do not lead to inflation or raise prices," pointing out that "the currency came in exchange for the damaged currency as well as it was printed to respond to Iraqi requests in terms of trading and transfer money the fact that the recent currency category 25 thousand low compared to the monetary mass in ".

The economists promised on Saturday (September 20 2014), the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency trend "sensitive and dangerous" in light of the situation in which the country is going through, and while others stressed that the process is left to the decision of the Central Bank of Iraq only for being on the monetary policy of the country, he stressed MPs in Parliament on the need to be the process of deletion of zeros on sound techniques and procedures. ... %81-%D9%88
Frank26:  Indeed AGGIEDAD .............. The Words we Share on a CC are normally echoed within the following days.

Few throw stones at us anymore.

Most pick up pebbles nowadays with anger and ignorance but after listening Directly not in-directly (copy and pasting) to our CC's they gently place the pebble back down on the ground and contemplate our Shared Studies ........ Privately.

We were laughed at on October 10th when I call an EMERGENCY STAFF MEETING to tell them the LD's were coming on the 21st of November...... But to keep it only in prayer.

We were mocked when I had a SPECIAL CC on the 7th of November to tell KTFA FAMILY ........... "THE EAGLE HAS LANDED !!!" LD'S from EAST TO WEST ......... FINALLY !!!

We were ridiculed on FRIDAY the 13th when I posted to FAMILY ............. DRS LD"S ARE DISTRIBUTED AT HIS BABY BANK !!!"

We were falsely accused when on last MONDAY CC we explained the Tax and Tariffs to coincide with a third week of DECEMBER to dock with a Managed Free Float RI into an RV of 7 to 10 DAYS for a new budget and LONG LINE participants.

YET ................ All that is and was read by THE INTERNET of "others" these past days has been the self evidence of what we SHARE.

This pattern is weekly ............ KTFA growth in the last THREE MONTHS has been large!

Hence why yesterday our programmers told us we have to go with our own server now ........... We are a consequence of our own growth and .......... Pin Point Studies of our investment.



Again ............ My cheeks are full of acorns for Tomorrow's MONDAY CC !!! I will scream .......... SQUIRREL .......... Even with my mouth so FULL !!!

I Love You KTFA ............... I will see You tomorrow on Your MONDAY CC.

Bring a rock ............. lets build a beautiful Rock Garden as we re-built ............ A Garden.

Aloha from the Heart of one and his TINK ................ \m/  KTFA    Frank

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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