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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

BondLadys Corner Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 11-10-15

BondLadys Corner Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 11-10-15
Delete the zeros of encouraging the flow of funds towards the inside
10/11/2015 0:00    BAGHDAD - Imad Emirate  confirmed an academic economist and an expert on the process of deleting the zeros are not economic impacts him in the cash value of the currency but is a procedure for re-grading and changed.
Said Dr. Abdul-Hussein Jalil Ghalibi from the Faculty of Management and Economics at the University of Kufa, that the spillover which can feel about in the long run it will encourage the investors' capital flow towards the inside of the expectation of low inflation, returned this thing that depends on the government's ability in establishing the ultimate effect of the deletion of zeros.
He noted that changing the currency and delete the zeros of which is just a re-calibration or calibrator does not mean never lifted value The addition of zeros is not a reduction of the value of the currency, and that changing the currency does not exist has a real economic impact because the change will not increase the gross domestic product, which is the standard which is used to measure the production of goods and services in the country.
He said Ghalibi: The change of the currency does not affect productivity because factors governed by major resources, technology and institutions are not affected by the currency change, explaining that this change does not affect the purchasing power of money because the strength of the currency comes from increased demand in exchange for the money supply.
As long as the purchasing power, the demand for the currency does not change does not change, as well as the money supply does not change.
He Ghalibi that the deletion of zeros does not entitle monetary institutions and the Central Bank as the authority responsible for the release to print more money and pumped into the economy, but he restricted including existing cash in the replacement process.
He went on saying: either the external sector, the position will not also be affected, because the price of exports will continue to be the same without changing the payments spent on imports are not affected because foreign exchange is disbursement of foreign exchange for the local currency, which remains unchanged because the purchasing power of the currency does not change.
It was concluded d. Ghalibi that the direct economic impact on the micro and macro economy would be zero, as the demand and supply of goods and services does not change, as well as the investment of net government spending and balance of payments and consumption will not infect any change.
He either money markets are no other economic effect can be felt on the variables. The prices of assets remains selected in the first and secondary markets but it goes down to reflect the new structure after deletion of zeros.
He concluded d. Ghalibi to the nominal value of the money used to acquire assets will be adjusted in the light of this, and that the ultimate effect would be zero making and trading and commercial value, indicators and other market market capitalization subject to the same mechanism by deleting the same zeros.
He reiterated that the effect is direct and which can palpation over the long term will encourage the flow of capital towards the inside and that foreign investors will put more confidence in the investment climate, which will improve with time in the country.
The rush to put their money in the local financial markets awaiting returns largest departing from the basic assumption centered on low inflation and improved macroeconomic policies, and this also depends on the possibilities of the government in establishing the ultimate effect in the long run.
 [tlm724] who's talking "Imad Emirate confirmed an academic economist and an expert"
[tlm724] the process of deleting the zeros are not economic impacts him in the cash value of the currency but is a procedure for re-grading and changed
[tlm724] he saying the deletion process will not increase the value of the dinar
[tlm724] but is a procedure for re-grading
that the spillover which can feel about in the long run it will encourage the investors' capital flow towards the inside of the expectation of low inflation, returned this thing that depends on the government's ability in establishing the ultimate effect of the deletion of zeros
[tlm724] He noted that changing the currency and delete the zeros of which is just a re-calibration or calibrator does not mean never lifted value
[tlm724] so this guy has a LOP mentality
[tlm724] BUT we all know that a LOP is not what Iraq intends 
[soon] right
[tlm724] don't sweat this one opinion piece please
[tlm724] soon you know   Wink
[tlm724] we have studied way too much over the years and know better
[soon] that is true

Experts describe the tax system for "blocking" and assert: government is looking for easy-to-revenue
BAGHDAD / Acer Jabbar
Specialists said that the Iraqi tax system "deformed and disabled" despite attempts "timid" to fix it, Adin, that economic reform "will not be" without reforming the tax system, and that this is a "real challenge" for the government, while the Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister, that the lack of accurate statistics forced the government to seek the imposition of "easy collection and management" taxes, the General Authority for taxes and has made clear it our revenues amounted to one billion and 350 million dollars in 2014 and will increase more this year, the parliamentary finance committee, and called for increasing the tax awareness in the community.
The parliamentary finance committee and promised that Iraq lacks a culture of tax awareness stressing the need for the General Authority for taxes concentrically activity for publishing and strengthened as it requires it modified its law.
The decision of the Committee, Ahmed Hama Rasheed, in an interview for the (long-Presse), said that "Iraq lacks a culture of awareness tax as a result of the lack of industrial activities and trade and investment large, "returned to" Parliament has failed repeatedly in the legislation of laws that support the collection of taxes is wasted on the country's considerable financial resources that can help their budgets that rely almost almost entirely on oil.

"He said Rashid, that" a lot of investment and industrial and commercial companies operating in Iraq evade paying taxes, but they come out of their capital out of Iraq so as not to pay, "Msttrda that" the absence of tax awareness among citizens and merchants requires the General Authority for taxes to intensify its activities for publishing and strengthened as it requires it modified its law .

"In turn, said a member of the Association of Accountants, Mohsen Chuird, in an interview for the (long-Presse)," The tax system in Iraq put an internal economy was controlled by a central considering that the country is rich in oil, "noting that" the tax legislation did not receive the attention necessary by society and the state alike.

To Read Full Article:  LINK

 [tlm724] Acer Jabbar Specialists said that the Iraqi tax system "deformed and disabled" despite attempts "timid" to fix it
[tlm724] cool name  lol 
[tlm724] that economic reform "will not be" without reforming the tax system, and that this is a "real challenge" for the government
[tlm724] challenge yes but possible and probable and MUCH needed !
[tlm724] the Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister, that the lack of accurate statistics forced the government to seek the imposition of "easy collection and management" taxes, the General Authority for taxes and has made clear it our revenues amounted to one billion and 350 million dollars in 2014 and will increase more this year,
[tlm724] will increase more this year
[tlm724] yep and could be through the roof when they actually impose tariffs on ALL goods
[tlm724] finance committee and promised that Iraq lacks a culture of tax awareness stressing the need for the General Authority for taxes concentrically activity for publishing and strengthened as it requires it modified its law.
[tlm724] "Iraq lacks a culture of awareness tax as a result of the lack of industrial activities and trade and investment large,
[tlm724] thats right the people don't know about taxes, there advantages and there disadvantages, all they know is that the government wants to take what lil money they have
[tlm724] "He said Rashid, that" a lot of investment and industrial and commercial companies operating in Iraq evade paying taxes, but they come out of their capital out of Iraq so as not to pay, "Msttrda that" the absence of tax awareness among citizens and merchants requires the General Authority for taxes to intensify its activities for publishing and strengthened as it requires it modified its law .
[tlm724] a lot of investment and industrial and commercial companies operating in Iraq evade paying taxes, but they come out of their capital out of Iraq so as not to pay,
[tlm724] these companies are evading taxes and the profits they make go outside of Iraq instead of staying in the country to increase liquidity via bank deposits etc...
[tlm724] we should see more action from Parliament on the laws that support the tax system. The economic basket of laws

Specialists: government knows smuggling dollar .. The task of the central bank "control" and not sell the currency
BAGHDAD / long-Presse
Counting the economic expert on behalf of Antoine, on Monday, that the Iraqi imports "exaggerated" and must be rationed to maintain hard currency, and between the central bank his main task the elimination of inflation and control over the banks and not sell the dollar,
he stressed that "whales corruption" took advantage of the huge differences between sell the dollar in the bank and Maaba price in the market to achieve the outrageous profits, calling on the authorities concerned to intervene to control the situation.
The economist said on behalf of Antoine in the program (people and government) which broadcasts satellite channel run, during allocated to discuss the corruption that has received term of the late Ahmad Chalabi file, said the episode "a big part of our lives dependent on imports and, although it's real, but exaggerated."
He added Antoine "The role of the Central Bank is to eliminate the inflation and not sell the currency, and that his mission also controls on banks and commercial banks, and duty of the president overseeing the monetary policy," noting that he "was not supposed to exceed the difference between the central bank rate and the market price of 2%, but We found that the price exceeded Al3- -40 yarns ".

He said economic expert that" the whales take these amounts and return to sell the main beneficiary of this issue, "noting that" The problem also is that most banks do not separation between management and capital, as departments began Baltsep and the diversion of the dollar in an irregular manner.

"and between Antoine" The Central Bank made ​​a decision to meet the demand for the dollar and select parliament the amount of $ 75 million for the sale of a day, and here the dollar began to fall, "and wondered, saying:" To what extent we can pumping the dollar to meet the demand for it so as not to increase its price.

"He stressed the economic expert on the need that" the regulators playing its role in this regard, and in return you must increase the inner workings of the Iraqi and employment in this area.

"He was specializing in the banking sector attributed in (the ninth of April 2015) rising dollar against the dinar, to the Central Bank of special procedures to deduct customs duties and taxes in advance, and called for a "freeze" the resolution, while the expected continued decline in the value of the Iraqi dinar, stressed the need for the abolition of Article 50 of the budget for determining the dollar sales.

also complained Iraqi citizens, in (the 27th of March 2015), from the rising prices of materials and goods in the Iraqi market, while calling for the government to support and follow-up and determine the prices of goods in the market, confirmed that the instability of the dollar was behind the confusion of the Iraqi market.

The dollar price up selling price in the domestic market from about 1120 early the current 2015 to around 1133 now.

 [tlm724] government knows smuggling dollar .. The task of the central bank "control" and not sell the currency
[tlm724] Antoine has been very vocal 
[tlm724] that the Iraqi imports "exaggerated" and must be rationed to maintain hard currency
[tlm724] so spend less on imports and keep the money in country
[tlm724] that can be achieved by tariffs and product protection laws
[tlm724] the central bank his main task the elimination of inflation and control over the banks and not sell the dollar,
[tlm724] not sell the dollar, sounds good to me   
[tlm724] that "whales corruption" took advantage of the huge differences between sell the dollar in the bank and Maaba price in the market to achieve the outrageous profits,
[cat] yep
[tlm724] ya go that right !
[tlm724] was not supposed to exceed the difference between the central bank rate and the market price of 2%, but We found that the price exceeded Al3- -40 yarns
[tlm724] to the Central Bank of special procedures to deduct customs duties and taxes in advance, and called for a "freeze" the resolution,
[tlm724] while calling for the government to support and follow-up and determine the prices of goods in the market, confirmed that the instability of the dollar was behind the confusion of the Iraqi market.
[tlm724] Antoine is really pushing for the elimination of the dollar sales. Go team Antoine !!!!
[cat] yes amen
[tlm724] *hallelujah*

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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