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Saturday, November 7, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments​ 11-7-15

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments​

Kurdistan is likely broken the laws included in the agenda of Parliament for legislation
Since 07/11/2015 13:51 pm (Baghdad time)  Special - scales News
MP from the Kurdistan Alliance confirmed Dry longings, Saturday, that disrupt the vote on important laws is not in the interest of the country to the fact that we need most important laws legislation.
She's Dry / scales News /, said that "the withdrawal of the government of the laws of the House of Representatives is the main reason to disrupt the vote."
"The laws that are voted on are agreed that laws and may not vote on it contains many differences."
She said "the House of Representatives stressed the need to include broken laws on the agenda of the next plenary agenda for a vote during the sessions, including a general amnesty and the law of the martyrs and the oil and gas and infrastructure that affect citizens directly."
She pointed out that "the future meetings will vote on some important laws."
He accused the parliamentary legal committee member Salim Chawki, the government overwhelm the work of Parliament and committees withdrawn because many of the bills after the completion of the first reading and read Thanih.anthy 29 / W 23   LINK
 [tlm724] that disrupt the vote on important laws is not in the interest of the country to the fact that we need most important laws legislation
[tlm724] stressed the need to include broken laws on the agenda of the next plenary agenda for a vote during the sessions, including a general amnesty and the law of the martyrs and the oil and gas and infrastructure that affect citizens directly."   [tlm724] the oil and gas and infrastructure
Law reveals L / scales News / reasons to visit Abadi al-Jubouri sudden Najaf Najaf
Since 07.11.2015 at 11:43 (GMT Baghdad)   Special - scales News
MP for the coalition of state law, Jassim Mohammed Jaafar, Saturday, about the reasons for the visit of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and Parliament Speaker Salim al-Najaf, ruling that the reference may be corrupted files received from the National Congress leader Ahmad Chalabi.
Jafar said L / scales News /, that "there is not a program of work to visit the main cabinet and the House of Representatives Haider Abadi and Saleem al
 He added that "the reasons for the visit is on the religious authority calls in her engagement yesterday on the real and realistic reforms and discussed as well as the recent changes that have occurred in the province of Najaf from the dismissal of the governor and other floods suffered by the ethnic city as well as visit religious references bones."
He ruled Jaafar, that "may be a reference received large file corruption of Finance Committee Chairman Ahmad Chalabi before his death, or is a party," pointing out that "the rumors about it is logical and there are concerned about corruption views."
"This has all of the Abadi al
"And raised the subject of the religious authority received a large corruption by Chalabi file the day before his death," .anthy / 29/4 e    LINK

[tlm724] about the reasons for the visit of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and Parliament Speaker Salim al-Najaf
[therealbubbie] the day before his death, ba buy !
[tlm724] that the reference may be corrupted files received from the National Congress leader Ahmad Chalabi.
[tlm724] the reasons for the visit is on the religious authority calls in her engagement yesterday on the real and realistic reforms
[tlm724] he did put out the call   
[tlm724] that "may be a reference received large file corruption of Finance Committee Chairman Ahmad Chalabi before his death, or is a party,"
[tlm724] And raised the subject of the religious authority received a large corruption by Chalabi file the day before his death,   [tlm724] interesting !
The application of government reforms b {strategies and future plans}
7/11/2015 0:00  Was discussed at a symposium of the Society of Economic
Baghdad - the joy of pumice  --  in a move aimed at supporting government reforms recently launched, plans and ensure its implementation aspects, Iraqi Economists Association held an economic seminar dealt with the obstacles and difficulties that stand in achieving the goals that serve the interests of citizens.
And participated in the seminar which was attended by «morning» elite group of economists and businessmen, investors, academics and specialists in economic affairs, which dealt with two papers to members of the board of directors, Rphit discussions extensive and wide of the participants.
The Deputy President of the Assembly expert on behalf of Antoine in his paper about the need to bring the elite economic and competencies which has a deep vision of the crises the economy and her experiences in the formulation of plans and strategies implemented and have contributed to addressing crises local,
Arab and problems and her international contributions to the organizations and conferences that will provide solutions and treatments to the economic crisis the country is experiencing.
and saw Antoine said government reforms touched segments of the middle class, in While it did not benefit the poor class in society, saying that corruption is still contributes to block any effort or investment activities pertaining to the productive sectors.
The Deputy President of the Assembly on the need to contribute to the government and the competent authorities in support of the productive sectors, especially agriculture and industry, which will resurrect many professions and operation of hundreds of thousands of manpower, as well as the security and political side processing down to the reforms touched and felt by the citizen.
For its part, a member of the association management expert Dr. focused. Akram al-Aqil in the research paper during the seminar on the proper application of the reforms optimization and implementation, which should ensure Bstratejah studied scientifically, especially as the Iraqi citizen suffers from several aspects of the most important service, economic, urging at the same time that paint a strategic features of the Iraqi state and the foundations built and try to re-Iraq to the ranks of economically powerful countries.
Agreed Al Aqil with Antoine in the comprehensive economic reform is to address the crisis in terms of the best investment for the oil sector and its derivatives and petrochemicals industry, as well as immediate support for agriculture and local industry, and the revitalization of religious tourism.
She said a member of the Board of Directors that each sector productive linked to activating the other, lead to treat many of the most important crises in the country, crises in housing and unemployment that hit the Iraqi society, especially that Iraq is a country rich in resources, but it needs to be a safe environment and seek to resolve the political and security problems being affected negatively in the Iraqi economy.
 And it pointed to the need to pause to review the economic reforms recently announced by the Government, through the implementation of a proper manner that achieves the stated goals who wants everyone access to it, as well as studied extensively committees specialized scientific competencies and economic participation of the public and private sectors, recommending to stay away from everything
 It affects the income of the Iraqi citizen. And he saw that the imposition of some types of tax revenues and to try to bring the expense of the citizen may generate implications for Atsb interest in reforms, but it is necessary to activate the legislation and laws and decisions commensurate economic and global developments and modernity.
 [tlm724] he saw that the imposition of some types of tax revenues and to try to bring the expense of the citizen may generate implications for Atsb interest in reforms, but it is necessary to activate the legislation and laws and decisions commensurate economic and global developments and modernity.
[tlm724] always boils down to the laws ! 
Parliamentary Finance: The government does not control the dollar remittances
BAGHDAD / long-Presse  --  The parliamentary finance committee felt that the government's control over currency conversions action "is still very weak," while calling for more effective monitoring of the work of banking companies in order to preserve the national economy and prevent the financing of "terrorists".
Said Najiba Najib, in an interview to the (long-Presse), on Thursday, he said that "the Iraqi Central Bank to prevent dealing with some banking companies for violating his instructions", usually that "the Iraqi government's control over the movement of funds is very weak for not adopting corporate governance."
Najib added that "state control over currency conversions procedures, whether internal or external, are still weak," noting that "Iraq if it has a strong and well-developed banking system, easily able to control such transfers."
Explained a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, that there is "internationalist decision to prevent the financing of terrorist groups in Iraq," indicating that "the presence of security and political agreements and economic between the United States and Iraq, enabled her to get a proof evidence on the existence of suspicion of funneling money to terrorist groups, especially that of globalization and technological development are opening to Washington the possibility of it."
.ozkrt Najib, that "the government suspended the salaries of staff in areas under the control of Daash, to the presence of international and American information confirming that some of them go to finance Daash," pointing out that "Transparency International confirmed the existence of money laundering crimes in Iraq, estimated at nearly took the signed list International black, not for money laundering legislation law. " LINK

 [tlm724] finance committee felt that the government's control over currency conversions action "is still very weak," while calling for more effective monitoring of the work of banking companies in order to preserve the national economy and prevent the financing of "terrorists"
[tlm724] "the Iraqi government's control over the movement of funds is very weak for not adopting corporate governance.
[tlm724] " noting that "Iraq if it has a strong and well-developed banking system, easily able to control such transfers.
[therealbubbie] Iraq is weak !!
[tlm724] yep ! its the GOI politics and BS that made it weak, they have the resources out the butt to make it strong !
[tlm724] "the presence of security and political agreements and economic between the United States and Iraq
[tlm724] enabled her to get a proof evidence on the existence of suspicion of funneling money to terrorist groups,
[tlm724] Transparency International confirmed the existence of money laundering crimes in Iraq, estimated at nearly took the signed list International black, not for money laundering legislation law.
[tlm724] yep they sure pushed the timing on the AML but they did it 
About «» Iraqi people
7/11/2015 0:00    Abbas Abdul Razzaq pigment
does not seem to be needed to the trouble or thinking to prove that the Iraqi people is not the happy people in the world, if not the most misery and suffering, so when you go into the field of detection of the reasons that led to the «misery»
this people, nor It also needs to bother more in the comparison between the two cases, the Iraqis Aachehema all Hithiathma and Arhasathma.
Both cases were two impacts destructive to the reality of the Iraqis, the first case is to live under a state of fear and secret organization and visitors dawn and »Champions» the mass graves and the beasts of the security institutions that implanted system former totalitarian chauvinist in every inch of the land of Iraq, as well as the series of senseless wars and sieges that ate everything and everybody and wasted a lot of historic opportunities in the recovery and prosperity and progress.
The second case that Egged researcher trouble in finding a comparison between them and the first that we still live in the throes of its own merits and is that stretched for more than more than a decade in which the Iraqis did not touch the lowest index of happiness indicators or welfare
and she continued suffering of Iraqis, but otherwise was supposedly living in the oasis of democracy pluralism and well-being and the demise of the nightmare of a statement one figure who has been persecuted the Jews since February 1963 and spent their beds and transmitting their days into *** and pools of blood,
and the second case on the negative aspects (cons of incorporation last Aldavlata 2003 and cons immature government practices failure) is the best, including does not accept the comparison with the first case (dictatorship, totalitarianism )
However, the Iraqi people under people unhappy (if not miserable) and worried about the present in which terrorism, corruption, concern has spread to his future and also by international happiness standards in measuring happiness indicators among peoples
and centered mostly around the living and service aspects, political stability and civil peace and community and harmony Almkoonati and compatibility partisan, social, food security and catalysts development and level of education and health insurance, social welfare and low levels of unemployment,
as well as indicators of inflation and the decline in poverty rates to the extent possible, allow the government to control it and make a quick and diversified economic growth leads to increased income
and further enhance the living individual level and helps raising the minimum wage, as well as the environmental situation adequate standard of living and per capita gross national income and the fair distribution of wealth and employment opportunities.
The levels of corruption, especially in the wired Education and eliminate lines and charts of the rates of well-being (physical) it may lion's share of happiness rates or not and all approaches that make from satisfied with their governments citizens,
and after reviewing all of these factors and other ones that make you happy people on the one hand and satisfied with his government on the other hand finds supervisor that the Iraqi people is not happy at all,
 people are not satisfied with his government (or governments) evidenced by the breadth and continued mobility popular protester the status and rejecting his whole situation, which lasted, as we have said, for more than a decade and who did not reap from the Iraqis but the double disappointment of Aldavlata foundation that awaited long
and the failure of immature government practices which Talpst most egregious Photos financial, administrative and political corruption and waste rated public money failed , and the levels of real unemployment and underemployment among young people and graduates of them in particular,
and poverty that suffer under a plan allowable internationally millions of Iraqis, not to mention the decline, which has become chronic in the levels of services and worn out infrastructure to her, especially electricity, which has become a dossier elude the frequency of successive governments.
The Iraqi people who disillusioned with all governments that rolled after the change Alnisani is not satisfied with her ​​at all, and the longer the demonstrations calling for reform that roamed Iraqi cities, including Baghdad, barometer honest to measure the amount of suffering and dissatisfaction experienced by this people, and not surprising that lined the Supreme religious authority in Najaf with this mobility
and give it continuity and legitimacy as well as it gave the government d. Abadi more than a mandate and a green light to root out corruption and corrupt and stop the bleeding, chronic wastage of public money, and no secret Prime Minister in response to each of these demands and mandates and lines of vegetables.
The continuation of mobility popular demands for reform radical and comprehensive reflects the real misery and the lack of well-being and security felt by Iraqi citizens in country floats on a sea of wealth that made ​​the regional countries are of importance Japolowcakih less than the importance of Iraq,
happy and luxurious, safe and happy states at the same time and the right of the Iraqi people to wonder and ask their politicians, why we are not happy and is safe and we have all the potential and qualifications that make us from HE more people in the world, if not the Middle East?
 [tlm724] the Iraqi people is not the happy people in the world, if not the most misery and suffering,
[tlm724] this is a good read but check out this last paragraph
[tlm724] popular demands for reform radical and comprehensive reflects the real misery and the lack of well-being and security felt by Iraqi citizens in country floats on a sea of wealth that made ​​the regional countries are of importance Japolowcakih less than the importance of Iraq 
[tlm724] in country floats on a sea of wealth 
[tlm724] they know !!!

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