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Sunday, November 1, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  11-1-15

Urgent Abadi: we seek to remove obstacles to the private sector and its partnership with the public
History of edits:: 2015/11/1 11:57                                                        
{Baghdad: Euphrates News} The prime minister Haider al-Abadi seeking to remove obstacles to the private sector and its partnership with the public noting that "the government has committed itself to the Platform of the private sector and partnership between the private and public and pay in this direction to remove all obstacles and red tape that hinders ..itba economic activity
 [tlm724] the Prime Minister says to remove all obstacles and red tape that hinders economic activity !*hallelujah*

Parliament calls for the economy to find investment opportunities in Iraq and take advantage of the soft loans

History of edits:: 2015/11/1 12:15                                                       
{Baghdad: Euphrates News} Chairman of the Committee of Economy and Investment parliamentary Yahya Ithawi called on all companies and Iraqi investors to find investment opportunities in Iraq and take advantage of soft loans, stressing the pursuit of parliament to the legislation of all the laws that protect and facilitate the Iraqi and foreign investor work.
He said Ithawi in his speech during the opening of the session 42 to the Baghdad International Fair was attended by the correspondent of the agency {Euphrates News} today, "I extend my thanks to Parliament severe for his commitment to the laws concerned with the economy,
 including the Second Amendment of the investment and other laws pertaining to agricultural sectors and industrial law legislation, noting that" legislation These laws will enable us with the fight against corruption from the advancement of the economy.

"He stressed that" Parliament is keen to invest to protect Iraqis and foreign investors, and simplify the procedures for obtaining the investment license, as well as provide facilities and loan law.
"He said the" investment projects contribute to finding jobs for the community and we call on all those present and investors The Arab Alajnah companies to find investment opportunities and take advantage of soft loans to agricultural, residential and industrial sectors, and we call on Iraqis to invest in their own country for the benefit of the country ".anthy
[tlm724] called on all companies and Iraqi investors to find investment opportunities in Iraq and take advantage of soft loans
[tlm724] stressing the pursuit of parliament to the legislation of all the laws that protect and facilitate the Iraqi and foreign investor work *wolfwhistle*
[tlm724] I extend my thanks to Parliament severe for his commitment to the laws concerned with the economy, including the Second Amendment of the investment and other laws pertaining to agricultural sectors and industrial law legislation, noting that" legislation These laws will enable us with the fight against corruption from the advancement of the economy.
[tlm724] they are on a role and parliament has extended their session another 30 days
An increase Albjara reveal the reasons for the deterioration of the economy: neglect laws and lack of experience
Economy and Tenders   Since 01/11/2015 14:15 (Baghdad time)  -moizin News special
It revealed a member of the parliamentary Economic Committee Nora Albjara, Sunday, that the political differences and the quota system is that stand to vote on important laws, indicating that the executive branch does not hold sufficient experience for the preparation of laws and hold negligent.
It's Albjara / scales News / The "Hey main reason the state in economic deficit because of the delay in the vote on the economic mission, including consumer protection and product protection laws and other laws."

She added that "the executive branch does not hold experts and specialists and it is not working on the application of important laws," pointing out that "the government on the implementation of laws and in the case of delay will cause many crises the country politically and economically."
The Prime Minister said Haider al-Abadi, on Sunday, on a quest to increase internal national income, as called for political blocs to unite and overcome differences.
Ebadi said in a speech during the opening of the Baghdad International Fair edition 42 and attended by the correspondent / scales News / he "has to be close cooperation between the countries and peace
[tlm724] the reasons for the deterioration of the economy: neglect laws and lack of experience
[tlm724] the political differences and the quota system is that stand to vote on important laws, indicating that the executive branch does not hold sufficient experience for the preparation of laws and hold negligent.
[tlm724] yep that ^^^ has come back to bite them in the azz big time !
[cstacy] yes
[tlm724] "the government on the implementation of laws and in the case of delay will cause many crises the country politically and economically.
[tlm724] no more delays ! *slap*
[tlm724] The Prime Minister said Haider al-Abadi, on Sunday, on a quest to increase internal national income
[tlm724] internal national income
[tlm724] I take that as a call to increase the income of the nation including the people and of course to increase state revenue!
[cstacy] like that for sure
[tlm724] sounds good to me
Abadi want to switch to an open economy and an end to the last depositions Today at 6:30 am
Bondlady:   Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi
Abadi want to switch to an open economy and an end to the last depositions
Author: AR, BS, MJ   Editor: AR, BS 2015/11/01 11:47    Long-Presse / Baghdad
The head of the Council of Ministers Haider al-Abadi, on Sunday, seeking the Iraqi government to shift the open economy and an end to the last depositions about the dependence on oil as a resource economist and a single,
and pointed out that Iraq throughout 40 years of oil was adopted as a resource and a single, stressed that investment and support the Iraqi industry represent a step mission to create jobs and improve the situation of the Iraqi economy.
Haidar al-Abadi, in a speech during the opening of the 42nd session of the Baghdad International Fair and attended the (long-Presse) that "the government has committed itself to the Platform government is clear:
to encourage the private sector and the partnership between the public and private sectors, and this is one of the foundations of our government program," stressing that "the government is working to remove obstacles and bureaucracy and red tape that hindered investment and economic activity and transformation of the economy open. "
Abadi said that "the government is working to remove obstacles that were deposited over the past years, where he lived Iraq for long periods of wars and overheating and the destruction of the economy and waste of resources, and today with falling oil prices and the existence of financial difficulties,"
pointing out that "Iraqi politics and over 40 years has relied on One factor in the economy where almost 90 percent rely on oil and did not invest the rise in oil prices to invest in other areas of the economy and once it hit oil prices have become a major financial problem in front of us. "
He continued Abadi, that "we rely on energy in this country to rise up and resist the challenge and the Baghdad International Fair is one of the demonstrations that we can prove through which these capabilities are available in Iraq, where there must be integration between the capital and experience in Iraq and abroad, and this leads us to greater productivity and progress,
"noting that" there are common interests between people and nations as we seek to raise living standards and create jobs and promote the local economy and increase the Iraqi national income rather than relying on oil. "

And opened the Ministry of Commerce, on Sunday, (the first of November 2015), the Baghdad International Fair with the participation of 22 Arab countries and 590 companies, while confirming the Ministry of Commerce, that participation in the exhibition the size of a message that the Iraqi state extend bridges of cooperation with the rest of the world.   LINK
[tlm724] Abadi, that "we rely on energy in this country to rise up and resist the challenge and the Baghdad International Fair is one of the demonstrations that we can prove through which these capabilities are available in Iraq, where there must be integration between the capital and experience in Iraq and abroad, and this leads us to greater productivity and progress,
"noting that" there are common interests between people and nations as we seek to raise living standards and create jobs and promote the local economy and increase the Iraqi national income rather than relying on oil. "
[tlm724] Abadi want to switch to an open economy and an end to the last depositions
[tlm724] the time has come and PM Abadi is going to be the man to do it ! Free market here we come !
[tlm724] "noting that" there are common interests between people and nations as we seek to raise living standards and create jobs and promote the local economy and increase the Iraqi national income rather than relying on oil. "
[tlm724] we seek to raise living standards
Herb62:  I can dig what that guy is laying down.
Tlm724:  me too Herb !! great to see you btw

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