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Sunday, September 22, 2013

"Living Your Dreams" Emailed to Recaps Sunday Evening

Building A Dream

Every person reading this has a dream concerning what they would like to accomplish in and through their life. The dream of your heart is a driving force and constant motivating factor when kept alive.

Webster defines a dream as a series of images or thoughts, yearnings or deep desires. It is my goal that the article will spark some things that are in your heart and hopefully stir up some things in you concerning your dreams.


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It’s easy to get so busy with life that you forget you had a dream at one time that gave you energy for living. Every great thing that has ever been accomplished started with a dream so lets keep our dreams alive.

The Power of A Dream

Henry Ford once said; “The secret of a successful life is to find out what ones destiny to do and then do it”.

1. A dream gives us direction.

It acts like a compass telling us which direction we should be traveling.

2. A dream increases our potential.

Where there is no faith in the future there is no power in the present.

3. A dream helps us prioritize our life.

A person with a dream knows what they are willing to give up in order to see it become a reality.

4. A dream adds value to our work.

Even task that aren’t exciting or immediately rewarding take on added value whenwe know they contribute to the fulfillment of our dream.

5. A dream predicts our future.

Pro.29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish:

Vision = dream, mental picture

Perish = go back to the same place

A Good Attitude Is A Main Ingredient In Living Your Dream

A dream without a positive attitude produces a daydreamer.

A positive attitude without a dream produces a pleasant person that can’t make progress.

A dream together with a positive attitude produces a person with unlimited possibilities and potential.

Your attitude not intelligence, talent, education, opportunity or even hard work is the main factor in living your dream.

Your attitude determines your actions and your actions determine your accomplishment.

People with bad attitudes major on minors in life.

How to Live Your Dream:

1. Rediscover what you want in life.

2. Believe that God wants it for you and has empowered you to live it.

3. Talk it.

4. Make plans.

5. Don’t let others stop you or talk you out of it.

6. Never let circumstances stop you.

7. Be willing to sacrifice for it to happen.

8. Step out of your comfort zone.

9. Live it one day at a time.

10. Never think it is too late.


What are you Forgetting?

Often in life we forget the things we should remember and remember the things we should forget. Have you forgotten the good things you have in your life? Take a moment and remember what's right and it will help you forget that which is wrong.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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