Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Real time, For it is our time - Bluwolf Wednesday morning post

Real time - For it is our time

Good morning it is 8:34 am est September 4, 2013. Just a brief word before some genius appears and tries to say that we have to wait for the conclusion of the G-20 talks, that is not so for the Global Currency Reset has already been authorize and we now just await on the admirals and the others to get there exchange's so that we can receive our go and 800#, we are now at this stage now just hours away God willing.

The rates are super high on both currencies and you must remember that this no longer has to do with Iraq for this is a whole scale worldwide event so focus. Please take into mind that I do not know or care to know what influence or power that these admirals tend to have all I know is that we have waited for 6 long months for them to accept the terms of engagment and get on with there exchange and get the hell out of dodge so that we can get on with our purpose in this scenario our 800# and our exchange.

Some say to be silent on this subject well I say tuff for we are dinar holders ourselves and we deserve some respect from these rich folk, get on with it and get finally out of our way and just plain stop being the obstacle in our path to prosperity.

This is the real time scenario folks we are now hours away to be making history right admiral.

Be blessed


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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