Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

"Mission Possible"  By TNT's  CountryGirl

"Your mission should you choose to accept it"

Remember the famous line from Mission Impossible?

Today I’m giving you the same challenge however, from the concept of “Mission Possible”, and unlike the original

*****This message will NOT self destruct unless YOU take no actions on it.*****


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Let’s take that statement and address it to address the topic of our futures!

We are about to embark on a new or at the very least, a different journey … Many of you have some ideas of what you “think” it will look like however have you actually mapped it out, broken it down into bite sized pieces; into goals and practical steps?

What are the things that you “plan” to do in the future? Have you written them out? If not, NOW is the time to do it! “Goals in writing are dreams with deadlines.” – Brian Tracy

If you are uncertain of the exact direction due to some possible variables, at a minimum write it out with each scenario. Things that are not written down and left in the imagination are just a wish…

“Even the dullest pencil is sharper than the sharpest memory- Mark Twain

Its time to move that wish to a goal with attainable steps of action!

We may not be able to get to the end result just yet, but we most assuredly can take the first steps!


Fear of the unknown can sometimes have a paralyzing effect on you… Do NOT let it!

Use that Fear … False Evidence Appearing Real …. to cause you to Face Everything And Rise … if you do not, you might find yourself in the world of Forgetting Everything And Running!!

Be in CONTROL of WHAT you can in your life!

First and foremost… you must be in control of your own attitude and goals!

No one can do that for you, but YOU alone! You are in charge of your own mindset

Your mind and your attitude will guide the rest of your actions. Manipulate your OWN attitude to get the results you want.

In this case, manipulation is a very good thing!

Definition of Manipulate: 1: to treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner 2 a: to manage or utilize skillfully

You see, it REALLY is up to YOU to form your attitudes.

If something is going wrong in life, change your attitude first, and see how it WORKS after that!

If it is to be, its up to me ! 6 very powerful words!

Don’t be a victim of your circumstances. In any circumstance we still have options, even if in the very least manner, it is only in regard to our own attitude about that circumstance.

Ok, so now that we have assessed the future, determined we have one, and we have adjusted our attitudes….

Lets look at Goal Setting for a few moments…

WHY is goal setting so vitally important?

Well, Let's look at it this way… If you were planning to go on a trip across the country… would you just head out the door without preparing?

In a fleeting thought you might say sure, I’d like to just be spontaneous and live life on the edge…. BUT even in that you need to have goals and a plan in order to accomplish that… for example, you need to get gas in the car, maybe an oil change, wash the windows

(You DO need to see WHERE you are going) You may need to pack a suitcase… where are you going to? A warm or cold climate?

It’s not enough to just “think” about it, you must PLAN for it. And so it is with LIFE.

“With enhanced creativity, instead of problems you see potential, instead of obstacles you see opportunities, and instead of challenges you see a chance to create breakthrough solutions.” Tina Seelig

Every time you make a decision during the day, ask yourself this question, “Does it take me closer to, or further from my goal.” If the answer is “closer to,” then you’ve made the right decision. --If the answer is “further from,” well, you know what to do.

Be Blessed and always remember...if you feel no one else believes in you…

I believe in YOU, BIG time … You CAN do this ~ FRIEND!

As Always, Your friend, Country ~


“Creativity is an electrifying force that defines, shapes, and initiates new ways of being, seeing and transforming the world.” Laine Goldman

Be blessed today - USE some of your time today to take an action step ~

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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