Don't WAIT!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Update from Mort at TNT Monday Afternoon Emailed to Recaps

MORT:1:24 pm est Mon-Happy Labor Day-Surprise My Int Lawyer is Even working on Labor Day-lol... He just said that Jack Lew was in Reno on Fri and was suppose to give the banks the approval code on Fri to turn the dinar into the usa dollars..

He said so far he hasn't found out if that did happen- but he did say if he did'nt do it Christine Largde was going to, the bad guys have been taken care of, He also said that Wells Fargo had their people there on Sat -Sun- Mon and told them they would be working the night shift.

He also was called by his traders this am and told him to stay by his phone that he would be called momentarily to go to Reno, so everything is very positive if something doesn't mess it up!

Much Going on, So just pray This will be the Best & Biggest Week of our life


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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